Split Personality
The Ugly Side of Half Marathons
I've raced two half marathons in the last twelve months, and had two very different experiences. At the Great Eastern Run, I rattled out nine consecutive eight-minute miles, then experienced the bodily equivalent of that light on your dashboard that means you'll soon be driving a hire car. In the second race (Bath Half) I ran the same sort of pace overall, but managed to hold on to things for the whole race. This graph shows my average speed as the miles progressed - can you see when I called the RAC?
![My race splits](http://www.fetcheveryone.com/images/cms/41/racesplits.jpg)
Getting your endurance training and race pacing licked is an essential skill, and getting it wrong can ruin your day. Running well doesn't just involve running fast - it's about learning how to run consistently and finish strongly - and that's something we can all work on, no matter what speed we're capable of. Watch any televised running, and you'll see the splits of the leading athletes pop up as they glide along - they're remarkably consistent. When Paula Radcliffe set her record marathon time, her fastest mile was 4:57, and the slowest was 5:18. And when Patrick Makau set the men's record, his fastest and slowest 5k splits were just 39 seconds apart.
There are thousands of half marathon performances in the Fetch database, and some interesting trends that we can all attempt to overcome.
Let's warm up by looking at the variation between the fastest and slowest mile of our runners - see the first graph on the right. The fastest group (the fastest thousand runners) typically squeeze all their half marathon mile splits within a 39 second margin. The slowest thousand runners typically show a variation of 89 seconds between fastest and slowest mile. Improving consistency is one sign of good training, but it also comes from a good race strategy.
How does it work? Do the faster runners start more conservatively? Do slower runners blow it all in the first mile and then spend the next 12 paying the price? The next graph shows how each of our groups handle pace in each quarter of the race. It seems that even the fastest group can't resist the urge to go off quickly, typically 1.62% faster than the pace they achieve overall, but it's our slowest group that find it hardest to curb their enthusiasm, running the first three miles nearly 3% faster than overall race pace. In the second quarter, reality bites all round; and in the third quarter, the emphasis switches to holding on. By the last three miles of the race, all groups are struggling to hold on to the initial pace. But whilst our fastest group are 1.25% slower than their overall pace, our slowest group are swearing like wounded pirates, paying back the loan at a stiff 2.5%.
Lots of us are driven by the urge to beat our best times, and it's hard not to let adrenaline take early control on the big day. I wondered if it was something that comes with experience, but even amongst runners with five, ten and even twenty half marathons in the locker, 80% of people run the first three miles faster than they run the rest of the race.
So it's pretty difficult to keep yourself under control early on, and every likelihood that you'll slow down as the race goes on. Getting the balance right is the key to a PB and a smile at the end.
The first table on the right illustrates how your PB dreams are linked to how far ahead of the game you are throughout the race. For example, if you get to six miles, and your overall pace 4% faster than your PB pace, you've got an 80% chance of holding on for a PB - but if you're only matching PB pace, you've only got a 23% chance.
It's tempting to run your finger along the rows and draw the assumption that if you go bananas in the first three miles, you've got a great chance of getting a PB. If you need me to point out the flaw in that thinking, then you may as well go the whole hog and run the whole race in a pair of cut-off jeans and some flip-flops. These figures are based on an analysis of runners who are (for the most part) training sensibly. Without adequate long run training and preparation to handle race pace, you're in for a lot of pain.
Overall though, building up a buffer at the start of the race does increase your chances of getting a PB. Too much, and you can spend the rest of the race managing a drastic slowdown, feeling dreadful, and being eyed eagerly by the folks from St Johns. But those who take a conservative approach to undercutting their PB pace end up slowing down as a half marathon wears on, and what might feel like a comfortable-if-small PB in the first six miles can gradually slip away.
The final table shows how your race outcome is linked to your progress at various points in the race. For example, if you're running at exactly PB pace when you've completed six miles, the bad news is that you're likely to miss out on a PB by about 1.8%. However, if you're just 2% faster than PB pace at the six mile mark, you're on target to take a princely 0.3% off your best time!
I will end with the usual cover-all caveat - if everyone was the same, we wouldn't need averages - and that's all these are. But take a second look at your race pacing, and you might find the key to your next PB.
*EDIT* I'd like to make it clear for anyone reading, that I really don't advocate going out like a nutter, then trying to hold on. The fastest group in my study were most conservative when setting their early pace, and consequently, they stayed in control towards the end of the race. Rave safe kids.
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One minor thing - I think the first bar graph would have been best expressed in % just as the second is (although that may have diluted the message somewhat...)
And one major thing - 'Overall though building up a buffer at the start of the race does increase your chances of getting a PB'. I don't see any evidence for this here. There's nothing to say that 'buffer then slowdown' ends up with a faster result than even pace. Given that most people are following the 'buffer then slowdown' strategy then of course the data will show that starting faster finishing faster. But there's no way I can think of to analyse the 2 alternative strategies (unless you have a follow-up article planned...:-))
TT- most of us can't be average
If it is down to lack of endurance training are we saying only 20% train properly. What is your experience of half marathons JD? How many races of half marathon distance or further have you managed negative splits? Genuinely interested....
How does the size of PB's gained compare to the 80% and of those runners who do speed up is there a trend in where they sit in the overall speed spectrum? ie - are negative split runners predominantly faster or slower runners?
As for the buffer if you ran a HM on a given heart rate your pace would probably follow a similar pattern as the buffer graph so as the majority runs to feel I think it makes sense.
I guess it comes down to confidence in your numbers experience and doing the right things in training. Currently I'm in a low mileage mode and happy to experiment even write off a race or two as I build up again.
Note to self - slower is good keep repeating till it sticks
If you ignore what these statistics are saying you should see similar results. But once you change your behaviour to try to obtain these results you are at danger of going off too fast and fading rather than running at the pace you're comfortable with and achieving a fast time as a result.
This is why the results don't surprise me. I'd imagine must people who are 4% up at 6 miles to be in stronger form than when they set their PB and therefore it's the improvement in form which produces the time not the increased pace which produces the improvement.
If people generally run a positive split many people will be up on their PB overall pace but get to 6 miles slower than then did in their PB race. This could lead people to falsely believe they were faster but faded when actually they were behind the splits from their PB throughout. That's something I've never really considered before when I'm trying to assess how I'm doing in races - perhaps thinking about my time at 3 6 and 9 miles during my PB would be more sensible than just multiplying my average minutes per mile pace by the number of miles.
Say you train consistently for a 8:00 mile and then on race day you fall prey to overexuberance and storm off at 7:30 for the first three miles. Are you going to end up losing that 90 second gap that you built up in the first three miles because you hit the wall so hard later on that you fall to bits or is it going to be an adequate cushion. Just because we see here that people *did* improve we don't know that they wouldn't have improved more if they'd not gone out as fast as they did.
Like Wirral Dave says it could just be they have stronger form and they're getting better at applying a flawed strategy: suppose you PB'd with a positive split went off and trained and took 3 minutes out of your PB the next time you ran a positive split. I'm not sure this data can tell us whether changing to a negative split would have been superior or not.