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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Sun 10th Jul 2016 at 8:00am by CtrlAlzShift

Run > Race

  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • Pacing
  • WAVA
  • Stride(cm)
  • Cals
  • Cadence
  • BPM
  • %MHR
  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Hillscore
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

We Love Manchester 10K. 41:13 - 99/2030 & 1st in age-cat.

The results look OK but this was far from my best run. I didn't stick to my steady 6:30/mile plan, running the first mile in 6:20. It's not a tough course but there are a few longish rises, and that's where I always seem to do worse. Same today. As it started going uphill I started going downhill. I started feeling the knock on the knee I'd taken just before the race too.

From about halfway round I was telling myself to just finish, never mind the time ... although I was gee-ed up the 3 times I saw Tony Hillier, out injured today but giving us all fantastic support from the side. Then not far from the entrance to the stadium where we finish, I saw my time was just over 38 mins and hope glimmered that I might still pull it back to my target sub-41. But I'd used everything up. It wasn't going to happen.

So a slightly disappointing race ... but I loved meeting up and chatting with so many people afterwards. Tony again - always so full of good advice. Meeting properly for the first time Alan Cole (who ran a brilliant 39:19 today) and John Archer (just behind me in the V65 cat). A few friends from the Salford Quays GRL, Fetch Everyone (I debuted my Fetchie team vest today) ... it's getting together with everyone that'll probably keep me coming back to this one even if it's not my favourite race.

Split Summary
1) 1m - 6:15(6:15/m) 147/158bpm 89cal 9.6/10.98mph
2) 1m - 6:30(6:30/m) 154/159bpm 100cal 9.22/10.16mph
3) 1m - 6:42(6:42/m) 155/161bpm 103cal 8.95/9.39mph
4) 1m - 6:37(6:37/m) 154/162bpm 101cal 9.06/9.56mph
5) 1m - 6:56(6:56/m) 155/166bpm 107cal 8.66/9.29mph
6) 1m - 6:46(6:46/m) 155/174bpm 104cal 8.86/9.75mph
7) 0.24m - 1:31(6:22/m) 171/195bpm 26cal 9.43/9.81mph
6:15 6:30 6:42 6:37 6:56 6:46 1:31


  • Pace
  • Elev
  • Cadence
  • Stride
  • HR
  • B/mi
Multi Graph Loading...
mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Ascent mtrs Asc.
0.25 1:29 1:29 5:56 133 83-148 789 199 120-208 3/1
0.50 3:04 1:36 6:22 148 146-150 942 196 192-200 2/2
0.75 4:40 1:36 6:23 151 149-153 963 197 194-200 4/0
1.00 6:15 1:35 6:19 153 151-158 965 199 194-202 1/1
1.25 7:48 1:33 6:13 154 152-157 957 196 184-204 0/4
1.50 9:24 1:36 6:25 153 150-155 981 193 186-202 7/2
1.75 11:07 1:43 6:51 155 153-156 1061 199 194-202 3/2
2.00 12:45 1:38 6:33 155 154-159 1015 195 186-200 2/1
2.25 14:21 1:36 6:25 155 153-158 994 196 188-200 1/4
2.50 16:02 1:41 6:44 155 153-159 1044 196 190-200 1/2
2.75 17:45 1:43 6:51 155 154-157 1061 193 188-198 3/1
3.00 19:27 1:42 6:49 155 153-161 1056 191 186-198 2/1
3.25 21:03 1:36 6:24 153 152-156 980 190 186-194 0/5
3.50 22:44 1:41 6:44 154 152-155 1038 192 188-198 1/2
3.75 24:24 1:40 6:40 154 153-156 1026 192 188-196 1/2
4.00 26:05 1:40 6:41 155 153-162 1036 189 184-194 3/1
4.25 27:43 1:39 6:35 154 154-156 1015 189 186-192 1/6
4.50 29:30 1:47 7:08 157 155-165 1120 190 186-194 7/0
4.75 31:16 1:46 7:02 156 154-160 1097 187 184-190 2/2
5.00 33:00 1:44 6:57 154 152-155 1070 187 182-190 3/0
5.25 34:42 1:42 6:47 153 151-158 1037 186 182-190 1/1
5.50 36:21 1:39 6:38 152 150-154 1008 184 176-190 0/4
5.75 38:02 1:40 6:41 153 150-156 1022 184 176-192 5/3
6.00 39:46 1:45 6:59 162 154-172 1132 183 178-186 1/2
6.23 41:14 1:28 6:22 172 162-193 1095 183 174-194 1/2

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    154 avge / 193 max Delete HR Trace
  • Climb Gradient Min/mi
    11 2.1% 7:13
  • Cadence Distribution

    191 avge / 208 max Stride Length: 127cm
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 1:28 5:54 62.07% More
    800m 3:03 6:08 71.76% More
    1km 3:50 6:10 75.49% More
    Mile 6:14 6:14 81.28% More
    5k 20:07 6:28 82.48% More
    5 miles 33:00 6:36 82.36% More
    10k 41:08 6:37 82.71% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 5:56 5:56 85.48
    5km 19:43 6:21 84.15
    5M 32:39 6:32 83.26
    10km 41:07 6:37 82.73
    10M 1:08:05 6:49 82.31
    Half 1:30:39 6:55 81.74
    20M 2:21:57 7:06 81.93
    Mara 3:09:00 7:13 82.44
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