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Tue 24th Sep 2024 at 11:40am by Rosehip

Run > Strides

  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • Pacing
  • WAVA
  • Stride(cm)
  • Cals
  • Watts
  • Cadence
  • BPM
  • %MHR
  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

warm up walk over the footbridge, 22 mins 'easy' pausing watch for the return footbridge trudge when the path to town wasn't passable and then 10x15 secs 'strides' with walk to jog 45s recoveries
tried not to sprint the strides, but they are fun and a change :)
much warmer than I was expecting, still a bit breezy.
Youngest will have to walk the long way home from the bus, the river has spread out a bit.

3.0 base,

some anaerobic benefit (1.2)
load 79.

1) 0.14mi - 2:46(19:37/mi) 86/106bpm [1687b/mi] 14cal 141/274W

2) 1mi - 12:40(12:40/mi) 130/142bpm [1646b/mi] 103cal 219/265W
3) 0.74mi - 9:20(12:35/mi) 148/151bpm [1863b/mi] 79cal 223/291W

4) 0.09mi - 1:30(16:31/mi) 140/149bpm [2311b/mi] 11cal 173/286W

5) 0.03mi - 15(9:07/mi) 126/129bpm [1148b/mi] 2cal 196/372W
6) 0.05mi - 45(15:01/mi) 140/145bpm [2102b/mi] 6cal 203/387W
7) 0.03mi - 15(8:01/mi) 137/140bpm [1098b/mi] 2cal 288/411W
8) 0.05mi - 45(14:32/mi) 147/154bpm [2136b/mi] 6cal 174/344W
9) 0.03mi - 15(8:14/mi) 152/153bpm [1251b/mi] 2cal 226/320W
10) 0.05mi - 45(15:39/mi) 154/160bpm [2410b/mi] 6cal 176/320W
11) 0.03mi - 15(8:19/mi) 147/149bpm [1223b/mi] 2cal 222/303W
12) 0.05mi - 45(14:53/mi) 154/159bpm [2291b/mi] 6cal 217/307W
13) 0.03mi - 15(8:20/mi) 148/151bpm [1234b/mi] 2cal 258/307W
14) 0.05mi - 45(14:56/mi) 153/156bpm [2285b/mi] 6cal 182/293W
15) 0.03mi - 15(9:00/mi) 150/155bpm [1349b/mi] 2cal 225/293W
16) 0.05mi - 45(14:55/mi) 153/158bpm [2282b/mi] 6cal 180/319W
17) 0.03mi - 15(8:35/mi) 146/147bpm [1254b/mi] 2cal 208/278W
18) 0.05mi - 45(14:21/mi) 152/156bpm [2182b/mi] 6cal 170/286W
19) 0.03mi - 15(7:53/mi) 147/151bpm [1158b/mi] 2cal 231/300W
20) 0.05mi - 45(14:20/mi) 155/158bpm [2221b/mi] 6cal 161/309W
21) 0.03mi - 15(8:36/mi) 151/153bpm [1298b/mi] 2cal 219/279W
22) 0.05mi - 45(13:56/mi) 156/159bpm [2174b/mi] 6cal 164/281W
23) 0.03mi - 15(8:38/mi) 153/155bpm [1322b/mi] 2cal 250/298W
24) 0.05mi - 45(14:43/mi) 157/160bpm [2309b/mi] 7cal 207/324W

25) 0.1mi - 1:30(15:49/mi) 139/153bpm [2198b/mi] 10cal 149/163W
2:46 12:40 9:20 1:30 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 15 45 1:30
Looks good, well done 👏
Good session 👍
thank you :)
Fenland Flier
Nice speedy reps, well done.
thanks, FF :)
Well done! Really good pace for the strides, are you sure you shouldn't be doing Sharkie distances rather than ultras?
lol, it's fun occasionally :)
It is, isn't it? I can get behind Matt Fitzgerald taking the piss out of runners who'll do anything to dodge speedwork but willingly suck up the discomfort of long runs.
Well done
thank you :)
Good stuff :)
cheers Coachie :)


