Sep 2020
4:46am, 20 Sep 2020
2 posts
I apologize for not responding to your questions/responses sooner. I work in health care and take care of Covid 19 patients on a daily basis so I have been busy. I work a lot of hours. I often run in the middle of the night and get maybe 2 hours sleep before working a 13 hour day. Then I crash when I get a day off. I do not know how to reply to each person. Can someone tell me how to do this?
Someone asked my size: 66 inches, 200 pounds. I use to power lift when I was younger. I would like to drop some weight, but getting health is my primary goal in running.
Someone mentioned DOMS. All I can say is WTH? In college we were taught latic acid caused muscles to be sore, now we find it is not the cause. Well my prof also told me 50% of what I was learning was wrong.
Have I asked my doctor? No. I have to pay to see him. I have already ran 6 miles (to answer my wife's question: Yes, all at one time, I didn't stop and rest. It was 6 continuous miles. If 6 miles didn't kill me I am guessing I don't need to see my MD. Also, he doesn't run.
I would appreciate some advice on rest days. If I do a long run it is hard to run the next night. I really prefer to walk but hope see some changes to my labs on my next medical appoint. Now my goal is six miles a night, run 3 or 4 walk the rest.
Someone suggested a HR monitor watch. Can you suggest on? Or better yet a watch that call out a pace? When I did 4 miles recently I found my worse time per mile only off from my best by 15 seconds. Seemed odd to me. But should I run further or faster? I set a pace where I can still breath and run, usually about 11 min per mile.
I feel guilty if I do not run nightly and have to make myself take a rest day. Also, would love to hear from some diabetic runners if possible.
Last time I wrote we were at 82F...29C. Tonight looks like 62F...16C. And in the winter we range from 42F to 62F but may be 20 degrees above or below that. We get cold here (IMHO) but just don't stay cold. I could use a suggestion on some kind of rainshell, pref something made of a gortex like material. Looking at some Frogg Togg items now. Needs to be windproof. I can run/walk in the wet, the cold and the wind, but not in the cold wind or cold wet wind. I have a wide range of tolerances but the cold winds is too much for me.
Thank you all for your positive comments. I'm going with Aug 1st at my start date for running. I think I will try to start a blog. Now that I can run AND breath, I do feel most anything is possible.