Sep 2011
1:32pm, 20 Sep 2011
8,206 posts
I guess your *achievable* (or recorded) max changes with fitness. Your actual max is fixed, surely, the reality being that its very unlikely you'll ever hit it.
Sep 2011
1:53pm, 20 Sep 2011
44,239 posts
Max HR decreases with age but when unfit you have a higher chance of reaching it. I always find I get my max HR for the year either at a January/February test or 5km. After that the base work and added speedwork kick in and I come up short but as I said previously my ability to run close to max improves.
Sep 2011
2:36pm, 20 Sep 2011
6,614 posts
Keefy Beefy
Well, I think it's to do with your resting HR, isn't it? The fitter you get the lower it goes (so far). When I was much less fit and a bit more porky this year, my resting HR at the start of a run could be 80. It's generally, 62 now. And might get lower. The lower it goes the faster I run for a lower HR. So in a tempo run now I struggle to get my HR over 175 in the first 4 miles of a run, when 3 months ago it went up to 180 within a mile and stayed there for a slower pace.
Sep 2011
2:44pm, 20 Sep 2011
44,241 posts
Sadly I know people with MAX HRS of 200 plus and resting HRS of 35 and they are older than me :¬0
Sep 2011
5:28pm, 20 Sep 2011
17,117 posts
eL Bee!
You talking about me again, G?
Sep 2011
6:56pm, 20 Sep 2011
4,212 posts
That's interesting observations G and KB.
I never thought that of it being easier to hit the more unfitvyou are, but that is exactly what I found too. I used to be able to get right too it quickly, but struggle to get that high any more in most running.
KB, that is also my gauge and I occasionally take a HR reading first thing as I wake up to make sure it is heading downward or at least stable. Never take it if I feel under weather or a bit stressed out tho'
Sep 2011
7:25pm, 20 Sep 2011
11,067 posts
Fenland Runner
Agree about maxHR. At the end of a five miler a few years back hit 190 with little bother.
A few months ago on hill reps couldn't get higher than 181.
Sep 2011
9:52am, 21 Sep 2011
3,155 posts
I find it very difficult to get near my MHR unless racing. As my aerobic fitness has improved it's even getting quite difficult to sustain a 80% WHR tempo run - my form is reaching its limits long before my lungs.
Sep 2011
10:23am, 21 Sep 2011
44,247 posts
LOL I wasn't Bee but I shall put you on my list of "those people"
Sep 2011
7:10am, 25 Sep 2011
18,438 posts
I just retested my resting HR this morning. When I last did this it was 46 and that was at least 12 months ago. I just did it again (same method. HR monitor on followed by half an hour in bed while I relaxed and dozed) and it was 47.
Have to say that I'm a bit disappointed. I expected it to have dropped by at least a couple of bpm. Any thoughts?