Fetcheveryone Member of the Month

Each winner receives a bundle of goodies from Ledlenser.co.uk (use RUN2SAVE25 for a 25% discount)

Interview with .B.

pedroscalls asks: Congratulations B on a well deserved win. My question is the one I always ask, if money and time were no object, what route or race would be the one to do?

.B. says: A heartfelt thank you everyone
for the questions that you've done,
and the congrats you've expressed,
I'm undeserving I confess.
I'll not say this every time
as my replies are in rhyme,
I hope this preamble will do
to express my thanks to you.


Where do I want to run the most?
Probably somewhere on the coast,
with amazing views to take my mind
off the pain in my behind.
Maybe over the Scottish border,
if sunny weather you can order. ;-)
Bintmcskint asks: About time, too :-) Well done, lovely lady! Y
You are stranded on a desert island. You can take one type of food, one book and one Fetchie. What and who do you take and why?

.B. says: Watership Down is the book for me,
I'd have Fiver and Hazel for company.
Perhaps cheese for the food might suit
to go with tropical veg and fruit?
This Fetchie I think would be good
at doing stuff so that we could
survive and then get home as well,
me to K and him to Shel.
iRan asks: Well done B, most deserved. So will you be doing solo Fetchpoints on the SDW again or maybe running the SDW50 one day?

.B. says: I'm not sure I'll ever go that far
unless by bus, or train or car,
but if fifty miles on foot is done,
the South Downs Way will be the one.
Then when I arrive half dead
it's not far to get to bed!
westmoors asks: Congratulations. Who (alive or dead) would you most like to meet and why?

.B. says: My Dad's the answer to this one,
I was a teen and he was gone.
I hardly knew him, nor him me,
how cool to have a chance at we.
runnerbean asks: Well done .B. Favourite non running book, film and colour and why ?

.B. says: These questions are very hard for me,
I don't have favourites you see.
My mind's a blank, a big brain-freeze,
but I love blue sky and green trees.
fleecy asks: Congrats, B :) I know you do plenty of marshalling: what's your top marshalling line?

.B. says: "Looking strong" I often say
to runners who are on their way.
I hope that "strong" stays in their mind
and helps them to the finish line.
Pinks asks: Congratulations lovely. Describe a run or walk where you can completely lose yourself in the scenery and freedom of being outside.

.B. says: I like to run on the South Downs Way,
chalk paths, green hills, a summer day,
to the South the azure blue sea,
it's like Mother Nature hugging me.
Autumnleaves asks: Hooray! Congratulations :) I follow your kettlebells training with fascination and not much comprehension - what made you take it up and what have been the main benefits?

.B. says: I started kettlebells at PT
Matt, my trainer, enthused me.
They make my tum strong and firm
as a punch to my abs can confirm.
Alice the Camel asks: Congratulations, well deserved! What's your favourite type of exercise - running, kettle belling, walking, PT session or something completely different?

.B. says: I've always walked from being wee,
it just feels like a part of me.
Every day I walk somewhere:
sunshine, podcast, fresh air.
Even when not arsed to run,
my walking miles will be done.
Diogenes asks: Congratulations .B. Your work takes you away from home quite often and you find yourself having to squeeze in runs in strange places. What is your favourite place to work-visit, and best/worst places to try and run?

.B. says: Some cities are not great to run,
Nottingham was a recent one.
Chester was one of the best,
beside a river to the West,
trotting along easy trails
I ran from England into Wales.
Ocelot Spleens asks: I too am interested in the kettlebells and even more interested in those Hungarian Ball Bags. However my question is this, is Eastbourne a hotbed of running action? I was under the impression everyone, except you, was over 100 years old.

.B. says: Eastbourne's a fast growing town
and average age is going down.
Tri and running clubs abound
but Rovers are the best I've found.
northernslowcoach asks: Congratulations lovely lady! Now fetch has helped conquer your fear of flying, where would you like to take your running shoes to?

.B. says: I still prefer to go by train
and on the ground to remain,
but I would fly again for sure
La Santa to enjoy some more.
LindsD asks: Congrats! This has made my day :)

When and why did you start running?

.B. says: Running was about getting fit
and, no doubt, lose weight a bit.
I pinned my first number on
in O six, on Bournemouth prom.
Valyrian Plastic asks: Well Done. How did you discover Fetch and what's the one reason you'd give to why others should join up?

.B. says: On Runners' World I started out
for six years, or thereabout.
I knew of Fetch and took a peek
thinking it would be a clique.
I wished I'd joined up years before,
Fetcheveryone is best for sure.
I'd say how lovely Fetchies are,
not one axe murderer so far.
Sombrero asks: Hi B. Some people don't trust vegans and others don't trust politicians, wild animals or maybe goats. What don't you trust?

.B. says: I distrust a man who wears a hat,

the sort that's big, round and flat.
I fear he might be the sort
to steal bananas just for sport. ;-)
HappyG(rrr) asks: Congratulations. What do you think is the correct balance of running and non-running training? What's your favourite non-running training? Well done again. :-) G

.B. says: I like a mix of various things:
walks, runs, kettlebell swings.

