Jun 2008
5:45pm, 9 Jun 2008
14,376 posts
Pammie, I have that too.
Thanks Paul and yes JB, what SP says basically - that's how I understand the P&D approach to GA runs anyway.
What I have noticed over the last six months is what an impact mileage has on training and resultant fitness. My miles have doubled or more but also I have been using various kinds of GA run and multi paced long runs, lots o flong runs. I have also done speed work BUT I think the multi paced long runs and GA runs are by far what has contributed to my current level of fitness and speed endurance.
I'm faster, can run further and recover quicker. I like SP have only used the concepts gleaned from P&D rather than a full plan and yet it has worked very well indeed for me.
Jun 2008
5:59pm, 9 Jun 2008
425 posts
I did my recovery run this morning wearing a HRM to keep it easy, ran on the sand on the beach Tomorrow P&D schedule a 15 mile LSR and I will also wear my HRM as I would otherwise have a tendancy to 'overdo' the first few miles, especially as they give the weather to be nice tomorrow. I may get Jon to do the morning school run so I can go out a bit earlier before it heats up too much.
Jun 2008
9:46am, 10 Jun 2008
6,193 posts
I'm looking forward to starting the 12wk plan in earnest - I like what I have read so far, though it is going to take some getting used to - I'm trying out the various training runs before starting. I will be going from an unstructured regime (usually a week of 70%maxWHR runs, with one slightly harder session and a longer/slower run) to a structured regime with slightly quicker (medm) LR's and GA runs and slower recovery runs
Jun 2008
9:50am, 10 Jun 2008
2,782 posts
I've just bought the book as a hope to reign myself in a bit.
Sick of getting injured by feeling good and upping the intensity. Hopefully a schedule will fix
Jun 2008
4:07pm, 18 Jun 2008
286 posts
OK, made a group for this, get signed up you lot!
Jun 2008
4:09pm, 18 Jun 2008
6,238 posts
Done, though yet to start on the schedule - trying to get the pacing of the various runs sorted at the moment
Jun 2008
4:10pm, 18 Jun 2008
3,863 posts
Just bought the book too.The plan is to try using the 24 week plan to train for Paris/London 2009. Fingers crossed.
Jun 2008
4:11pm, 18 Jun 2008
2,515 posts
Jacobi - Have you linked this thread to the group can't see anything on the right
Jun 2008
4:11pm, 18 Jun 2008
2,505 posts
where is the group? It is not linked to this thread.
Jun 2008
4:16pm, 18 Jun 2008
287 posts
group sorted now, the link it over there:
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