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Aberfeldy Sprint Triathlon

Listed by Debstir
Entrants (1)
Pred Swim Pred Bike Pred Run Swim T1 Bike T2 Run Total
Debstir If I manage to finish the swim I'll be happy...
And I did. All FC, too. That was amazing!! I was waiting to put in my official results but they're still not online so I may edit this later. UPDATE - have edited my times now with official results - all were quicker apart from T1 & T2! 
Swim leg. 12 noon, I'm in the first (slowest) heat. First objective - don't drown, 2nd objective - try not to be last out (not as important as '1' though). Takes me about 5 lengths to settle in, get a couple of panicky moments when I start breathing every 2nd stroke but keep FC'ing. I get tapped so stop at the end and let the other girl past, and let one of the guys past a few lengths later. By 22 lengths I'm quite comfortable and just starting to relax. After 30 lengths I'm out and down to the bike. 20:09mins (after starting my watch after 2 lengths - D'oh!)
T1 - went quite well. Was quite a long run from pool to T1 and so my split here was 2:20mins.
Bike leg. Fan-bliddy-tastic. Warm & sunny and a tailwind to start. Settled in to the bike quite quickly, kept my legs spinning for the first bit. Took plenty of water & energy drink. Passed two guys on the way back in (with a headwind). 49:33mins.
T2 -  Got bike racked quick, off with helmet, on with cap and trainers and offski. 59secs.
Run leg. OMG! Started off on a hill from Hell. Legs were surprisingly ok but my lungs felt like they were going to explode. Stopped at one point, didn't walk - just stopped. Then thought 'what are you doing?' so sorted the tongues on my trainers (which were fine thank you) then off I set again. Breathing calmed down once the hill had, and soon I was halfway - and going downhill! There were a lot from my heat still heading up the hill so I couldn't have been as last as I thought out the pool after all. Got a bit confused at a turn in the road, took the correct one thankfully and within minutes I was over the finish line. My first (of hopefully many) triathlon completed. And what a buzz it was :-D  27:31 mins.
2:00:00 0 2:00:00 0 0 0 0 1:40:32 1:40:32

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