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Advanced Marathoning by P&D Any tried the schedules?

5 lurkers | 86 watchers
May 2008
7:02pm, 27 May 2008
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RIGHT THEN....I WILL use P&D 55 for Abingdon. I just need to work out how to fit in the club nights and other races
May 2008
7:07pm, 27 May 2008
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paul a
If you are going to use P&D Homer then you may find that club nights and other races may have to give.
May 2008
7:13pm, 27 May 2008
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How about swapping days around to get club speed/inteval training on Tuesdays
May 2008
8:34pm, 27 May 2008
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paul a
The P&D schedules are flexible in terms of which day you do the sessions on (as long as they don't compromise each other), so in theory no problem.
May 2008
8:58pm, 27 May 2008
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Thanks paul.

I think I need to re-read the book to understand the objectives of the session. The club nights tend to be 2 or 3 mile warm-up then varied intervales (quite intense) then cool down. Good sessions - but not linked to the P&D stuff.

When I look at the P&D though I like the way it comes together otherwise.
May 2008
9:04pm, 27 May 2008
131 posts
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I just bought P&D after hearing sme of the sub 3.15 thread discussing it. The first challenge will be reading the book. I like the idea of flexibility given varied shift pattern...
May 2008
9:40pm, 27 May 2008
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Ben B
It's a great book, got me from 3.19 to 2.56 within a year. Very tough though as brighton belle says but after the 3 week taper you'll be itching to go come race day
May 2008
9:48pm, 27 May 2008
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paul a
I have used 12 week schedule for all my marathons, got me to a 3:25 debut and now down to 3:02. Will be using the 18 week schedule for a sub 3 bid at Chicago later this year. Stick with it if you are a P&D virgin - it will work :-)
May 2008
9:51pm, 27 May 2008
5,718 posts
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The shedules look very strong and fill the gaps that I think I fell into....I will try and shuffle dates to get a club night in every 2 weeks or so
May 2008
8:22am, 28 May 2008
714 posts
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Homer, I used P&D and did club speed sessions on a Tuesday. I'd do a 3 or 4 mile warm up, 3 or 4 miles over the interval session, and then 3 or 4 miles cool down. Gives you a 10 to 12 mile total. I just replaced one of the aerobic runs with that.

ie- Mon - rest, Tue 10-12 inc intervals, Wed - medium long, Thu - recovery, Fri - tempo, Sat - rec, Sun - long. Worked for me. I took 15 minutes of my PB to go sub 3. That was the 18/70 plan.

I'll be using either the 18/90 or 18/70 for Loch Ness this year.

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