What a great day, totally loved it, an amazing atmosphere before the race and the spectators were something else all together, couldn't have wished for more. Everything was going fine, I new from my start that if I was going to beat 3.45 I'd have to do some catching up. However, I felt good and strong and got some good miles in and was back on schedule by around mile 14. It started to go wrong between 18-19 when my left knee started to hurt and almost lock up. DNF started to come into my mind which made me more determined not to stop. Knowing my target was blown I just tried to get round best I could. Last few mile miles were hard, saw some family on the Embankment which helped. Glad to get over the line and came in under 4 hours which was a secondary target. Happy with the time as it was the best I could have done on the day!
Distance: 26.63m
Time taken: 04:10:47
Average/Max Speed : 6.37mph / 23.66mph
Average/Min Pace : 00:09:25 / 00:02:32
Average/Max heart rate: 162/175
Calories used: 3327
09:51:35 1.00m 00:09:38 6.23mph 7.98mph 136bpm 152bpm
10:01:14 1.00m 00:08:24 7.13mph 8.57mph 155bpm 165bpm
10:09:38 1.00m 00:08:12 7.32mph 9.06mph 157bpm 167bpm
10:17:50 1.00m 00:08:17 7.24mph 8.24mph 162bpm 172bpm
10:26:08 1.00m 00:08:22 7.17mph 7.92mph 167bpm 171bpm
10:34:30 1.00m 00:08:44 6.86mph 7.95mph 167bpm 171bpm
10:43:16 1.00m 00:08:55 6.72mph 8.61mph 166bpm 171bpm
10:52:11 1.00m 00:08:31 7.04mph 8.27mph 167bpm 171bpm
11:00:43 1.00m 00:08:22 7.17mph 8.28mph 170bpm 173bpm
11:09:05 1.00m 00:08:21 7.18mph 8.86mph 170bpm 173bpm
11:17:26 1.00m 00:08:21 7.18mph 8.00mph 171bpm 174bpm
11:25:47 1.00m 00:08:12 7.31mph 9.47mph 162bpm 172bpm
11:34:00 1.00m 00:08:25 7.12mph 11.21mph 167bpm 173bpm
11:42:27 1.00m 00:08:27 7.09mph 8.55mph 168bpm 172bpm
11:50:54 1.00m 00:08:21 7.17mph 10.23mph 169bpm 172bpm
11:59:17 1.00m 00:08:23 7.15mph 12.67mph 171bpm 174bpm
12:07:40 1.00m 00:08:44 6.86mph 9.19mph 171bpm 173bpm
12:16:25 1.00m 00:08:34 7.00mph 10.47mph 173bpm 175bpm
12:25:00 1.00m 00:09:16 6.47mph 19.30mph 172bpm 174bpm
12:34:16 1.00m 00:10:32 5.70mph 14.63mph 170bpm 173bpm
12:44:48 1.00m 00:09:31 6.30mph 7.82mph 169bpm 171bpm
12:54:20 1.00m 00:09:38 6.22mph 8.11mph 168bpm 171bpm
13:03:59 1.00m 00:09:51 6.09mph 7.05mph 168bpm 169bpm
13:13:51 1.00m 00:08:41 6.90mph 23.66mph 168bpm 171bpm
13:24:25 1.00m 00:09:56 6.04mph 9.23mph 169bpm 171bpm
13:32:29 1.00m 00:09:44 6.16mph 9.13mph 170bpm 172bpm
13:42:14 0.62m 00:14:09 2.63mph 11.16mph 138bpm 175bpm
14:41:17 0.00m 00:05:59 0.00mph 0.00mph 92bpm 100bpm