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Great Edinburgh Run 10K

Entrants (65)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
ailsamcdonald This is my first 10k really looking forward to it!! However I do beleive I could of had a better time if I hadn't had to walk parts of the first 1km due to conjestion! I couldn't get past anyone!! Nightmare But once I got a clear run I did really enjoy the race!
58:13:00 58:13:00 1:05:00 58:13:00 0.82
ali_ke Garmin time, chip time was 4min faster but as this is the first real run I've had since December and never ducked under 40 min I know it was way out !
Sale Harriers Manchester
37:38 41:23 43:37 62.81
AMBERSKYES amazinglywell  organised ...found it quite challenging tho!!! :-)
44:38 44:38 46:43 62.98
bellybaby Walked lots but achilles survived-YAY!!!!!!
1:08:28 1:10:16 1:10:00 1:20:18 35.86
54:46 56:18 56:18 53.43
59:41 59:41 59:41 48.24
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, scottish athletics
42:28 43:59 46:11 58.53
Caroline Baba Ball Very hilly course
Manchester Harriers & AC
51:40 53:33 57:00 56:52 50.69
chickenboy2003 Got held up for first 1 km due to huge crowds getting jammed into small routes. They moved Arthur's seat to sit between 3km and 4km which made it easier. Didn't get any chance to do a proper warm up which meant that the muscles suffered quite early on. Start finish line was in city centre which made the start complete chaos. If they do it again next year i won't be doing it!
59:25 59:25 56:00 59:25 44.43
Cluaran Thought I'd started too fast after hitting the 3K mark in under 15 minutes but managed to hold on to a reasonable pace after the hill in the park. Garmin time 54:22, chip time 53:30, something a bit odd there but my first sub 55 and a new PB. Great atmosphere running at home, and knocked around 8 minutes off last years time.
Edinburgh Running Network
46:54 54:22 55:00 54:22 52.86
Comedycare Good fun despite being very crowded.  Started in the last wave and had to walk over the start.  Then had to walk at a corner.   First 3k very slow. Had blown any chance of a pb early on, really because of congestion. Beautiful day and good atmosphere. Facilities really good.
46:21 51:09 55:00 55:01 48.62
csc Delighted to have done it in less than an hour,very warm going up Holyrood hill, very enjoyable - good sprint at the end. Went off too quickly so lost power later on but so enjoyable! Hopefully Great Scottish Run in September can be around 55 mins!
57:46 57:46 1:00:00 59:29 48.36
Fife AC
37:58 42:40 45:34 60.60
Dancing Boy Official time is 32.47, which I'm sad to say is rather generous. I never bother stopping my watch at the finish line but I'm sure I was around 36 something.
Edinburgh Athletic Club, Jogscotland - Edinburgh Run4it
34:18 36:47 36:47 72.72
1:06:10 1:08:01 1:10:00 1:08:13 45.07
das21 course windy , very slow start due to overcrowding. prefered course last year
42:13 43:54 48:00 46:41 58.69
Dido Walking pace right through the Gardens and didn't get a clear run until about 7 or 8 k. Could have done better.
51:01 51:01 1:00:00 51:01 58.60
Disco Ron
44:29 46:16 50:00 50:40 52.41
edso90 Running this with J in her first ever 10k. See if we can get her round in under the hour. Managed to do this despite a very crowded course and a bottleneck at the bottom of the mound.
Edinburgh Athletic Club
41:43 44:20 59:00 59:05 47.86
Ellem Very congested start, probably lost a min there, but really enjoyed. Stuck to a steady pace and had FUN.
East Lothian Triathlon Club
49:56 59:49 59:49 55.13
FitterStu Chip time.  May be wrong as Garmin time was nearly a minute slower. Or maybe I was measuring the wrong finish.  Not sure.

Anyway, it was a greatly enjoyable race, lots of support from Fetchies recognising my top.  It really was, very inspiring.  I'll need to make a habit of wearing it.  

I'm pretty sure there is a faster 10K in me at the moment.  The start of this one was very slow (start was too close to bottle necks on Princes Street) and I took it fairly easy on the big hill.

