Nike Human Race 10K

Sun August 31 2008
Listed by Beaker
Entrants (82) Club PB SB Pred Time WAVA
s6m Unaffiliated 53:26
Veggie Sausage Unaffiliated 54:14 1:07:05 1:07:05 44.55
Mutant Calfs ran with a friend for the first 7k so a little slower than I hoped, an so many people it was hard to keep moving at an even pace... Unaffiliated 49:10 51:38 51:00 56:02 49.28
TheBeetroot Appalling organisation compared to the 2 other Nike runs I've done (2005 and 2006), but most of the marshals were great and doing their best to cheer us up on what was a miserable night. Particularly appreciated that some of them had parked a car with headlights on so that we could actually see the lake we were about to run through! Quite liked the rain but then a) I'm strange like that and b) I was in wave 3 so only had to run in it rather than standing around on the pitch getting wet for hours beforehand. Sadly, didn't meet any other fetchies as clearly everyone had already left the pub by the time I got there afterwards. Most other runners were nice except for a couple of people who cut me up badly - and I'm used to large races so not talking minor jostling/elbowing here, one very stupid woman zoomed from right to left directly in front of me - not even diagonally, right across my path - and only about 50m from the finish when I was doing my version of a sprint :-) In order to avoid trampling on her I had to punch her in the back, sorry about that ;-) Love my white race shirt but where the hell was my medal!! I only race for medals.... Unaffiliated 1:06:52 1:10:32 1:12:00 1:11:55 44.94
Stokie I took the bad decision of enjoying the music and just having a good time which sort of tired me out before the start. Not too good to be standing around for two hours before a race?? Didn't like the route - car parks and industrial roads, eh!? Overall it was a nice idea but bad organisation just killed! Plus my  time was shit!!

Unaffiliated 51:06 52:04 51:59 53:27 50.05
GooseyLucy Unaffiliated 1:08:00 1:08:00 1:10:00
xtina My first race / my first 10 k  and I achieved my goal of under 1 hour - so yay!!!!!!!
 Probably could have done without the music hoopla but hey Wembley had lots of toilets pre-race so there is one bonus. Was in wave 3 and I think that was just right for me, I passed people along the way and got passed, too but all in reason. Unaffiliated 59:05 59:05 1:00:00 59:05 51.44
Mags M Unaffiliated 52:36 52:36 55:00 54:35 55.04
Naomi P The weekend before the Kent Coastal marathon where I'm hoping to PB so I won't be racing this. *UPDATE* Apologies for the bets, this just didn't qute happen - too much hanging around beforehand, pouring rain and I'm not an evening runner. Only 38 seconds off the PB, maybe next time... Unaffiliated 42:50 47:58 50:00 48:36 61.15
cawillemat Unaffiliated 40:44 41:51 43:20 61.12
tazzzman Heavy rain the whole race, miserable Unaffiliated 45:30 48:47 50:00 50:57 52.75
LadyBee Bad lighting made for tricky running. Unaffiliated 46:50 49:40 52:00 54:30 54.53
Little Jen Unaffiliated 44:54 44:54 45:18 65.84
Little Giant Unaffiliated 51:08 51:08 54:23 54.75
monkeyy Unaffiliated 44:03 44:03 44:02
sav123uk Ran this with Toni.  Her first ever race!  It was also the first time she had tried to run continuously, and it was a fantastic achievement for her to have done so well. 
Although the setting of Wembley Stadium is great, the concert before the run idea was not so good.  everyone was cold and bored and just wnated to get on with the run.  There was a thunder stormjust before our wave started, so very wet and cold to start.  A quite dark course, which made it feel long especially when returning towards the stadium and going round all the carparks!
