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Heart rate

302 watchers
Aug 2017
10:50am, 10 Aug 2017
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Great stuff, thanks ptb.

It's quite reassuring in a sense that in my own way I think I'm in a good position to pick this up late. I've got a decent base of steady running (under 75% max), I've been relatively injury free for a year and had improvements at HM this year.

Things I'll take away:

I need to up my long runs to 20 miles plus (I knew this anyway, but I need to do it rather than just think about it).

Also I can get a good idea of marathon pace from doing a weekly effort 10 miler (keeping flat HR and monitoring pace), I'm going to do both of these for the next 5 weeks at least and see where I get to.

Agree about not paying as much attention to the HR in race, you can run it by feel but it is good to know what to expect.
Aug 2017
11:09am, 10 Aug 2017
395 posts
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Or rather run it by pace, but paying attention to how you feel and I guess heart rate (like cadence) is just another piece of feedback to help you control your effort to get the best out of yourself on the day!
Aug 2017
12:29pm, 16 Aug 2017
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Hills of Death (HOD)
What % and how long is everyone doing their LT runs.

Is it weekly ?
Aug 2017
1:07pm, 16 Aug 2017
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Not sure if it counts HOD, but I did a longer effort this weekend. I kept HR under 140, had a relatively flat graph for 12 miles (so prob a tad below what I can get from Marathon pace). I had to stop at 12 miles though, as I took a gel at 10 miles and it sort of disagreed with me.

I then joined the parkrun around the same lake and continued running at the same HR until the final mile where I picked up the pace a bit and breached threshold (somewhere around 145-148 bpm I think).

A good run to benchmark where I am but I can see why people separate the sub-LT run from the long run.
Aug 2017
1:32pm, 16 Aug 2017
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Northern Exile
Potentially a daft question, but does anyone have any experience of HR training while taking medication? I managed to contract a form of muscular arthritis (don't ask) and am being treated with costercortisoids, these are a type of steroid. They raise your HR to a degree - I reckon resting HR maybe + 6 - 8 bpm. What I'm trying to find out is if it's dangerous training to HR when your heart functionality is impinged upon and also if there is any reason why I should keep all my training aerobic. Like I said, daft, but if anyone has any thoughts or guidance I'd be grateful.
Aug 2017
2:49pm, 16 Aug 2017
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paul the builder
No idea NE, sorry. I was curious about your medication, and you appeared to be being treated with a Googlewhack ;-)
Aug 2017
2:55pm, 16 Aug 2017
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Northern Exile
Ha - that GoogleWhack appears to go to my own blog :-) So, I appear to have made a spelling mistake - it's been known.

The correct spelling is "corticosteroids". Sorry.
Aug 2017
4:11pm, 16 Aug 2017
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paul the builder
At least you spelled it the same both times :-)

I guess the question is fundamentally about training full stop while on it. If you have the OK for that (or for certain types of training), then I can't see why it would make any odds whether you have your HR displayed on your wrist or not while you train.

I doubt Dr Lou lurks here, but I think she'd have a qualified and relevant opinion. I'll give her a shout.
Aug 2017
4:16pm, 16 Aug 2017
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It's quite tricky putting anything that includes "steroids" and "running" into google and coming up with anything that isn't about elite doping!

I think ptb has the right approach here - your resting HR may be increased by the drug, but whether pushing your heart at all whilst on it is discouraged or acceptable will be the key and should be fairly easy to get an answer to if the right person can be found!
Aug 2017
4:21pm, 16 Aug 2017
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Northern Exile
Yes, that's sort of what I was thinking. When the condition first raised its ugly head - immediately after I did the JNC - I was in a pretty poor way for some time and could barely walk, inevitably my fitness dropped off. Since I've been training again (running, cycling and swimming) things have improved, though I'm miles from where I was earlier in the year. Resting HR at this time of the day around 54 - 55. Higher in the morning immediately after I take the medication.

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach
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