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Sun 23rd May 2010 at 10:00am by swerver

Run > Race

  • Good
  • hellish
  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • WAVA
  • Cals
  • Asc(m)
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

Split Summary


1) - 1m - 8:31(8:31/m) - 158bpm avge - 172bpm max - 119cal

2) - 1m - 8:37(8:37/m) - 166bpm avge - 178bpm max - 118cal

3) - 1m - 8:37(8:37/m) - 166bpm avge - 180bpm max - 119cal

4) - 1m - 8:37(8:37/m) - 167bpm avge - 176bpm max - 119cal

5) - 1m - 8:38(8:38/m) - 171bpm avge - 179bpm max - 118cal

6) - 1m - 8:37(8:37/m) - 173bpm avge - 177bpm max - 118cal

7) - 1m - 8:37(8:37/m) - 176bpm avge - 182bpm max - 118cal

8) - 1m - 8:40(8:40/m) - 175bpm avge - 180bpm max - 118cal

9) - 1m - 8:32(8:32/m) - 176bpm avge - 180bpm max - 119cal

10) - 1m - 8:39(8:39/m) - 177bpm avge - 183bpm max - 118cal

11) - 1m - 8:35(8:35/m) - 177bpm avge - 183bpm max - 118cal

12) - 1m - 8:34(8:34/m) - 178bpm avge - 188bpm max - 118cal

13) - 1m - 8:38(8:38/m) - 177bpm avge - 183bpm max - 118cal

14) - 1m - 8:40(8:40/m) - 176bpm avge - 183bpm max - 119cal

15) - 1m - 8:53(8:53/m) - 179bpm avge - 185bpm max - 118cal

16) - 1m - 8:46(8:46/m) - 182bpm avge - 185bpm max - 119cal

17) - 1m - 8:53(8:53/m) - 181bpm avge - 186bpm max - 115cal

18) - 1m - 8:50(8:50/m) - 183bpm avge - 187bpm max - 118cal

19) - 1m - 9:02(9:02/m) - 183bpm avge - 186bpm max - 119cal

20) - 1m - 9:26(9:26/m) - 180bpm avge - 185bpm max - 117cal

21) - 1m - 9:43(9:43/m) - 177bpm avge - 184bpm max - 117cal

22) - 1m - 9:52(9:52/m) - 178bpm avge - 184bpm max - 120cal

23) - 1m - 10:59(10:59/m) - 171bpm avge - 182bpm max - 108cal

24) - 1m - 12:05(12:05/m) - 164bpm avge - 175bpm max - 109cal

25) - 1m - 13:22(13:22/m) - 151bpm avge - 171bpm max - 100cal

26) - 1m - 12:22(12:22/m) - 155bpm avge - 164bpm max - 109cal

27) - 0.35m - 3:37(10:19/m) - 167bpm avge - 171bpm max - 42cal

Heart Rate Zone Summary


HR Zone: 60-165bpm (Sub 70%): 18.2%

HR Zone: 165-173bpm (71-75%): 18.7%

HR Zone: 173-180bpm (76-80%): 38.5%

HR Zone: 180-188bpm (81-85%): 24.5%

HR Zone: 188-195bpm (86-90%): 0%

Pace Zone Summary


Pace Zone: 7:00-7:19/mile: 1.3%

Pace Zone: 7:20-7:39/mile: 2.7%

Pace Zone: 7:40-7:59/mile: 6.5%

Pace Zone: 8:00-8:19/mile: 10.4%

Pace Zone: 8:20-8:39/mile: 14.6%

Pace Zone: 8:40-8:59/mile: 16.1%

Pace Zone: 9:00-9:19/mile: 10.7%

Pace Zone: 9:20-9:39/mile: 8.4%

Pace Zone: 9:40-9:59/mile: 5.6%

Pace Zone: 10:00-10:19/mile: 3.7%

Pace Zone: 10:20-10:39/mile: 2.9%

Pace Zone: 10:40-10:59/mile: 1.9%

Pace Zone: 11:00-11:19/mile: 2.2%

Pace Zone: 11:20-11:39/mile: 1.8%

Edinburgh Marathon, PB !

Day started with rain, perfect, then it stopped but stayed overcast till about 5 min before the start when the clouds parted and the sun shone through, damm it. Before we got to the start line a load of Fetchies met up and had a large group picture, I then met John and Eli and Gavin (Gaubfar) and we had a group picture then the normal pre-race toilet stop, Burger King was queued back with a stupid amount of people so Gaubfar and I tried our luck in the Balmoral Hotel, easy peasy no queue, heated seats, individual hand towels, the best toilets pre-race ever, FACT !
Started with Gaubfar wished each other luck then had my race plan set stay at around 8.40m/m for as long as possible and to take plenty of fluids as often as possible.