In summary, an easy pace for me, but it was nice to be focusing on getting Toni round.  I'm so proud of her!! Unaffiliated 48:42 49:45 1:30:00 1:11:38 37.52
tr_88 Unaffiliated 56:01 1:06:34 1:06:34 39.66
JP1979 Unaffiliated 43:22 51:12 48:00 51:12 51.98
CornishEva I measured it as 10.4K - what did others get? Unaffiliated 48:02 48:31 51:23 57.84
JWRLfanclub Unaffiliated 46:00 53:19 56:00 53:19 50.17
JamesUK One of the best races I've done in terms of pre-race entertainment. Being able to walk on the pitch at wembley, and have live performances from Pendulum and Moby, was well worth the £30. The course itself was not that interesting, it was dark by the time the race started, and the course was wound the outside of the stadium. However running up Wembley way to finish the race takes some beating. Happy with my result, but not so happy with the shoes (nike zoom) I'll stick to Nike air's next time Unaffiliated 57:47 57:47 1:00:00 57:47 45.69
mickeygooner was my first 10k , did not train enough on road surfaces though and  too much time on the treadmill . Unaffiliated 56:18 1:02:18 1:00:00 1:02:18 42.76
Juan Unaffiliated 50:30 50:30 50:00 50:30 53.24
Gunderful Unaffiliated 49:45 49:45 49:45 53.07
GingerWhinger Human race ran as part of 8 mile training run Unaffiliated 1:07:34 1:07:34 1:07:34 39.07
richie p Unaffiliated 50:21 50:21 50:21 52.43
TimG Unaffiliated 49:49 49:49 49:49 57.69
Imogen Unaffiliated 56:06 1:02:00 1:05:00 1:02:00 48.32
Mizmoo Unaffiliated 56:42 56:42 56:42 52.71
wrong tomato Unaffiliated 56:21 56:21 1:02:38 42.15
Bach Unaffiliated 44:00 45:00 45:00 66.17
Hop Ran this one with Dave. He struggled during the last 3 miles but made it. I felt great the whole time and could have ran it in under 55 min easy, but didn't want to leave a friend behind. Unaffiliated 51:41 1:16:04 1:16:04 34.76
Neil-London Unaffiliated 53:05 53:05 53:05 49.73
petefrancis Unaffiliated 52:00 52:00
Aitchbee Would love to get another PB, but as Update (24/8) participation looking dodgy - bad lungs and no running for more than a week...we'll see.. Update (31/8) well i should be pleased, i managed to run after all when it was looking dodgy. Too many factors against me to get a decent time really but still disappointed anyhow Unaffiliated 1:09:42 1:09:42 1:11:37 41.50
hopisen Terrible event.two hours of waiting, so it turned into an unexpected night run, then the actual route was a mess -  Lost at least a couple of minutes due to congestion/flooded bits/darkness/etc etc. and to cap it all, no blinkin' medal! Nike messed this up good and proper. I hope other poeple enjoed it tho! Unaffiliated 47:32 58:12 58:12 45.78
Agent Orange The plan - enjoy the concert, accept the waiting around and make sure that I was at the front of wave 3.  First two parts went OK but the marshalling meant our section was the back half of wave 3.  So just accepted that I'd have to start slowly and build.  Even allowing for the numbers the first few kms were incredibly crowded.  The first quarter of the race took me about 13 minutes.  Thereafter I ran comfortably sub 4.30/km pace (and clocked a total distance of over 10.5kms which must say something about the slalom I ran to get past people).  It was pleasing to see I had that speed and to overtake so many people.  I reckon the last 5 miles were quicker than my PB for that distance even allowing for the annoying windy bit at 8 to 9 km.  I knew it wouldn't be particularly fast race but it should have set me up for a good autumn. Unaffiliated 43:42 43:42 47:00 46:27 59.91
Princess Purple Bubbles Doing this 'locally' to the palace via the NikePlus website..doing it with Kev66 and Garth...just the 3 of us, Sunday morning wearing our Nike Human Race T-shirts. Two of us with niggling injuries so going to take it steady and aim to just get around. Unaffiliated 59:36 1:05:57 1:04:00 1:05:57 45.10
