Gone for the official time on athletics data as I gained 9 seconds. 2.59.20 as I crossed the line. Report copied from sub 3 fred on rw. Just added stats at bottom
Part 1
Just got back to wet Gloucestershire after a painless 5 hr drive. It was great to hook up with nearly all the runners at some point yesterday, but well done's go to Padams, RB, Gobi, RnM, LeeG, GR, Mystery Guest and Saddler. (Don't think I've missed anybody. NeilK doesn't post here but good run mate)
Race report time...
Firstly, I'd like to thank the absolute star of the day in Gatorade. Without a doubt I would not have done it without his help. Cheers buddy, you know how much it meant.
Apart from the 2 weeks post-treadmill illness, training had gone well, I knew I was probably in the best shape I had been at the start of a race, and had Gatorade to pace me round. Had spoken with CRAB and TR during the week and this was it. Despite trying to get a sore throat on the drive up, it went so had no excuses whatsoever. Plan was to run at 6.45's with halfway at 1.28ish. I had set the Garmin and after meeting all at the start we were off. With the downhill first 5 we had planned to put some time in the bank and after a 6.36 we settled into a nice rhythm. I made the mistake of starting the garmin on the gun and not hitting the lap button as we crossed the line so all miles were coming up well short of the markers.
5miles came and went without a hitch and we moved out to the coast. The first "sub 3" group formed at this point and we sat at the back. Gator and I were talking regularly and monitoring the pace. He said his experience of these were that once the group got too big, it tended to slow. As it did, we moved to the front and moved away normally bringing 4 or 5 of the stronger group runners with us. We did this 2-3 times up towards 10 miles. The wind was noticeable, but when in a group, I tried to shield myself right in the middle. When we were out Gator would move in front of me and shiled me as best he could. At about 7m, we both started mentioning a wee stop. we discussed it for about 3m (not constantly!) and went through 10m. I had it at 67.28 but Gator had it on the mile marker as 68.xx. We made the decision to stop halfway through mile 11 and lost about 45 seconds. After apologising to some spectators we had been dropped off the group that had formed to about 20 runners. At this point legs were fine, breathing was fine and I was fairly comfortable. We put in a bit of effort and dropped to about 6.30 pace in order to catch the group in front. As soon as we reached we tucked in and took a breather as much of the effort was into the wind. We got into the group that had Neil K's girlfriend in Claire (who was looking at sub 3) and she looked very comfortable. The timing mat just before halfway confused us, and as I had been monitoring the mile pace' s which had always been coming at 6.45-6.50, I thought we would be here on target of 1.28.
As we went through Gator said 1.29.43. I didn't for one minute think "Bugger not much time in the bank" as Gator just turned to me and said, "That's perfect, just need to do same again".
Part 2
After halfway, the group seemed to disintegrate and as we went out to the coast the wind picked up. Gator again went to the front and I was more than happy to just tuck in behind. I'd stopped the banter at this point and my legs as we reached 15 were just beginning to feel like they'd been working. As the course was out and back, I was actively looking for people coming through. We'd missed Padams and then saw Gobi. We shouted across at him and he acknowledged us. Rach was just behind, and Rach, when you read this, you looked like you were absolutely flying. We saw Neil who cheered a word of encouragement and then RB who told us to stick with it. We then lost them from sight as we turned off onto the gravel. I was wearing the lucky red ds racers and my feet were hurting (won't be running that distance again in them).
Gator was giving me targets, 18 and then wind behind. We turned back along the coast, and I was expecting to be blown along but it just felt calm. The garmin was still showing 6.45-6.50 for each mile but it was starting to get hard work. We reached 20m in bang on 2.17 so 43min 10k and we were home. I knew we were running consistently below 7mm so thought that we would be ok. 20-22 came and went and as we entered the urban area, and hit 23m I was hurting badly. I think Luton helped me as I was starting to cramp in the hamstrings and didn't try and push on. I mentioned this to Gator and he said just work with it, it's in the bag, keep going. Mile 23 and some of the runners who'd been around us started to come through and I couldn't stay with them. Gator said after in the pub that he'd thought I'd blown the energy (I'd taken my ususal 4 gels which ultimately worked again). Mile 23 was without a doubt the hardest and at this point I felt the miles were getting longer. I remember TR telling me take it one mile at a time, and Gator said the same. We hit mile 24 and began to catch thr runners coming through. Time was 2.44 at this point so I was constantly calculating what we need to do. Gator was saying to the group come on, we've done this and even on mile 25, I said to him my legs are still cramping let's not push too much until later. We had passed Lee G who was stretching out his calf and Gator called out some kind words. I was focussed on each marker at this point, and as we came up to 25m, we came across the mystery guest. We had a quick chat and continued on. The calves were screaming as were the hamstrings. My family with the banner were at 25.5 and they knew it was close as even they said, if I wasn't with them in the next couple of minutes they knew I'd dipped it.
Gator was saying it's in the bag, easy, but my legs were still hurting and much as I tried to pick it up, I couldn't. We hit 26m and onto the race course. This was the first time that I felt we had it as I knew I could sprint at the end nomatter what. Then....this lunatic came screaming past us and Gator went "Fck me that's Lee G....well done mate". Now it was a race. As we sprinted towards the end we rounded the last corner and I could see 2.59.10 on the clock and I knew we'd done it. 2 years ago when I finished, someone had finished in front of me and blocked the photo at the end. I moved to the left and just ready for one final burst when the right calf cramped up. I just about held it together and punched the air looking at the clock as it said 2.59.20.
Second half was 1.29.37 and a 6 second split. I was ecstatic and probably more relieved that I’d done it than anything else.
Part 3
I may have mentioned Gator a fair bit in the report. As a marginal sub 3 er the decisions made during the race greatly affect the outcome. We talked a fair bit during the race, when to move to the next group, when to ease off slightly, and also he took the wind when we were not running with a group. On my own I may have not made those decisions, so without his help, I would not have done it. It is as simple as that. Thanks mate.
I won’t talk about the pub after, but I actually didn’t get hammered, and was up bright and early 7am for brekkie. Apologies for the long report, it won’t be as long the next time round!
And to my mate who texted me this morning at 10ish telling me to get the f*kin smile off my face…..It’s still there J
6.36(187-off), 6.47(189-off), 6.46 (165), 6.32 (162), 6.49 (168), 6.56 (166), 6.51 (169), 6.43 (170), 6.38 (170), 10 miles 67.28
7.06 (168-wee), 6.43 (172), 6.54 (170), official hw 1.29.43 6.49 (173), 6.45 (173), 6.50 (174), 6.46 (174), 6.54 (175), 6.47 (175), 6.42 (178) 20mile 2.17.00
6.42 (180), 6.46 (180), 6.46 (181), 6.54 (182), 6.52 (183), 6.54 (184) 0.42m (6.16pace-189)