Heart rate

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May 2008
8:04pm, 14 May 2008
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LOL! You know what I did actually consider it!! Then I remembered I'd be in civvy street, not the strange land of the running folk.
May 2008
9:20pm, 14 May 2008
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5k, 8:45mm @ 68%. Did 6 x 800m loop getting progressively fasterfrom 9:48 down to 7:50mm.
May 2008
9:25am, 15 May 2008
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still waiting to see 85% Joops!!!!!
May 2008
9:32am, 15 May 2008
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looking at these times Joops ithink at 85% you will be nudging selection for Beijing!
May 2008
10:14am, 15 May 2008
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do you think he has his max/resting HR wrong!!!!
May 2008
10:19am, 15 May 2008
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NO Hellen, I saw him when he set his Max HR!! He is however a running machine at present, and is losing weight like Gordon Brown's losing followers.
May 2008
10:31am, 15 May 2008
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He's not going to stick to 9.30s at Edinburgh then is he!??? Better practice 9.30s on my own jsut in case, I can go faster, I can go slower but running dead on 9.30 is not something I am used to!!
May 2008
10:21pm, 15 May 2008
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Did my final run today before Sunday's Marathon, wasnt too bad. I was more pleased to get it done without any injuries more than anything else, not that I was expecting one.

Starting to get a bit excited and nervous knowing how close it is!
May 2008
11:51pm, 15 May 2008
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GOod on you Ian.

I let you all down tonight with a shambles of a Grey area run. I think like Joopsy my pace at certainHR;s has dropped suddenly. A few weeks ago it was relatively easy to get to 85% and maintin it, now I am really struggling.

Planned to do 1m warm up, then 1m at 8:00 pace then 2m at 7:30 or faster which should have been 85% then 8:00 then warm down.

Warmd up, and went flying again, 7:12, and continued for another 0.35m before walking a bit and finishing the mile in 8:52 warm up - 8:23, 8:25, then another fast one 7:18, 8:57. I was all over the place though, with 5s walks here and there, I've lost a bit of speed stamina recently, probably diet, not been so good on that front recently with the stress at work. Overall it was a good session for 8:12 pace and 74% but technically it was a nightmare.

I think I need to focus a bit more on pacing again. A take my own advice and run to the plan.I seem to be killing myself with 7:00 min miles at present and I want to be donig 3 of them for my next 5k.
May 2008
9:35am, 16 May 2008
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Yes Lums, I feel very let down by your run last night. I played footy last night, how mad is that the week before Edinburgh but I came through if a little stiff today. Hellen, think you have a point about my RHR. I was talking to my wife wilst stood in teh kitchen yesterday and looked down and saw my HR at 49!! I base it at 50 at the moment, I reckon on a proper RHR it wll be more like 46-47 now. I will test it today and it is one hing that I have not thought of with my fitness and weight levels improving.

Still on for 9:30's at Edinburgh though Helen, I really want to enjoy it, I honestly believe now that with a push I am capable f a sub 4 but two things are stopping me. One I am meeting my parents straight after the race and I want to go out and enjoy dinner with them and secondly I am staying in Scotland for the week with the kids and there is going to be a lot of walking and cycling around lochs, I want t enjoy that too!

I am still in two minds whether to enter one later this year as the thought of Lums going sub 4 without me it too much to bear, but I am definitely doing Paris next year so it would be nice to go for it then.

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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