Mar 2008
1:28pm, 30 Mar 2008
264 posts
drum roll for Lums bam bam bam a bamma bam bam..... come on then......
Mar 2008
1:41pm, 30 Mar 2008
3,038 posts
another drum roll.........
Mar 2008
1:45pm, 30 Mar 2008
4,161 posts
Well. It was a lovely sunny day, not the rain nad showers that were predicted, so I had to carry round my long sleeved shirt, and gloves.
Nervous as hell with the heat going up a bit, memories of London came flooding back. The plan was to just try and set a steady pace at 8:20 to get a PB (8:27 pace) !st mile 8:10, and managed to rein myself in for mile 2 which had a big ol hill in it - 8:26. Mind was still saying this is not going to happen, but head down and plod on - I was already averaging 90% at this stage and as mile 3 went in 8:13 I had fears of blowing up horribly.
Mile 4 I suddenly felt like I had got into a rhythm and the fact that I hadmanaged to stay relatively slow gave me a bit of confidence that the plan could work. 8:08.
Mile 5 - 8:01 and I decided to push the pace up a bit just to see how it felt. It felt bad as we turned inot a headwind and with hills at 8-9 coming I wanted to hold a bit back - 8:07.
4 miles to go - push on, and I started picking people off slowly 7.56 7.56 93% HR - 2 miles to go just tweak the pace - I was well under PB time and that is such a great feeling. Knowing I could PB with 2 x 9:30 miles gave me new energy.
MIle 9 - 7.43 and I started to feel it here now and it was a struggle, kept pushing, and finally saw the 400m to go, sign.
300m to go and I put the foot down - must have taken 5-10 people in the straight and crossed with a last lap of 7:27
AND, it looks like my new max is not 182 but 188!!!
Avge for the 10m was 170 which under new max is 87%
Cannot believe it's now 188 as that makes my 85% bliddy hard to reach now - boo.
Mar 2008
1:46pm, 30 Mar 2008
265 posts
Well done Lums!
Mar 2008
2:01pm, 30 Mar 2008
15,345 posts
Lums - what was your time mate?!
Mar 2008
2:01pm, 30 Mar 2008
3,039 posts
well done lums, sounds like you did a brill run, how big was the PB? what was av pace?
Mar 2008
2:07pm, 30 Mar 2008
15,346 posts
I ran just for the sheer hell of it today, with no race target or training schedule to follow. Ended up doing a half marathon, because I could, and it was sunny and warm.
13.1 miles, av pace bang on 9mm, average HR 69%
Mar 2008
2:14pm, 30 Mar 2008
3,681 posts
eL Bee!
Nice one Hendo
Mar 2008
2:22pm, 30 Mar 2008
759 posts
Excellent Lums!
Mar 2008
2:35pm, 30 Mar 2008
4,162 posts
Garmin said 80:23, previous PB was 84:30