  • Pace
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  • Stride
  • HR
  • B/mi
  • Power
Multi Graph Loading...
mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Power Watts Watts Ascent mtrs Asc.
0.14 3:03 3:03 +1 21:41 86 73-106 1864 106 0-132 142 0-274 9/2
1.14 17:46 14:43 +2 14:43 130 99-142 1914 160 0-166 220 0-265 13/19
1.88 27:06 9:20 12:35 148 142-151 1863 164 158-166 223 206-291 9/9
1.97 29:10 2:04 +1 23:02 140 124-149 3224 125 0-164 174 49-286 3/2
2.00 29:25 15 9:07 126 124-129 1148 105 0-184 191 0-372 0/1
2.05 30:10 45 15:01 140 129-145 2101 140 124-184 206 124-387 2/1
2.08 30:25 15 8:01 138 134-141 1106 162 122-184 278 115-411 1/1
2.13 31:10 45 14:32 147 134-154 2137 128 0-184 177 0-344 1/1
2.16 31:25 15 8:14 152 151-153 1251 139 0-178 212 0-320 1/1
2.21 32:10 45 15:39 154 148-160 2411 133 0-230 180 0-320 1/1
2.24 32:25 15 8:19 147 146-149 1223 149 0-178 208 0-303 0/1
2.29 33:10 45 14:53 154 147-159 2291 142 124-180 219 132-307 1/0
2.32 33:25 15 8:20 148 146-151 1234 164 124-176 250 135-307 0/1
2.37 34:10 45 14:56 153 149-156 2285 130 0-176 184 0-293 1/0
2.40 34:25 15 9:00 150 148-155 1349 153 128-176 222 163-293 0/2
2.45 35:10 45 14:55 153 147-158 2282 126 0-176 183 0-319 1/0
2.48 35:25 15 8:35 146 145-147 1254 147 0-176 195 0-278 0/1
2.53 36:10 45 14:21 152 147-156 2182 137 124-178 172 124-286 0/1
2.56 36:25 15 7:52 147 145-151 1158 162 126-180 225 127-300 0/1
2.61 37:10 45 14:20 155 151-158 2221 123 0-178 164 0-309 1/1
2.64 37:25 15 8:36 151 150-153 1298 158 0-180 205 0-279 0/0
2.70 38:10 45 13:56 156 153-159 2174 145 126-180 167 122-281 0/1
2.73 38:25 15 8:38 153 152-155 1321 170 162-178 245 171-298 1/0
2.78 39:10 45 14:43 157 153-160 2310 144 126-182 209 149-324 0/0
2.87 40:42 1:32 +1 16:07 139 127-153 2240 127 124-132 149 135-163 1/1
2.87 40:42 0 +1 0 128 128-128 NAN 128 128-128 143 143-143 0/0

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    137 avge / 160 max Delete HR Trace
  • Cadence Distribution

    154 avge / 230 max Stride Length: 79cm
  • Run/Walk Breakdown

    % Cad Mi Time Min/mi
    Run 65.7 165 2.2 25:56 12:45
    Walk 28.6 126 0.7 12:20 18:50
    Still 0.2 - - 5 -
    Pause 5.5 - - 2:22 -
  • Power Distribution

    210W (411 max)
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    100m 40 10:37 34.22% More
    200m 1:20 10:46 37.21% More
    400m 2:59 12:02 35.55% More
    800m 6:04 12:13 40.03% More
    1km 7:35 12:12 41.56% More
    Mile 12:31 12:31 42.29% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 10:32 10:32 50.25
    5km 41:34 13:23 44.50
    5M 1:13:57 14:47 40.94
    10km 1:36:12 15:29 39.46
    10M 2:51:07 17:07 36.68
    Half 3:57:16 18:07 34.62
    20M 6:35:58 19:48 32.79
    Mara 9:09:03 20:57 31.42


Bespoke Fields

stride length
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