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Deal Castle 5 miles

Sun November 5 2006
Listed by plodding plod
Entrants (3)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
34:50 34:50 34:50 60.48
heres johnny agree with garp on this was going great guns untill gravel hanging on at the end thanks to the young lady from hastings for the pb
36:13 39:52 39:52 55.96
plodding plod Nice sunny, still and cold day.  Pleasant conditions to run along Deal seafront from Deal Castle, past Walmer Castle and back.  First race for me and it was hard going but I thoroughly enjoyed it and felt like I had achieved something.  What struck me was how much more determined I was compared to normal everyday training.

I think I understand the difference now between training pace and race pace!

There were probably around 3 to 4 hundred runners.  Not sure what time the winner got but he looked bloody fast.
43:50 43:50 45:00 43:50 50.51

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