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Ian Williams aka Fetch

Concept II Rowing Challenges

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A place to store achievements

This article is owned by FurryFeet

Several monthly challenges for people to work on - the aim is to improve on last month's achievement rather than chase others (but hey we all know what we are going to do).

Active threads

Rowing thread: Link (roll over me to see where I go)
15 Miinute Rowing Challenge: Link (roll over me to see where I go)

15min Challenge (dec) (nominal damper setting 5)

PPB 3039metres (13/12)

15 Min Challenge (Sep)

Basically how far can you go in 15 minutes (nominal damper setting 5)
RichHL - 3425 24/9

15 Min Challenge (Aug)

Basically how far can you go in 15 minutes (nominal damper setting 5)
Furry Feet - 3978 (4/8)

15 Min Challenge (July)

Basically how far can you go in 15 minutes (nominal damper setting 5)
Smout - 2980 15th July
RichHL - 3,339m 20/07/11

15 Min Challenge (June)

Basically how far can you go in 15 minutes (nominal damper setting 5)
4077m - flip (25/6)
3954m - Will Crash setting 5
3512m - John66 - (17/6) +101m
3487m - cg1967 (16/6)
3292m- Bluebell31 (21/6)
2621 - Girlie- setting 5 (1/6)

15 Min Challenge (May)

Basically how far can you go in 15 minutes (nominal damper setting 5)
4115m - bowside pk (10/5)
4077m - flip (10/5) +86m
4044m - Running Fish (1/5)
3960m - loki (12/5) +126m
3954m- Will Crash (9/5)
3952m - Bamber (5/5)
3948m - FurryFeet (5/5)
3795m - Caterpillar (10/6)
3768m - p^2 (16/5)
3737m - Lammo (5/5)
3733m - RFJ (22/4)
3724m - magoo (23/5)
3723m - JohnnyO (27/4)
3688m - SoaPM (4/5)
3631m - mickeygooner (30/4)
3598m - BCRB (5/5)
3504m - Superwoman (20/4)
3437m - Karen S (7/5)
3414m - sallykate (5/5)
3383m - cg1967 (16/5) +32m
3360m - LouLou (22/4)
3351m - icemaiden (24/5) +7m - in Copenhagen, where else?
3350m - HappyG (12/5) + 50m
3306m - Johnny Blaze (13/5)
3235m - bree (20/4)
3229m - auburnette (14/5) + 27m
3178m - Smout (11/5) + 155m
3124m - plodding hippo (30/5) + 36m
2958m - pestomum (12/5)
2572m - girlie (4/5)

2km Challenge

How fast can you do 2km
7:57.9 - lammo (23/6)
8:22.9 - Karen S (9/3)
8:46.8 - Icemaiden (19/4)

5km Challenge

How fast can you do 5km
19:30 - Furry Feet (25/7)
21:42 - Lammo (29/3)
22:03 - Karen S (2/1)
22:26 - sallykate (1/2)
23:31 - bree (20/4)

10km Challenge

How fast can you do 10km
39:37 - Furry Feet (2/8)
45:59 - Karen S (21/1)
47:30 - sallykate (23/2)
49:50 - bree (20/5)

1 hour Challenge

How far can you go in 1 hour?
12.1km - HappyG (22/2) level 7

Recent Updates User Comments
Dec 2011 Princess Purple Bubbles
Sep 2011 RichHL Added September entry
Aug 2011 FurryFeet Added latest 15min distance
Aug 2011 FurryFeet Article created

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