Oct 2008
5:33pm, 17 Oct 2008
4,412 posts
ABMM - i am impressed by your knowledge of the NY public transport system. Nicely done!!!! I've lived near the city for the last 20 years and I know nothing of the transport system there. I know they have a metro though.
Oct 2008
5:35pm, 17 Oct 2008
5,001 posts
that is a start OS ....
now the next lesson will be: how to take a bus
Oct 2008
5:35pm, 17 Oct 2008
4,414 posts
errrrrrrrrrrr they have buses in NYC?????
Oct 2008
6:11pm, 17 Oct 2008
10 posts
just been catching up on the alcohol debate...In Amsterdam last year I cycled 40 miles on the Saturday, went out in the evening to see England beaten by South Africa in the Rugby WC final, drowned my sorrows with half a bottle of wine, went on a canal trip on Sunday morn (got changed in the loo on the boat!) and cycled to the start of the half marathon. Got there with about 1 min to spare and did a PB! Not really the best preparations; I plan to take it a lot easier in New York but still think I'll have a couple of vinos on Sat eve..
Oct 2008
6:20pm, 17 Oct 2008
1,412 posts
paul a
It is after the marathon that Contro seems to have trouble with the beer intake
Oct 2008
11:05pm, 17 Oct 2008
52 posts
Does anyone know if you need to go to the expo first before you can run the friendship run on the Saturday morning?
I'm arriving late on Friday, too late to get to the expo. Any advice would be appreciated.
Oct 2008
12:35am, 18 Oct 2008
5,009 posts
Paul shhhhhhh don't tell anyone!!!
Oct 2008
8:40am, 18 Oct 2008
405 posts
Well, I had a skinful yesterday and I can guarantee that you wouldn't get any pb racing out of me today
Oct 2008
9:50am, 18 Oct 2008
406 posts
Phil, I just got a newsletter emailed to me by Macmillan, andit contains this paragraph.
'The International Friendship Run is free to all New York Marathon runners, but you must have registered for the marathon by Friday evening to take part in this run. Friends and family can participate too. You can register for the run at Race Registration.'
Oct 2008
10:01am, 18 Oct 2008
407 posts
Has anyone experimented with porridge yet? My hotel doesn't have a kettle so I'll be taking a travel one, but am yet to try porridge with water, or cold milk for that matter. This is my only concern left before the race, I've even already bought my supply of wine gums to see me through when the gels either run out or become too sickly to digest!