UPDATE: Official times have been changed.  Now a more accurate 1:05:50.
49:11 52:54 1:07:00 1:05:50 42.61
44:48 46:24 46:24 58.70
39:48 40:32 41:00 40:32 65.13
Bellahouston Harriers
43:51 49:09 51:00 60.29
43:30 44:10 46:20 57.31
55:40 55:40 57:17 50.26
Hibby First ever 10k and it went well despite missing out on the hour mark. Managed the whole thing with no stops so very pleased with myself
58:46 1:04:28 1:00:00 1:04:28 41.33
Hurry Up Harkins
53:49 56:57 55:00 59:53 47.22
Harmeny AC
35:41 38:28 45:00 41:57 68.51
44:15 50:58 50:58 58.01
45:12 49:07 25 55:25 52.10
43:15 43:15 43:15 61.13
Wetherby Runners
47:50 49:58 55:00 53:03 49.84
larrry Need to be quick so i can get back to ibrox in time for kick off !! Made the football and we won . Good run tho should of been a pulse start with so many sharp and narrow places at the start . Pleased for my dot who was just over the hour . Well done you ! and thanks fetchies for the cheers.
Giffnock North AAC
47:25 52:12 54:00 55:25 54.07
Lexo Start was a bit scary..pile up right on the gun and almost came a croper...and got cut off about four times by suicidal runners going down the mound although glad i was near the front as must have been pretty frustating further back.Thought I paced myself Ok but struggled a little in the heat through the meadows but came in under target time, The third hill round Bristol Square was a killer and Ive got to say I think this is one of hte toughest 10ks Ive done so got to be happy  with my time as this was a brute of a run. Hats off to the person dressed as the Dalek who I saw trundling round as i walked home!! Bizarre . UPDATE 04/05/09. Looks like there has been a problem with my time. My time has changed on the official  site  to 41:12( 50 seconds and 40 places out) .not very happy re this :(. checked a few other of my friends  times as well and at least half of them have changed too !!  Not much point having pretty shiny new chips if they cant actually tell the time!!!
Musselburgh & District Athletic Club
38:57 39:33 40:21 67.42
46:10 46:10 50:00 49:09 60.15
59:12 1:05:00
49:10 49:45 49:45 58.66
Falkirk Victoria Harriers
38:26 45:24 45:24 58.49
1:00:01 1:00:01 1:05:00 1:02:50 50.26
Marraboy Hoping to get closer to 50 minutes but not making much progress. Somewhere under 55 is more realistic.
Mr. White Was grumbling about my time but injury has limited my training recently, so maybe I should cheer up :) - I was over 6 & a 1/2 minutes quicker than last year! Bring on the Penicuik 10K next week!!!! (time is stopwatch not chip)
45:55 45:55 49:00 50:32 53.19
Jogging Buddies
1:04:26 1:16:56 1:20:00 1:16:56 34.77
Nadders (aka monsenb1) My first 10k, fantastic route, and not as hard as I thought it would be...thoroughly enjoyed it!
Bramhall Runners
45:25 48:11 1:05:00 55:05 48.37
Not So Great North Runner
46:52 59:11 59:11 45.42
pmethven I was aiming for 50 minutes as I'm fighting a knee injury at the moment, so I was well happy with 48.13 :-)
46:17 48:13 44:30 48:13 54.75
princesszee Quite pleased with my first ever 10k time! Nice day for it I thought, could of done with some water at 7/8km. Bit hilly for my liking but managed to run almost all the way!
57:45 1:06:59 1:30:00 1:06:59 42.95
Lothian RC
41:57 41:57 45:12 69.24
Rossco Peeko This is the chip time from the website - suspected about 1 minute fast. Still chuffed though.
Update - 41:11 is the corrected time!
39:42 41:11 42:00 41:11 64.69
RunDMc My first mass-participation event, not sure I'll do another. Too much hanging around even after the 'warm-up', too many bottlenecks (forty minutes for first 7K!) and it took longer to walk from finish to bag area than I actually spent running. Any chance of a PB went out the window in the first mile. Last 3K in 13 minutes though - very happy with that; roll on Loch Leven.
51:05 51:05 50:00 53:11 50.56
48:02 48:00
43:50 43:50 46:08 59.85
Scottishmelbabe 1st 10k ever
Carnegie Harriers
48:08 50:38 58:46 49.85
Edinburgh Running Network
42:02 46:00
47:15 48:52 52:00 48:52 54.74
SODDING HILLS took it easy to get Chris round
Steel City Striders RC
49:06 49:06 1:08:02 43.67
speedyfish Well done all you fetchies who took part.
Had a good race, I think i could have done better, maybe next year.
Got the Blackrock 5 to look forward to in 18 days better get more training.
51:00 51:00 56:00 54:00 55.36
Linlithgow AAC
44:27 49:27 1:03:02 43.81
thechunkygentleman Tough course. Hoped for sub 50 but in the end happy with a big pb improvement. Freezing at the start and roastign round the meadows. Horribly congested in the early stages but dont think that affected my time much in the end as ic rashed badly coming out of Grassmarket. Nice atmosphere around the course, much better than the september Glasgow 10k
41:29 45:36 50:00 50:24 53.08
47:38 48:58 48:58 53.91
Skegness & District Running Club
42:29 48:18 50:00 49:43 59.18
Road Runners Club
43:16 51:28 51:00 53:01 59.56
1:19:50 1:35:00 1:10:00 1:35:00 30.31
Yorkshire Pie
46:54 49:27 51:34 55.90

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