F'Laps - Saturday 6th July

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26 lurkers | 219 watchers
Dec 2019
4:30pm, 23 Dec 2019
15,640 posts
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The bootstraps argument by the right wing is the stupidest argument I've ever heard.

Born in a slum in Calcutta to a low caste, or in a shanty town as an ethnic Native American in Lima... pull yourself up by the bootstraps? HOW exactly? These people work all daylight hours doing things like scavenging tips as it is, to survive. Here as I said recently, one wage isn't enough to support a family, and cheap credit (plus interest) is used to fill the shortfall. It is a vicious circle.

Being able to have the opportunity to pull yourself up by the bootstraps is a luxury or privilege. Most people never get that.
Dec 2019
5:37pm, 23 Dec 2019
6,028 posts
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Didn't you see slumdog millionaire? You sound like a odometer and a gloomster to me. Believe in Brexit!

I will leave that autocorrect of doomster. It's no more stupid that what I typed.
Dec 2019
6:17pm, 23 Dec 2019
25,080 posts
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Wriggling Snake
Not all pensioners are right wing, look at Corbyn, OH NO, he's a leaver....
Dec 2019
6:18pm, 23 Dec 2019
25,081 posts
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Wriggling Snake
oh no he's not he's a remainer
Dec 2019
6:18pm, 23 Dec 2019
25,082 posts
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Wriggling Snake
oh no he's not he's neutral.
Dec 2019
6:30pm, 23 Dec 2019
9,340 posts
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Interesting programme on radio4 earlier about Aristotle.

Apparently in his writings, one of the things he noted the element that luck and privilege played in the outcome of a person's life.

So the bootstraps argument has been debunked since c350BC
Dec 2019
6:57pm, 23 Dec 2019
1,978 posts
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I had no objection to Corbyn's stance of neutrality; I was dismayed by his failure to the demolish the fatuousness of 'Get Brexit Done' and 'An oven-ready deal'

I am more critical of the dishonesty of BJ for presenting those slogans as the basis for policy.
I am even more critical of the dishonesty of all those who blamed the EU for the economic woes of the past decade, and pretended that the answer to these woes was to leave the EU.
I am not inclined to lay much blame on the majority of the electorate in deprived areas who were misled by dishonest propaganda delivered over a period of several years.
I do have fire in my belly to do what I can to prevent the continuation of that propaganda.
Dec 2019
7:52pm, 23 Dec 2019
6,029 posts
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Agree that Labour's final stance was quite reasonable: it might have been a very different world if he had come out soon after the ref and said his plan was to negotiate the best deal he could and put it to a ref for confirmation. But having to be dragged there kicking and screaming over several years, all the time spouting his red unicorn nonsense...
Dec 2019
7:56pm, 23 Dec 2019
8,329 posts
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Labour and Lib Dem’s hamstrung themselves when they campaigned in 2017 to respect the referendum.
Dec 2019
7:58pm, 23 Dec 2019
3,422 posts
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mr d
Do you think Labour got it across well during the campaign JDA, or was it irrelevant due to the prevous three years of moving positions?

About This Thread

Maintained by Chrisull
Name-calling will be called out, and Ad hominem will be frowned upon. :-) And whatabout-ery sits somewhere above responding to tone and below contradiction.

*** Last poll winner

July 4th - Congrats to fields who predicted June 20

*** Current poll - How many Tory mps left after July 4th

HappyG 270
Fenners Reborn 266
Jda 250
GeneHunt 205
Larkim 191
Mushroom 185
Bazoaxe 180
JamieKai 177
Cheg 171
Yakima Canutt 165
Chrisull 155
NDWDave 147
Macca53 138
JB 135
Derby Tup 133
Little Nemo 130
Big G 128
Kstuart 121
LindsD 120
Diogenes 117
Fields 111
B Rubble 110
Mrs Shanksi 103
J2r 101
Richmac 101
rf_fuzzy 100 (+15/-15)
simbil 99
DaveW 95
Paulcook 88
Fetch 85
Bob 72
Weean 69 and 2/3
Pothunter 50

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FE accepts no responsibility for external links. Or anything, really.

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