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OWLS John Fraser 10

Listed by Ally2
Entrants (43)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
EvilPixie I need a long run. I'm under trained so a PB will be lucky
2:03:31 2:03:31 2:02:00 2:03:31 38.79
Scouse Bird great race, pushed myself up half way on most inclines!!!! yay i can do it!
Fleckney and Kibworth Running Club
1:23:00 1:38:59 1:50:00 1:38:59 47.73
ironman this race is after the Vutruvian Triathlon (Half ironman). needed fo rmy 100% award.  will be a slow time depending on the day  before.  
where did that come from? after feeling very sore and ill in the first 3 miles something clicked and i went for it, managed a PB and probably will regret it tomorrow.  got my 100% ---
Birstall RC, Leicester Triathlon Club
1:10:18 1:10:18 1:15:00 1:10:18 63.84
Leicester Triathlon Club
1:10:35 1:10:35 1:10:35 63.85
ButterflyLou (MrsMothy) Tough race this one! Felt good though and ran up all the hills (of which there were many!). PB by about a minute or so but waiting for official time so very pleased as wasn't sure about this one! Splits were 9.11, 9.22, 9.31, 9.23, 9.17, 9.33, 9.44, 9.46, 9.13, 9.14 and OM told me to aim for 9.30's so did OK there!! Leggies going to hurt tomorrow!!
Werrington Joggers
1:32:11 1:34:22 1:34:22 50.12
Werrington Joggers
1:17:59 1:25:55 1:25:55 61.87
JovialGnome Felt as rough as a bagers bottom before the start and evn worse later in the day when I wound up in the Infirmary barely able to breathe! Confirmed as some sort of virus coupled to pulled inter-costal muscles - no wonder my time was so rubbish - nice course though!
1:40:35 1:53:21 1:53:21 44.17
Mothy Hard long course. Good fun for masochists! I must fall into that group as I quite enjoyed it! Good time, faster than I imagined.
Werrington Joggers
1:24:20 1:28:38 1:28:38 52.30
don ron Time to be confirmed
Werrington Joggers
1:13:46 1:15:00 1:15:00 70.51
Holme Pierrepont RC
1:19:20 1:19:20 1:19:20 59.55
Barrow Runners
1:34:22 1:34:22 1:34:22 50.77
Runnig Dude
Leicester Coritanian AC
55:03 55:03 56:21 55:24 83.67
Ivanhoe Runners
1:21:18 1:25:02 1:25:02 57.11
shop girl jules Ran better than prediction, plenty of hills, weather perfect, tough going at times though didnt walk any of it, great t shirt and banana at end but no clock to let us know times, still ,you cant have everything........
Werrington Joggers
1:42:21 1:42:21 1:53:00 1:42:21 49.02
Hen Harrier
Hermitage Harriers RC
2:10:32 2:10:32 2:10:32 37.88
smurf jo
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:11:54 1:19:13 1:25:00 1:19:13 61.30
Che Slower than I hoped..
Hinckley Running Club
1:15:17 1:15:17 1:15:00 1:15:17 58.77
Stilton Striders RC
1:17:13 1:17:13 1:17:13 58.59
Werrington Joggers
1:04:54 1:11:17 1:12:39 62.27
Gem* Enjoyed race as it was hilly rather than the flat ole Boro!  Kept it very steady, only one slighty harder bit between 7 and 8 when it was head wind and up hill.  Was pleased with first effort at this distance!
Werrington Joggers
1:19:49 1:37:00 1:40:00 1:37:00 48.66
Hermitage Harriers RC
Ivanhoe Runners
58:55 1:00:31 1:00:52 77.44
Fat Man Runs Felt fatastic - 9 minutes of my PB!
1:26:55 1:26:55 1:32:00 1:26:55 50.16
Rubberman Too hard
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:11:37 1:11:37 1:11:37 62.19
wildebeast would like to get 1:08 but not sure where i am at the mo should beat last years 1:11 though
found it tough but kept pushing all the way through
Hinckley Running Club
1:03:54 1:09:45 1:09:00 1:09:45 64.86
ross52477 I PB'd and over 1 min faster than last year. After the rain earlier, it turned out to be perfect running conditions.  This course is 'undulating' and it never seems to amaze me that I can remember the up hills on the way out but never the down hills on the way back.  Well organised race, as usual.