First 4 miles were great, steady downhill and was really hard to hold back pace, relay runners started in front of us which got in the way but plenty of space to do your own thing and was enjoying. Water stops were around every 2/3 miles and about half had lucozade as well, took a bottle, drank some and chucked the rest over head and back to try and stay cool, this went upto 2/3 bottles per stop as it got warmer.
Crowds were supporting well and there were a few parts with none but having your name on vest helps, saw Tracey (Gaubfar wife to be) at mile 10 and was looking forward to going through Fetchpoint at about 11.8 miles, whistles, balloons and spraying of water followed by lots of cheering, a real boast, I then carried on and had my next target of 15 miles where my parents should be, I spotted them before they spotted me and had a wave and cheer before moving on. At about 17 miles we turned right into an estate and went uphill on a dirt track which took a lot out of me and the sun was baking down hard now and there was none or very little shade about.

From about 19 miles I was really struggling and slowed down more, some idiot at a water station told me I was only allowed one water bottle so I explained in a polite way that he would be better off minding his own business ! Went past my parents again at about 20 miles but from 21 onwards I started getting cramp in my calfs having to stop and walk before managing a little jog, all thoughts of 3.50 were now gone and I thought I had an outside chance of 4 hrs.
I was now taking Lucozade on as well and had the last of my 6 gels at abouut 24 miles. At 23 I went through the fetchpoint again, slightly slower and more weary this time though ! By 23.2 miles I had 30 mins left to break 4 hrs but I couldn't even manage 10 m/m, I just dragged myself along and was helped by the crowds, eventually Musselburgh came into view so I knew it was close. The last mile was fully lined with people and even with regular cramping of calfs I plodded along. The final part is over the grass so they layed plastic boards down, which wobbled all over the place and I found it really hard to stay upright when my legs wobbled just as much, as I ran down towards the finish I was looking out for Em and spotted her near the end gave a smile and wave and crossed the line in 4.06.23, not ideal or my target but considering the conditions I was happy to have got round.
I got my goody bag and medal and made my way round to see Em. We then went with Ted and Katie to the bar for a well deserved pint ! Ted found it hard to and was 16 min off his target so I felt a little better and temp was between 23-25oC depending on who you spoke to, all I know is that those last 6/7 miles had no shade and was bloody hot !
We then went off to meet John, Eli, Gavin and Tracey and then walked the 40+ mins to the bus, took ages to get back to Edinburgh and didn't get to hotel until about 6. We then met up for some grub and went off to the Fetch party for some well earned beers :)
All in all a great experience and if not hot a great PB course but on the day it was just blazing hot and bloody hard work. Learnt a lot and will look forward (don't hold me to that) my next marathon. A bonus was that a large picture of me made it into Mondays local rag and the national paper on Tues :)
Thanks to all for support and help with training over the last few months.
8:31 8:37 8:37 8:37 8:38 8:37 8:37 8:40 8:32 8:39 8:35 8:34 8:38 8:40 8:53 8:46 8:53 8:50 9:02 9:26 9:43 9:52 10:59 12:05 13:22 12:22 3:37
Well done mate, you did fantastic so don't beat yourself up, the conditions were unbearable, especially that dirt track, and like you said, you will have learnt a hell of a lot from the experience....

Chin up and on to a summer of nice pbs over 5k and 10k :) oh and thanks for introducing me to SB lol :)
It was bad luck to get such a hot day on which to run a marathon, but you have done fantastically well, don't knock it! I huge well done, really pleased for you. X
Well done i am so proud of you- you did really well. xxx
SB Gaubar was the entertainment of the weekend!!!!
Well done Swerver, you did great (and were very restrained when dealing with the water station man!) A hot race day (and day before) prob takes more out of you than you expect....and you made it into the nationals....Result all round. Well done.
Think you did amazingly well in those conditions, you should be very proud of yourself. 26.2 miles in that heat would be most runners worst nightmare. Sounds like a good course though and well supported. Loads of congratulations and a PB- Wahey.
Hey Jude
Well done swerver - brilliant run in those conditions and well-deserved after your dedicated training- a marathon will never be any harder!(until marrakesh!!)
The Quiet Man
Well done.
Well done, sounds very hot and your time was fab considering the heat.
she certainly was bm :)
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