Interval sessions are what I need,
but pain I find goes with speed.
Best's a walk on a summer day,
the prom with ice-cream and with K.
XB asks: Well done, lovely lady. I can't decide between asking what your final meal would be (if you had to choose) or what is your favourite coffee/cake combo. So I'll ask both.

.B. says: My final meal, what do you know?
I hope I've got decades to go!
Now at coffee shops, I'm a pro,
they are my favourite place to go.
I'll have a skinny latte when I can
and any cayke without marzipan.
Serendippily asks: Congratulations B. What was the spur which made you brave enough to first run with a Fetchie-you'd-never-met-before?

.B. says: I think Thames Bridges might have been
the first time real Fetchies I'd seen.
It's hard to think, now this minute,
of life before Fetchies were in it.
GimmeMedals asks: Congratulations - at last you've won and well deserving too :) Explain your avatar because you don't have purple hair, one cyclops stylee eye or lips on your chin, so it's not a look-a-likee....

.B. says: On Runners' World I was B
and Leila was the virtual me.
Not sure why a one-eyed pilot
with hair the colour of a violet.
Now it's too late to amend her,
I think I'm more like her than Bender.
Captain S asks: Congratulations on your MOTM award. Do you have a lucky piece of running/training kit. If so what?

.B. says: I'm not very superstitious,
so I have no lucky knickers.
Before a race all I have to do
are ten ghost-wees in a portaloo.
Night-owl asks: Congrats .B. very well deserved. My question of all the places you've travelled is there one place you would relocate to. Or are you happy where you live now

.B. says: I've always lived by the sea
and home is where I love to be,
but if I moved any time soon
it'd be into a Fetch commune.
RichHL asks: Congratulations, .B. Can you tell me what I should do with that? *points over there somewhere*

.B. says: I feel strongly about things like that,
and as I'm a diplomat,
what I would do if I were you
is do a fartlek or two.
A fartlek always helps I find
to sort out things of *that* kind.
Carpathius asks: Hurray! Well done. B. :)
What's your absolute favourite rave and why?

.B. says: I never went out and raved
in the nineties, I behaved. ;-)
If it's a running race you mean
then my fave's the Bewl fifteen.
Mandymoo asks: You have just finished a long run, whats the first thing you would do or eat?

.B. says: A banana smoothie's a tasty treat,
I prefer a drink to food to eat.
Then a bath, maybe a stretch,
and an afternoon here on Fetch.
RRR-CAZ 🇬🇧 asks: Excellent .B. White or red wine ?

.B. says: Of the two I'd choose the red
as white gives me a bad head.
My favourite though is chilled rosé
en France avec dejeuner.
sallykate asks: Congratulations .B.! If you could only ever run one race again what would it be, and why?

.B. says: It starts and ends in my home town
with lots of up and lots of down,
and Fetchies come from far and wide
to share our lovely countryside.
My final fling would have to be
the race we know as Beach-y.
McGoohan asks: Well done .B. - it was a long time coming. You're a big fan of the South Downs and you've done quite a bit of the SDW - and NDW. But if you had to devise a new route, where would it go?
Answer preferably in rhyming couplets, thanks. :-)

.B. says: Asking me to devise a route
is a risky thing me old fruit.
I'm best with signs that point the way,
and yet I lost the Thames one day.
Best you do the route ultra-walker,
I'll follow behind, a Fetchie stalker.
halfpint asks: Well done .B. most well deserved. If you could only read/post on one fetch thread for the rest of eternity which one would it be?

.B. says: An easy question for my brain
it will ever be mundane.
I can always find mundane things to say
and my friends, it seems, are the same way.
BaronessBL asks: Congratulations! This is becoming a bit of a regular MotM question for me but who has inspired you - particularly in running/sport but also generally in life or work too if you wish to say?

.B. says: Lots of Fetchies inspire me:
Sharkie, Bint, A.L., L.D.
That's not an exhaustive list,
so many names I have missed.
A man who inspires as I get old
is Ed Whitlock - pure gold.

[shortly after writing this I saw the sad news that Ed Whitlock had passed away - RIP one of life's gentlemen]
Corrah asks: Many congratulations .B. :) Well deserved. I'm going to be boring and ask my usual question. What's your favourite post exercise/race food and tipple?

.B. says: Before a race it's fish and chips,
and sod the extra on the hips.
After a milkshake's a treat
plus a freebie Mars to eat.
FunkyPOM asks: Well done.B. It's been a week now and the question keeps coming to me. How do you prepare mentally for a track marathon?

.B. says: Lots of laps sounds like fun
counting from a ton to one.
But all those loops, maybe my friend,
might just send me round the bend.
Nadders (aka monsenb1) asks: Congratulations, well deserved MOTM! In your quest to achieve the position of #1 most addicted fetchie, how many times have you won Fetch Trumps? :)

.B. says: I used to play trumps quite a bit,
but recently have forgotten it.
The forum and blogs are more fun
though probably I should go and run.
Sharkie asks: What are your real feelings about prog rock? And usual meet up on this month? Xxxxxxxx

.B. says: Progressive rock, what can I say?
It's music that is loved by K.
I go to gigs as company
or Billy no mates he would be.
Who else but a loving spouse
would endure Ulrich Schnauss?

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