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London Marathon 2020

60 watchers
Aug 2020
3:34pm, 18 Aug 2020
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They are also disregarding any other times that people with GFA places may have run in 2019 to be used as proof of retaining ability. This is a change from the regular GFA deferral process where they would expect you to show a time run more recently if you qualified using a time from two years previously.

2019 times are only considered for people who used that time to apply for GFA, if you have a 2019 time but didn't use it they are essentially cancelling the entry.
Aug 2020
3:40pm, 18 Aug 2020
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@LMH - If they stick to their guns on this then I'll have no choice but to try to recruit a team of pacers to run 10km each with myself and others looking for the same standard. Still don't think I'd be able to make the time like that, but more chance than otherwise.

I'm lucky that I have a fair idea of which local running groups to tap to find these people though and that there should be enough people up for the task of helping out locally.
Aug 2020
3:48pm, 18 Aug 2020
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Where "essentially cancelling" means deferring, yes?
Aug 2020
3:58pm, 18 Aug 2020
442 posts
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But it's not a deferral if you run a GFA standard elsewhere as you can just enter using those times for 2022 and 2023. The only thing you gain is the extra couple of minutes between the qualifying time and whatever cut-off may be placed on top of the GFA standards in whichever year.

Your not gaining anything from this process if you run a GFA time in another race in 2021 or 2022, but you have lost your place in 2021.
Aug 2020
7:28pm, 18 Aug 2020
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I have run GFA off all starts:

Green - you are pretty close to the start but have c250 celebs to overtake, many of whom walk in a line and block you. Road can be quite narrow I think. Fine after about half a mile when you merge with blue

Blue - further from the start and behind elites and champs, but all ahead of you are good runners, its just congested

Ref FGFA - if you are sharp you are near the front, but if not dont worry, you all go at same pace anyway an you are ahead of the main red.

Given the choice I would go for red
Aug 2020
7:56am, 19 Aug 2020
237 posts
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Red GFA is also I think a great start although there is that slight down and up after a mile and a half

Green is so narrow and small but is probably more relaxed and fun before start

Blue feels like the "proper" start in some ways

I would take Red as well
Aug 2020
6:25pm, 19 Aug 2020
735 posts
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I ran GFA of the blue start last year. Not all were speedy around me. In fact I chatted to a lady before the start who admitted to putting down a faster time to get a better start pen so I’m pretty sure the regular blue entries were mixed with ballot/club blue runners? Never had a problem with crowding when I’ve gone offgreen GFA but was awful crowding in 2019 off blue start.
Aug 2020
6:26pm, 19 Aug 2020
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The older you are the bigger impact a further years deferral is likely to affect you. Sounds like a good plan Spiedog.
Aug 2020
7:07pm, 19 Aug 2020
737 posts
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In marked contrast to VLM‘a shabby treatment of GFA runners Bath half are offering free places in their event for GFA club runners!
Aug 2020
7:16pm, 19 Aug 2020
8,150 posts
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If anyone local enough to me would like pacing for about half (could be 2nd half!) of a virtual GFA attempt I'd potentially be happy to help. Should be able manage any sensible pace that far, maybe even 20 miles. I agree the GFA treatment is harsher than it needs to be, though there is a certain logic to it...

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Maintained by larkim
Endless discussion about will it happen, won't it happen for VMLM 2020
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