Heart rate

300 watchers
Apr 2017
9:47am, 7 Apr 2017
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Fenners, is anyone actually disputing this? I wouldn't imagine most people think of it as an either/or proposition. I do a decent amount of easy mileage, which I spice up with a small amount of high speed work as well.
Apr 2017
10:08am, 7 Apr 2017
11,045 posts
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FR, you need an appropriate mix of both in my view.

Albeit you could run a decent distance race off only time on feet but most probably not with only speedwork
Apr 2017
10:09am, 7 Apr 2017
10,786 posts
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Yep - I back the polarised method of training, you have to do *most* (80 or 90%) at an easy pace. I just don't think the 10%-20% hard interferes with the rest. The cortisol production from these runs is less than a normal working day's stress.

I remain sceptical of any doctor who says "don't go to restaurants" like Dr Phil Maffetone says repeatedly on his site: philmaffetone.com

He's also a "banter" (low carbs) - read some of Ross Tucker's (sportsscientists) debates with the banting crowd. Now it seems that how well you fare on low carbs is partly determined by genetic makeup... robbwolf.com

So don't expect everyone after a few months of low carbs and long runs to suddenly be at their peak weights and running faster than ever. I bet some won't even be able to get out the door.

I also think you need to do strength training separately.
Apr 2017
10:57am, 7 Apr 2017
365 posts
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Interesting link about genetic differences in carb metabolism. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it's also influenced by your gut microbiome. It's a very young science but there's a lot of stuff coming out about how influential the current makeup of your gut bacteria is on all kinds of things - immune system, weight gain or otherwise, even mood.
Apr 2017
11:13am, 7 Apr 2017
10,787 posts
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J2R - yep the gut stuff is totally in its infancy still, really interesting science there.

Also where in Norfolk are you... Norwich or that way?
Apr 2017
11:17am, 7 Apr 2017
10,788 posts
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I started thinking there MUST be genetic differences or carb metabolising when I heard of other people's experiences of "the wall". First timers saying "they welcomed the feeling" (of switching over to fat burning) or one said they didn't notice it. And I knew the people involved and I knew that in one case I was better prepared (not a slight on the person involved, they fully admit they had no clue when they did their first marathon), and where as I'd done all the gels/ etc planned everything, going into fat burning was unpleasant (still is). And I was like - if it's not the training - it has to be down to genetics, and started researching and sure enough...
Apr 2017
11:33am, 7 Apr 2017
366 posts
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Chrisull, I live in Norwich. There's some nice countryside around Narborough, including terrain which is a relic of the last ice age. But don't read too much into the valley idea, it's not the Lakes.
Apr 2017
11:41am, 7 Apr 2017
6,049 posts
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paul the builder
Just wanted to say welcome back to John Bach: who might look like a new poster but isn't :-)
Where's your old profile JB? Hope you'll be adding some race history and PBs to your new one if it's not just a case of forgotten-password...
Apr 2017
1:48pm, 7 Apr 2017
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Fenland (Fenners) Runner
Chris, in my opinion low carbs isn't something you do for six months. It is a way of life, to be built up over many years.

And (again) in my opinion (and experience) the results are staggering.

But for those concentrating on races shorted than twenty miles, what's the point?
Apr 2017
2:31pm, 7 Apr 2017
2 posts
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John Bach
Thanks ptb. Yes, I guess if you went back to the beginning of the thread I probably appear early on. New start for me running (& avatar) wise! Itching to get starting again - as mentioned in 1st post my start will (once again) be h/r based

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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