Jul 2015
11:30am, 7 Jul 2015
210 posts
Right shin has been sore on and off for a while now, and doesn't seem to be going away. All runnable at the moment, but there is a localised spot on my shin which is particularly sore when pressed firmly and seems to have something of a bump on the bony parts at that point.
Decided that advice is needed - but would you go first to a GP, or a physio (or perhaps even minor injuries at a hospital for quick access to an x-ray) for the most rapid diagnosis?
Help gratefully received!!
Jul 2015
12:17pm, 7 Jul 2015
6,305 posts
That sounds like it might be a strain rather than a fracture - I had something similar a couple of years ago. If you are managing to run on it and it's not constantly sore it does not sound like you need the hospital. A physio is going to be able to identify why you have this and they will be able to recommend some rehabilitation. I'm not sure that a brief doctor appointment will achieve the same.
Jul 2015
12:26pm, 7 Jul 2015
76 posts
A stress fracture won't show up in an x-ray until at least a week afterwards. I had the same problem last year. Localized pain in my fibula, kept running on it for three months until it finally snapped. I would say avoid running for at least two weeks until the pain is completely gone.
Jul 2015
12:36pm, 7 Jul 2015
211 posts
I'm 100% behind the no running mantra - in any event I was planning on a few weeks block of cycling only to take advantage of lighter nights and better (!) weather - as I want to avoid a snap at all costs!
It's the penny pincher in me - free (tax paid for) GP appointment, or free minor injuries waiting room, or paid for physio! Didn't want to waste £35 on a physio session for her to tell me I should refer to GP or hospital!
Jul 2015
12:37pm, 7 Jul 2015
212 posts
becca - what was strained? As far as I can tell there is only bone there, but I know so little about anatomy!!
Jul 2015
12:39pm, 7 Jul 2015
2,335 posts
larkim after wasting £££s on several physio appointments last summer, I'd recommend heading straight to minor injuries.
Jul 2015
12:55pm, 7 Jul 2015
213 posts
FreshStart - sentiments I can anticipate agreeing with!! My local physio has always been good value for me to be honest, but with my fearful self-diagnosis I'm feeling in limbo!
Jul 2015
1:33pm, 7 Jul 2015
6,307 posts
It was a sore spot on the shin bone, like you have. A type that gets referred to as shin splints. The physio identified tight calves and gave me some stretches. I didn't run for three weeks but could cross train and it was fine at the end of that.
Jul 2015
1:53pm, 7 Jul 2015
214 posts
Brill, does sound very similar - thanks becca! At least I can stop telling myself it *must* be a stress fracture!!