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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Beachy Head Marathon

  • 26.2mi
  • Asc 1120m
  • Hillscore 94
Created by Mr Harves
Saved from a training run
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ROUTE 1786021
Hill Starts At Ends At Climb (metres) Gradient %
1 0.0mi 0.6mi 85 8.6
2 0.9mi 1.3mi 31 4.7
3 2.3mi 2.5mi 11 3.2
4 2.8mi 3.4mi 30 3.0
5 4.5mi 5.1mi 77 7.8
6 6.0mi 8.0mi 123 3.9
7 9.7mi 12.1mi 188 5.0
8 16.7mi 17.5mi 49 3.7
9 17.8mi 18.0mi 27 8.3
10 18.9mi 19.2mi 29 5.8
11 19.8mi 20.6mi 78 5.9
12 20.9mi 21.1mi 19 5.9
13 21.9mi 22.1mi 37 11.1
14 23.0mi 23.9mi 32 2.4
15 24.1mi 24.4mi 40 8.2
16 24.5mi 25.7mi 84 4.3
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