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Silverstone 10k EMGP Series

  • Rated 82%
  • 10km
  • Road
Silverstone 10k EMGP Series race 1
Entrants (43)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
48:49 50:32 52:18 54.51
Eastern Veterans AC, Higham Harriers AC
35:56 38:37 39:51 66.47
Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers RC
47:49 54:42 1:01:22 46.92
Bri Mill
Leamington C & AC
38:18 38:50 38:56 74.42
Chaz Would love to go under 38 so soon after FLM - Maybe quicker? Depends on recovery, which is currently going well (Friday) - Hope to be able to run an all out effort at this race...
Wootton Road Runners
36:43 38:00 38:00 38:00 69.88
50:28 50:28 50:00 50:28 52.33
Duke of Drayton Did this race for the first time last year.  A real treat to be on the hallowed F1 track .....cut across the apex and accellerate onto the straight!   YES! managed to blow my previous PB out of the water could have been even better if not for that wind along hanger Straight through to Abbey.  Apart from the wind a lovely spring evening at a well organised event, shame there was no real momento - but never mind.
Cambridge & Coleridge AC
39:22 41:57 45:00 43:52 62.01
flanker Outside PB chance....
update: would have PBed if it wasn't for pulling off the course at 2k to stretch impossibly tight hammies and quads, losing a minute, and then having to take the next mile easy while they loosened off.  oh well...
Todmorden Harriers & AC, Fell Runners Association, LDWA
41:34 44:49 43:00 46:58 57.92
Allenbury's Club
Foxster A shiny new PB
100 Marathon Club
44:44 44:44 44:44 66.42
Go-KL Silverstone 10k race. Unusual to be running this as a pre marathon warm up rather than a difficult post marathon race. Was worried about back hip etc before the start, but in the race itself only the IT band hurt a bit causing some discomfort on the left knee. Was too windy to consider going absolutely flat out for a PB, so ran about 90%. On first lap into the wind put a surge on to catch a group with lead lady and sheltered behind them for remainder of first lap. Exiting Copse on second lap felt she was slowing a touch so put another surge on to catch the next group 100m or so up the road. Sheltered behind them again and on run to Abbey group fragmented and it was a free for all. Ran strong to the finish but was never in distress, felt more like half marathon pace. Recovered soon after finishing and was out of there. Pain was in left hip. Weather: partly sunny, very windy and quite cool, around 13C. Finished 27th, which is comfortably best position at Silverstone. In perfect conditions and ran flat out without injury, feel I could have gone around a minute quicker.
Grantham Running club
33:41 35:51 36:00 35:51 73.88
Reading Roadrunners
52:34 1:13:57 1:13:57 36.55
JovialGnome Done this twice before and quite enjoyed it - quicker each time so here's hoping! If I hadn't stopped for a wee I'd have done it!
58:37 1:01:10 1:01:00 1:01:10 50.27
Yaxley Runners and Joggers
42:26 52:04 52:19 50.46
Lieutenant Lucerne After a decent first lap, slowed a bit in the second, due to the crosswinds and then the headwind in the last KM. Had to really push hard in the last 500m, but just squeezed in under 39mins.
37:45 38:59 38:55 38:59 74.33
Long Shanks
Wellingborough & District AC
43:05 43:39 43:20 44:04 61.73
Luna Really windy and more inclines than I thought there would be! Really well organised and very enjoyable race though and I ran a couple of kms with Mick & Phil Curry which gave me a great boost when I was flagging in the second half.
52:52 52:52 52:52 55.42
Macca @ McCarkiss Endurance Project
Kenilworth Runners, McCarkiss Endurance Project
32:17 36:59 37:23 70.62
57:30 57:30 1:00:00 57:30 52.67
Mr J
41:13 46:37 49:00 47:31 55.88
Mrs GT
Bedford Harriers AC
57:17 58:37 58:49 51.87
Newport Dave
Newport Harriers AC
41:06 42:00 42:51 72.39
Paul Salmon
Wootton Bassett Hounds RC
45:16 45:21 45:21 60.89
47:38 47:38 50:51 54.30
45:28 46:58 46:58 58.33
Dunstable Lions RC
39:54 42:35 42:35 66.41
Runner Martin
Redway Runners
44:17 50:11 50:11 59.71
running jester
Shenley Striders
S.W.A.G Mile times: 9:42, 9:33, 9:34, 9:28, 9:33, 9:13, 8:43
Terrain: Flat, Road
Conditions: Very windy, dry and cloudy.
59:05 59:05 59:50 59:05 48.69
SarahBoots (Solitude_Fairy)
1:01:21 1:01:21
Schnecke It was hard work on the windy bits, but I got my sub 50 - yippee!!!
North Herts Road Runners
47:17 49:26 49:59 49:26 65.96
slogger76 Great race. Too fast first three K. Ran 4.40min then faded for second lap. More stamina required.
49:59 50:52 51:00 51:00 56.72
Smile2 damn just outsidd my pb. Great race considering ankle and windy.
Bedford Harriers AC, Milton Keynes AC
47:32 49:36 49:52 60.73
Woodstock Harriers AC
42:45 52:16 50:00 52:16 50.51
sootyward my first & definately not my last
Northampton Road Runners, MK Lakeside Runners
49:35 52:28 52:28 52.22
42:15 42:15 42:15 64.38
The Teaboy
Bedford Harriers AC
42:15 42:38 42:38 62.13
Tim of Fife Last training session was on Sunday, when I managed about quarter of an hour on the gym treadmill before coming off exhausted.   It didn't bode well.   However,  after a couple of really good nights' sleep and a lovely soak in the gym  jacuzzi before being picked up on race-day,  I arrived at Silverstone with a positive mindset.  

However,  huddled out of the wind in one of the pit-lane garages,  I got more and more intimidated by the seeming hundreds of 'whippets' passing by in big-name club vests.   Being that thin just isn't natural - is it?   Dark irrational thoughts  went through my mind as I looked down at the veritable truck tyre of fat around my aging, 15 stone,  middle-aged frame.   Would I actually be last?   Worse still,  would I be lapped?    Would I hell!  This was my first outing as an MK Lakeside Runner and I was going to turn in a half-decent run if it killed me.

Anyway,  enough of the exciting build-up.   What of the race itself?   Well,  I started really 'sparkily' and clocked an excellent  first km.   So far,  so good.    I got progressively slower through the next four kms of the first lap (especially the section into a headwind),    but still went through half-way in a respectable 23.19.     The second lap was a little more 'up and down' time-wise,   as my treadmill softened  legs started to find the rock-hard tarmac of the circuit a little wearing.    But,  I got my second wind around the 9km marker and (as I do at the end of every treadmill session) I logged a 'perky' final km.   This made for a 'negative split'  (posy running term) second half  of 23.11.   

My stop-watch (start to finish) time was 46.30.    My official (gun to finish) time was 46.40,  placing me 325th of 805 finishers.    (Comment - What's the point of inaccurate
45:06 46:30 46:30 62.83
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB) Drive past it every day so it would be rude not to run this  UPDATE  Official time is just 1 second outside my PB, Garmin had me 1 second under.
Buckingham & Stowe RC
53:59 54:28 57:30 56:11 55.68
WatfordTim left calf locked up at 7k running again by 9k
Watford Joggers
39:12 43:18 41:45 43:18 67.47

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