Musical Journey Unaffiliated 49:00 1:03:31 1:03:31 42.56
bruno. Unaffiliated 44:42 44:42 44:42 59.06
Scooby Dave Unaffiliated 40:11 45:10 46:23 57.95
Laura27 I did it!!!!! crap race though, had to stand for 1hr45 before even running.  Then it peed it down the whole way round. Just glad I got my goal time of between 52-54 mins with a PB of 52.58. Unaffiliated 52:30 52:58 54:00 52:58 56.12
Footpad Nice and twist, scenery fantastic, no one walked 3 abreast, dry weather. All in all what more could you want in a race........ except Moby... that would be daft eh? Unaffiliated 49:30 50:47 52:00 53:27 52.48
Shin-Twigs sorry for those who bet on me, i let you down Unaffiliated 53:27 58:26 1:02:18 49.57
PaulaMc I expect it'll be hard to get a good time in this race, so I'm just out to enjoy it really. Unaffiliated 50:08 57:37 59:00 1:00:11 51.31
SUPERWOMAN63 My friend persuaded me to do this and yes l did enjoy seeing wembley for the first time, quite magnificent inside. Seb Coe was my idol years ago and so was nice to see him at the start of my wave 2. I enjoyed my run , my time doesn't reflect how good l felt throughout the race, l feel more positive about training for the Dublin Marathon !!! 
Bit disappointed there was no medal however both tops were nice. Unaffiliated 1:02:32 1:03:18 1:05:00 1:07:50 46.82
rosieg Unaffiliated 1:05:43 1:05:43 2:17:00 1:37:00 30.66
monkey harris Unaffiliated 49:07 50:38 54:26 50.33
everready The rain lashed down and made the road a little tough going but the biggest isue was tripping over overs in the race who were slower. I was not running at full stretch it felt like a training run.

Aside of that it was very well organised and the free long t-shirt was a welcome surprise Unaffiliated 49:59 49:59 51:00 53:43 49.80
SpankyChan Hope to do better than an hour but let's be realistic - it's going be mad mad mad busy!!! Unaffiliated 1:01:36 1:01:36 1:10:00 1:04:24 42.24
Dave B Unaffiliated 37:44 41:13 45:00 45:21 58.30
Superdaz Unaffiliated 45:26 51:45 51:45 52.23
itchyrichie Unaffiliated 55:37 55:37 57:00 55:37 47.90
Mr Peru Unaffiliated 37:52 38:41 39:25 66.98
Blodwen I'd love to break an hour for this, but think it's unlikely!  Update: This was the 4th Nike 10K that I've done & I was rather disappointed with the organization this time round.  I wasn't really bothered either way about the pre-race concert, but was really fed up that cos I was in Wave 2, we were made to stand in the middle of the stadium for nearly 3 hours before the race started.  (I'd got into the stadium at about 4.55 and didn't run til 7.50!)  My friend & I did go back out to by the food kiosks & have a cuppa (& a donut!) & sat on the floor out there for a bit, but it was far from ideal race preparation!  In fact by the time we started, I had totally lost any enthusiasm for doing the run at all, as had my friend.  The heavens opened just as we were about to start, & it p***ed it down for the first 4-5K, which was pretty miserable.  Thought the course was really boring & uninspiring - running round an industrial estate in the rain & the dark on a Sunday night is not my idea of fun! - & it was a lot hillier than I'd expected. I thought some of the marshalls out on the course did sterling work in their support - especially the very cheerful chap by the Tesco petrol station!  (Thank you, if you're reading this!)  However, thought the staffing at the stadium & in the finish area was very poor - felt like we were being herded around like sheep all evening!  The stadium staff just seemed to be totally hacked off with being there, and fed up with the Nike staff, & it felt like we runners bore the brunt of that! They were trying to kick us out of the Arena while we we putting dry clothes on & having a drink, and yet folk from waves 3 & 4 would still have been running! And where were our medals?  Thought the long sleeved t-shirts at the finish were fab, and was VERY glad to have something dry to put on! Nike need to iron out some of these problems if they put on a 10K next year! (And Unaffiliated 1:02:00 1:11:16 1:01:59 1:11:20 43.29
