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Ian Williams aka Fetch

Core training- with and without weights

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a few suggestions, from a complete amateur, for exercises for a stronger core. A real PT will be along shortly to edit, with luck...

This article is owned by Simontr

plank- try 30 secs and build up
side-plank-try 30 secs and build up
triceps dips-12
twisting crunches-12
shoulder bridge/pelvic raise-12
reverse crunch-12-Link (roll over me to see where I go)
superman/dorsal raise- 30 secs -Link (roll over me to see where I go)
the plan is to work up to doing this 3 times for each exercise.
Right, exercises with dumbells. More of a mix, but back and abs feature a lot. Some dodgy videos, but the techniques are the main thing
chest press - (doing this one on the floor, rather than bench, is OK if you don't have a bench) Link (roll over me to see where I go)
side bends -Link (roll over me to see where I go)
bicep curl -( stand against a wall and keep your back flat against the wall while doing it)
shrugs -Link (roll over me to see where I go)
chest fly (doing this one on the floor, rather than bench, is OK)-Link (roll over me to see where I go)
one arm row -Link (roll over me to see where I go)
abs twist but with a dumbell, as that's what's available- Link (roll over me to see where I go)
shoulder press
if you are going with 3 sets, the weight you pick should be one that enables you to do the last rep of the last set, with correct form, but not more. Form is the key thing. If you can do all three sets with decent form easily, then the weight is too low. Different weights will apply for different exercises.
Unless you are completely new to all this, avoid all the fixed machines and focus on free weights ( dumbell and barbell), cable machines, swiss ball. Your muscles wil get a far better range of motion.
Cable Russian twist
Cable ( or medicine ball) woodchop
Cable seated row
Cable curl to shoulder press
Swiss ball back extension
Swiss ball jackknife
Swiss ball dumbell chest press
Inverted row
Pull ups (using the assisted pull up machine, to start with)
In the same way as you would with running, use the hard/easy principle. Don't exercise the same muscles on consecutive days; they need time to rest and grow stronger. These exercises are deliberately a mixture of the main upper body muscles, so that amounts to: don't do these on consecutive days.
There are vast numbers of books if you really get in to this, but a couple of ones which are recommended. The Little Strength Training Book by Erika Dillman. Basic, straightforward and sensible.
The Complete Book Of Strength Training by Anita Bean. She writes lots of stuff in the running magazines and is very good.

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Jun 2008 Simontr added note re timing
Jun 2008 Simontr added gym and books
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