Oct 2008
10:47am, 17 Oct 2008
4,989 posts
lol ... i see we do agree on something
Oct 2008
1:06pm, 17 Oct 2008
299 posts
i had six coors @ a dinner party the night before my 10km pb a few months back.
fcuk it. i must just get wasted with a carry out in CP on saturday night.
Oct 2008
1:44pm, 17 Oct 2008
2 posts
I have been for 4 long saturday runs now (>18miles). Had a few Coronas on the Friday night before for the first 3 and they were great. Decided to be 'good' for the 4th and stay home the night before....and it was a real struggle! So it works!
Oct 2008
1:55pm, 17 Oct 2008
3 posts
We're all agreed then ! The odd drop of alcohol doesn't adversely affect performance the following day
That does it - am off down the pub straight after work
Oct 2008
2:52pm, 17 Oct 2008
12,036 posts
Cavehill - Perhaps it was at that dinner party you filled in your NY marathon application and entered a 4hr finish time!!
Oct 2008
3:07pm, 17 Oct 2008
300 posts
LOL, yeah, that would make sense Jigs....LOL.
You lot are making me thirsty.
Oct 2008
3:08pm, 17 Oct 2008
568 posts
Jigs... C75 will be kicking himself at 4 hours.... he sprinted by me recently with no a bead of sweat on his fair brow identifying me from the (my) rear!!!
Personally I SWEAR by a bevvie the night before... I've knocked HUGE amounts off my pb's after a beer or wine the night before and have surprised myself with the amount of time taken off! I took half an hour off a marathon pb, then a few weeks later another couple of bottles of beer before the next marathon and took a further 17 minutes off.... on the race eves I've been good... the races have been DRASTIC!!!! Including a few personal worsts!!!
enjoy a beeer! (Don't get drunk... just on the verge of tipsy will do the trick!)
Oct 2008
3:10pm, 17 Oct 2008
4,991 posts
verge of the tipsy ... I guess we are talking 6 pints 4 shots of sambuca and a few vodka and red bulls to wash it down?
Oct 2008
3:12pm, 17 Oct 2008
301 posts
LOL ABMM, yeah, I still don't know how I recognised you. Must have been those flowing locks...LOL.
Superwoman, if you know some decent restaurants in NY, might be better going there on Sat night for some pasta/carbs? The places I posted on the article were recommended by an old school friend who lives in NY. But I haven't seen him in 15 years. If you've been somewhere good, might be better off going there, no?
That Mi Dona place looks central however.
Happy to go with the flow.
Oct 2008
3:16pm, 17 Oct 2008
16,492 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Not sure what to put my PB's down to then, certainly not the alkyhol 'cos I don't drink, must be the training or something