Barrow Runners
1:09:57 1:16:07 1:16:07 56.82
Runningheva Need to start upping my distances... in case I get into the FLM.
So a couple of 10 milers, then some half marathons before the end of the year.
Not fully fit at the moment so this will be run as a training run, do not bet on me.
Watch time so may change. Achilles and hamstring both sore. Met Evil Pixie and Orbital Sander at the start. Well organised race.
Rugby & Northampton AC
1:15:36 1:20:45 1:22:32 69.17
Marts great course well organised race. slight negative split (31:28/31:26). Put foot down with 2 miles to go and did 6:03/6:07 for last 2.
Werrington Joggers
59:44 1:02:54 1:02:54 69.08
Rich963 Splits: 6.44 6.59 6.58 6.58 6.54 7.11 7.12 7.07 6.40 6.39
Not sure how to feel about that - clearly happy for a 5 minute PB, but still suffering with a cold/sinus thing so not as quick as I'd hoped (there always seems to be a reason....!)  Conditions were good, but course a bit tougher than I'd expected.  Pleased with the pacing though - overtook about 20 people in the last 3 miles (maybe I should have gone out quicker - those last two miles look a bit quick for the uphill bits!)  Hopefully a good few points for those that bet.
Stilton Striders RC
1:08:58 1:09:25 1:07:00 1:09:25 62.31
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:37:09 1:45:05 1:45:05 45.29
Vi Ninety Day Challenge
Burton AC
1:49:57 1:49:57 1:45:00 1:49:57 39.81
Boycie this pb will go for definite - set last year after a night on the tiles - if it doesn't go then i will... Mission accomplished - Hermitage are league champions. New 10 mile PB - this course is tough, it undulates almost constantly. You get no respite at all!!! 5 Hermitage in the top 30, 8 in in 64 minutes - OWLS obliterated. Nice losers too - conveniently 'losing' the mens team trophy!!!! I have also never witnessed a race, where the club were so keen to unnecessarily reward their own runners. Not content with their own runners winning the County 10 mile titles at senior and vet levels and consequently the race itself at senior and vet levels, they then had a prize that rewards 'the best performing OWLS in the race at senior and vet levels' - hmmm... guess who went home with 3 trophies each then :) - still when it came to what mattered the Leicestershire Road Running League title, that trophy'll be coming to the Harriers - if and when they find it!!! Think I finished 6th senior male in the summer league too - Ally2 1st, PG 4th! Awesome!!!
Exmouth Harriers AAC, Barnt Green Chuggers
58:53 1:01:33 1:01:30 1:01:33 70.32
(Mama) Pigeon
Anstey Amblers and Runners
1:30:52 1:46:44 1:45:00 1:46:44 44.23
Charnwood AC
1:06:11 1:06:11 1:08:00 1:06:11 73.68
ThorntonRunner Pleased: Whilst not a pb, it's a good step on the road to recovering my form.
1:07:16 1:09:32 1:09:32 68.94
Ally2 around 57 mins would be great. Splits 5:25,5:35,5:39,5:38,5:38,5:44,5:48,5:55,5:42,5:43 5mile split dead on 28:00. 2nd 5 in 28:53 Came 6th was on my own for 9miles but closing on 5th who I had let go at 1mile. Harriers won the mens Leicester Road Running league 2008 and I won the Mens title.
Notts AC, Hermitage Harriers RC
49:23 56:53 56:59 56:53 76.04
100 Marathon Club, Roadhoggs Leicester AC
1:14:53 1:20:19 1:22:00 1:20:19 61.24
orbital sander
1:40:35 1:40:35 1:45:00 1:40:35 47.20
Nikinoodle Not going for a time, just running (and/or walking) to help my injured mate get her well deserved 100%er.
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:50:33 1:50:33 1:50:33 45.04
Happy as Larry
59:07 1:01:53 1:02:00 1:01:53 70.45
Deanomite Yee hah, blew 8 mins off last years race time :)
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:13:44 1:17:24 1:20:00 1:17:24 57.54
Racin Snail
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:02:47 1:03:09 1:04:00 1:03:09 68.81
Hermitage Harriers RC
1:06:12 1:09:51 1:15:00 1:09:51 61.92

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