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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Interview with Mandymoo

Angus Clydesdale asks: Oh, brilliant. Congratulations! :) I’m going to make Pedro scratch about for some originality by asking his favourite question: If time and money we’re no object, what race would you enter (and why)? :)

Mandymoo says: Thank you. This is a hard one for me as dont really race anymore. I would go

for a cycling event rather than a race and probably a help for hero's ones through
France and back to the UK. I took part in the H4H Dawn Raid from Portsmouth

to London overnight one year and it was such an emotional event, and very

GimmeMedals asks: Congratulations, Mandy! How did you first get into SUPing and where is your favourite place to do it?

Mandymoo says: Thank you. I brought an inflatable kayak first and went out on it one day saw

someone on a paddleboard and like the spoilt brat I am wanted one, so OH

brought me one for my birthday. At the same time one of my cycling buddies
also brought a board. We paddle on the sea a lot, living on the coast but also
on the local rivers. My favorite place has to be the French lakes closely

followed by Hope Cove, Devon.
Diogenes asks: Congratulations. What advice would you give a paddle boarding novice?

Mandymoo says: Thank you. Advice would be stand up as soon as you can, i left it too long and

then became to nervous to stand. When you do stand look straight

ahead, not down at your board. Most importantly just enjoy being out on it,

it's great fun on rivers or in the sea, with friends or on your own. I would also

suggest a lesson - I took part in a group one with some Fetchies with LindsD's

son and I learnt so much
westmoors asks: Congratulations Mandymoo. If you could meet anyone, past or present, who would it be and why?

Mandymoo says: Hello - easy one this, would have to be my Birth Mum. She sadly died when I

was 9 months old so I would love to be able to sit down and chat to her.

Famous person would have to be Cav. Most people know I have a soft spot

for Mr Cavendish πŸ˜‚
Pothunter asks: Yay! What would you have for your death row meal? Starter, main, dessert plus something to wash it down.

Mandymoo says: Starter - mussles in garlic butter,

Main - would have to be a roast beef dinner, lasagna, or really good seafood pasta,

Pudding - proper italian coconut ice cream

This would have to be washed down with a really good Tanquery G&T
Serendippily asks: Hooray! When did you first get into cycling?

Mandymoo says: Hello Dipps. I broke my foot in June 2010 (I was hurdling at the time on the
Xbox connect after drinking too many cocktails). The break was quite bad and
took a long time to fix. I was getting frustrated at not being able to run and Mr

Moo brought me a mountain bike so I could exercise. My dad, who is a very keen

Cyclist suggested we do London to Brighton. I jokingly told him I would need a

road bike for that, and he sent the money over to my bank account. 6 weeks

later I did an event from London to Dover and it progressed from there. We

never did do London to Brighton but we did do Ride 100 together one year.
HappyG(rrr) asks: Many congrats Mandymoo. Thanks for advice on paddleboards (and making me buy two, by mistake!) My question - what does this place FetchEveryone mean to you? Congrats again, :-) G

Mandymoo says: Fetch is amazing. Its a safe place, full of friendship, help, advice and

encouragement. It's really hard to explain to non Fetchies but there

is always someone who totally understands what you are saying, can
offer advice and support. The elderly parents thread helped me through the

hardest of times with my mum, the 700 thread is just fabulous and so many

others are great. I have meet a few Fetchies in the flesh and they have all been

lovely and I hope to meet many more. I can honestly say Fetch is a big part of

my life so thank you everyone πŸ’“
RRR-CAZ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ asks: Yay well deserved MMoo If you were given 2 golden tickets for any sporting event what would you choose to watch?

Mandymoo says: First reaction would be 6 day cycling finals or UCI Championship Finals, or World

Super Bikes but have been to all of those so I would go for T20 Cricket World

Cup somewhere nice and warm, and England to win please
.B. asks: Congrats Mandy! Now you are retired what exciting things do you have planned next?

Mandymoo says: Thank you- plans are pretty much the same, to enjoy time away in the wobble

box- just starting to plan next year's holidays - its hard work making sure we
are close to water and cycling routes where ever we go. Planning Luxembourg,

Black Forest and France amd some UK trips too 😁
Sombrero asks: Morning ;-) Well done! If you could karate chop anyone famous in the head and get away with it, who would it be? And why?

Mandymoo says: Thank you. It would have to be Brian Cox - he of DReam fame and because he

just does my head in with his smug face, whiny voice that just drones on and

Lip Gloss asks: Soooo chuffed for you. :-) How did you first get into running?

Mandymoo says: Thank you 😊. I always loved sport at school, represented the school and county
in netball, hockey, field events etc but never liked running. In my late 30's I started
struggling with my weight and wanted to be fit and slim for my 40th. I actually
contacted a thing called the Fit Squad which was in the sun newspaper (hangs
head in shame) as they helped with diet and fitness and I had just been told I

had a yeast intolerance. The first thing Nikki Waterman (the fitness lady) told me

was that she was going to turn me into a runner and I laughed at her, but she did
and she was the first person I called when I finished my first London Marathon
Mushroom asks: Congratulations. Why Don't You, or Blue Peter? Swap Shop or Tiswas?

Mandymoo says: Thank you - Why don't you and Tiswas for me 😁. Never got into Blue Peter
Or SwapShop. Didnt watch a huge amount of TV but friends watched Tiswas 😁

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