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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Musselburgh Festival 10K

  • Rated 79%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (22)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Baza Watch time was 37:45 (18:55@5K), pleased with my run as morning runs aren't really my cup of tea! 1st time at Musselburgh and really enjoyed the race, good turn out, especially of the local running clubs. Cake lovers dream afterwards too, and they still had stuff left...yum. Be back next year for sure :-)
Carnegie Harriers
36:28 36:32 38:30 37:45 70.17
Comedycare Perfect day, flat course, friendly atmosphere.  Felt very slow though - guess I'll just have to get used to it.
46:21 51:09 52:00 51:50 51.86
Dvorak Another sub-optimal performance.  Enjoyed the race mainly (only my own performance at fault, really) though a bit more on grass than I'm keen on. Didn't think I had started too fast - but I had.  Unravelled somewhat after 3K.  Recommended for people looking for something a bit different. Will try and make it back next year - might even take the day off and watch the parade and the horses and go to the shows.  Loads of Fetchies.
48:39 52:00 53:30 56:06 50.41
edso90 A PB and under the 45. Tough on the grassy bits but a godd well organised race and a nice spread afterwards.
Edinburgh Athletic Club
41:43 44:20 44:20 63.78
Bellahouston Harriers
43:51 49:09 50:38 60.73
Falkirk Victoria Harriers
46:45 48:10 48:10 64.37
Hurry Up Harkins
53:49 56:57 56:57 49.65
Hyperboy brilliant race and also a pb doesnt get any better than this.
Falkirk Victoria Harriers
40:28 42:41 42:00 42:46 62.30
Harmeny AC
50:12 50:12 50:12 66.45
Carnegie Harriers
41:54 42:56 44:40 65.96
MartyK Nice course on varied terrain.  Lovely day for it and good to see a number of the
44:55 44:55 46:00 44:55 58.78
51:20 1:00:28 1:00:28 43.66
1:08:00 1:08:00 1:08:00 42.46
Lonely Goat RC
42:06 42:06 46:21 64.12
RachL Great race, nice course, very well organised, fab food afterwards!
47:22 49:02 49:00 49:02 60.61
Harmeny AC, Dumfries Running Club
42:37 42:37 42:37 66.89
RicC Having been injured since Christmas I'm just getting back some level of fitness.  Running around 4 times per week and cycling a bit to add training but minimise impact.  Ran JogScotland 5k last week in just under 21 minutes so quite a way off PB.  Just glad to be back running!!

#### Post race notes ####
A nice race but not a great experience unfortunately.  I prepared well for it, plenty of rest, healthy food and as much sleep as a 6 week old would allow.  

The first 1-2k was fine and made sure I didn't go off too quickly and was maintaining a good 3.58ish min/km pace but by 3km I was just wishing it would end and spent the next couple of kms feeling awful and contemplating giving up - I had no energy, my form was all over the place and at time my legs felt like jelly.  By 6km I was feeling really sick and had some nearly solid burps and by 7km this had moved to the other end and had serious concerns about what might happen!!  My pace really dropped from 3km - 8km and was passed by many (including Fetchie Rentboy!).  I started to feel a little better at 8km and by 9km I was feeling fine and managed to pick up the pace for a (nearly) sprint finish.  

Quite disappointed with my time as this time last year I was comfortably running sub-40 and while I knew I wouldn't achieve that I was hoping for 42mins.  Have been talked in to signing up for the Scottish Gas 10k next weekend so I'm hoping for a better time!
Edinburgh Athletic Club
35:11 44:04 42:00 44:04 60.00
Roadrunner Bark 11TH Place and 15 secs away from taking a New PB. I really enjoyed this Race, abit tough on the grass parts of the Course. A Good field and a well organised race.
34:22 35:29 35:43 73.92
jogscotland, Musselburgh & District Athletic Club
48:17 48:18 49:23 58.37
Tatty Teddy
42:06 42:06 46:21 59.11
Triplet Dad
Edinburgh Running Network
50:00 51:47 54:59 51:47 54.61
wrexhamrob great to meet Fetchies, thanks for the photo- from welsh dragon runner thanks
Buckley RC
47:18 47:18 47:18 63.35

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