John66 Barnes Runners 58:44 59:52 1:05:52 42.25
Hills of Death (HOD) Worst race of my life..stress out waiting around for 2 hours before hand. Crammed in like sardines lots of pushing weaving some 'lady' complained cause I ran across her path ???? She jabbed me in the back. I mean it's not like I had a lot of choice with being cut up every 10 secs. Where will all these people be on a cold December morning at XC in bed with a hangover me thinks. Who's the mad ones (errrr us). Well done Nike for cramming them all in again Barnet & District AC, Riverside Runners 44:43 46:31 44:59 46:31 58.11
northern soul Bellahouston Road Runners 35:56 35:56 37:42 71.30
j77ben Clapham Chasers 35:23 35:23 36:54 71.57
controversial Clapham Chasers 34:01 35:55 38:00 38:00 69.88
Bul 15th in London, 383 in the World. Enjoyed the race. Clapham Chasers 33:14 34:00 34:50 76.23
K8 Ealing Eagles Running Club 52:05 56:45 58:41 51.05
Argie East Essex Triathlon Club, Halesowen Triathlon 44:05 48:37 53:08 52:38 50.32
TrailingTortoise Fordy Runs 52:22 1:00:00 1:10:00 1:05:44 45.22
Shred Betty Had the worst stitch I've ever had - could have run quicker if it didn't hurt so much! This I drank too much water before hand! Why does it always rain at London 10k's?! ;o) Lliswerry Runners 50:24 1:02:27 1:00:00 1:04:00 47.72
catcat London City Runners 53:29 1:02:00 1:06:00 40.72
carlbob London FrontRunners 40:53 44:20 48:10 54.81
rprince Lordshill Road Runners, Southampton University Athletics & Cross Country Team 39:24 56:47 1:00:07 43.91
tom_craggs Shocking event, first and last ike Human Race I do!

Pleased enough with time though, given the 2 hours waiting to start and the driving rain... Mornington Chasers, Winchester & District AC 35:30 37:14 40:10 38:48 68.04
Runaholic Petts Wood Runners 40:50 40:50 42:59 69.14
trigger2 Purple Patch Runners 55:47 59:16 1:04:00 47.28
ms croft Ranelagh Harriers 48:21 48:21 48:21 61.81
BABOY Reading Roadrunners, Serpentine RC 36:08 36:08 38:20 68.97
Prof Disco Dean Not one to predict a good time very crowded Reading Roadrunners 37:58 40:24 42:46 44:59 58.69
Chazzee Rather crowded at the start, no opportunity to set early pace. Nice bit of rain!! Serpentine RC, Westbury Harriers 39:25 39:25 40:04 65.89
curlygirly hoping to get under 44 mins this time but 2 weeks in the greek sunshine before the race wont help much!
im with oceanspirit-its last day of freedom before new school year
update- have buggered my knee so will be lucky to walk round the whole thing-gutted!
31/8-after id got used to the fact i couldnt run fast, i just enjoyed the great atmosphere and music but not the rain! even managed under an hour for the race. Springfield Striders RC 39:26 44:58 1:00:00 57:14 53.11
oceanspirit Last day before the new school year begins!!!!! Swindon Striders 1:00:53 1:07:06 1:13:52 40.27
Akkers Tadworth AC 42:38 53:00 55:45 47.35
Greedo79 Teignbridge Trotters 48:41 48:41 48:41 54.23
1step2far Tri-Anglia 1:00:00 1:00:00 1:05:10 45.60
GlennR Sensible target given current training pace. UKnetrunner 48:48 56:19 59:00 59:16 50.13
kaybear Wimbledon Windmilers 52:27 54:35 56:00 56:15 54.30

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