Mar 2008
8:39pm, 30 Mar 2008
15,363 posts
hellen if it helps my HR goes through the roof when I am hot, don't stress it - you've done the training now, just relax until race day.
Mar 2008
8:51pm, 30 Mar 2008
164 posts
El, 3.20 would do me nicely but so would 3.30!
I have to say I cant see myself getting 3.12 at the moment although I'd love to!
Hendo, It would just be a rough guess as its thats long since I done one but I' d think i would get under 1.35 but how close to 1.30 I dont know.
Hellen, you'll have to let me know how your theory works, alhough I hope its P&D's which works for you. Like Hendo says try not to stress, you've done the hard work, better to have your rubbish runs now than in fortnights time!
Pammie, Good run btw!
Mar 2008
9:06pm, 30 Mar 2008
1,803 posts
Thank you everyone, even better the results are in and chip says i'm faster 1:56:46
Hellen i have heard that, about overdressing for your training runs helps you prepare for race day esp if the weather is warm. I know Ron Daws did that probably others too.
Mar 2008
9:11pm, 30 Mar 2008
15,366 posts
Take your worst case then Ian - 1:35 x 2 + 20 = 3:30
That's what I reckon you'll do
Mar 2008
9:13pm, 30 Mar 2008
3,688 posts
eL Bee!
Hee Hee :):)
Mar 2008
9:47pm, 30 Mar 2008
3,041 posts
I read somewhere about some top man who trianed in 5 layers in prep for a hot marathon, will not be doing that but am deliberatly going to be a bit overdressed for some of my runs just in case!!
Mar 2008
9:54pm, 30 Mar 2008
165 posts
Thanks Hendo.
I'll stick to 3.30 then and anything will be a bonus!
Mar 2008
9:16am, 31 Mar 2008
3,042 posts
that 2 x HM + 20 gives me 4.10 which is more or less what I am aiming for, although I dont think I could do my HM PB now cos I have been doing so much slow training recently
Mar 2008
9:19am, 31 Mar 2008
15,368 posts
hellen hellen hellen... have faith in your training - you'd nail your half pb *because* of your slow training! All you'd need to do is run faster from the start, you'd be surprised at what the base conditioning lets you do... I always am!
Mar 2008
9:32am, 31 Mar 2008
3,043 posts
I hope you are right mr lion!
Got really excited yesterday cos my running track has now been turned from a rugby pitch to a running track!! At the school where I work they have fields a couple of miles away as well as fields at school. In the summer there is a nice runnign track, popped in yesterday on my LSR to fill up water bottle and was really tempted to get on them and do some intervals. Will have to hold myself back til after FLM, or maybe one little session on thursday!!! Its gresat having the whole track to myself, unfortunatly they are a bit tight with keys for the pavilion so I cant get in and use the loo but at least there is a water fountain outside!