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Advanced Marathoning by P&D Any tried the schedules?

1 lurker | 86 watchers
May 2008
8:32am, 28 May 2008
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Jun 2008
3:50pm, 7 Jun 2008
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Question for hose who have P&D'd before.
9 miles general aerobic run aiming for lower end of 76-88% heartrate, for me 155-172bpm.
Just did the run (including 100m strides within easch mile) and had average heartrate of 160bpm, tjhis however ended up being average pace of 8:29m/m which is what I'm hoping to acheive as mara pace on the big day. So, basically I've just done a 9 mile PMP run, which I would of thought was a bit much considering I'm only in fist week of schedule. What was your pace in relation to general aerobic run and PMP??
Admittedly the general aerobic run I did with the club Thurs eve was much slower pace as it was virtually all off road, muddy and very hilly.
Jun 2008
4:36pm, 7 Jun 2008
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Don't know if this helps, but I have been using the 18 week schedule, and rather than do the strides in the 9miles run I do 20 sec strides every 5ish minutes during my recovery runs of 5mi. Main reason is because I do the reco runs in the gym so more comfortable for me to run quicker in the treadmill rather than outside.

For the pace of my general aerobic runs I go for 8.40-9.15 pace, I guess PMP pace for me is around 8.00 ish. For the ga runs I take the pace from the Team Oregon pace wizard thing:
Jun 2008
5:19pm, 7 Jun 2008
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Jacobi- I think I've ran this wrong today, pace too fast and heartrate too high.

I've just had a dig about on here and RW forums and it seems I may have mis-read the book and that the general aerobic run I did today was supposed to be 70-75%HR??? This would make more sense as an aerobic run.
Anyone confirm that this is what they did/are doing??
Jun 2008
7:07pm, 7 Jun 2008
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GA are a bit confusing.
The way I read them are faster than LSR but not as fast as MP.

Although I have been a big fan of HRM training I would be a bit cautious Tin. The reason I say this is that about 6 weeks before my marathon all was going well then I became really tierd and my paces fora certain HR were way slower. I couldnt understand why, I had followed P and D guidlines on HR.

However, the thing I found was that his HR suggetions for me did not correlate with the pace suggestions. So, for example, my MP was 9.40/mile in the end. My recover runs were sub 70% as per Mr P and D but they were just under 10/mile. Now most schedules will tell you to do recovery runs about 1 min slower than PMP so although my recovery runs were the correct HR they were too fast.
Jun 2008
7:14pm, 7 Jun 2008
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Yeah I think the pace I did today was too fast but had gotten it into my head to aim for a certain heartrate range. Discussing the P&D with my hubby he seems to think I should aim for 75%HR which should be faster than LSR but slower than PMP and not into lactate threshod pace.
Jun 2008
7:15pm, 7 Jun 2008
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Just looked at the back of the book where the plans are described, GA are described as steady, putting in the miles runs so whatever you would do for a normal run.

I tend to run how I feel at an easy to steady pace.
Jun 2008
7:16pm, 7 Jun 2008
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thats prob OK. I didnt properly do the GA runs. Because of my timetable I had to do the two longish mid week runs on consecutive days, so the Tues night was running club which was about 6 miles at a brisk(ish) pace if you took out the stops and starts, I would then tag on a WU and CD. Then Wed am I did the other 9-10mile run so because I was quite tierd from the night before I tended to do that at around 70%
Jun 2008
7:25pm, 7 Jun 2008
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I was hoping to use a club run as one of the GA runs but it seems they're gonna be too 'hard' by HR standards so will have to re-think this. No wonder you were tired Hellen doing 2 mid-longs back to back !
Jun 2008
7:36pm, 7 Jun 2008
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I cant remember exactly but I think after a few weeks into the schedule the first of the GA becomes a tempo run which has about 4 or 5 miles in the middle of around 10 miles at HM pace. That was my club run, it was never quite HM pace but the lenght of the 'tempo' bit was 6 miles so I figured that I was doing slightly longer of the tempo bit making up for it not being as hard as it needs to be.

You could still do your clubrun as one of the GA but if the HR is a bit high do the other one a bit lower to make up for it. Lots of people juggle the schedules around. The thing is, the club run would be too hard for a recovery run so what will you count it as if it is not the GA!!! If you were concerned is it poss to drop down a group and go slower?

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