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London Marathon 2020

2 lurkers | 60 watchers
Aug 2020
7:59am, 18 Aug 2020
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Not eveyrone is in clubs where there'd be a willing volunteer to run a GFA time just for fun to help out a mate, JR. But yes, faking it like that would be an option - though again I'd have though that it would be fairly isolated cases.
Aug 2020
8:11am, 18 Aug 2020
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There should be some checks and balances as well for that kind of thing. More than I’ve runner doing sane course with identical splits. Would be unusual.
Aug 2020
8:27am, 18 Aug 2020
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Little miss happy - I get what you’re saying. But many of the people who had the link were not good for age or champ place. the faq I am referring to is also online on their homepage. So it is not limited info provided to a select few....
Aug 2020
8:35am, 18 Aug 2020
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If I have to run a time I'll be finding others locally so we can pace each other round to just under the qualifying time so will all have identical pace and splits... Just might have different distances recorded despite running the exact same route because, well GPS is a stupid way to measure a marathon for a qualifying time.
Aug 2020
9:50am, 18 Aug 2020
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Just had another email back from London Marathon in response to my mini rant about GFA places being cancelled on us:

"I understand your concern and how much time, effort and work goes into achieving a Good For Age Time.
We are currently in the process of working hard on developing a app.

Runners who take part in the virtual event can take breaks as long as it is within the 24 hours. however this would not be considered for a GFA entry.
I understand that this maybe frustrating however there is due to be an announcement on GfA in the coming weeks, this will have more detailed information on the qualification required for 2021 including details on the virtual event.
Please bear with us while we finalise this and that should then answer all the questions that you have.

Thank you for your patience and do let me know if we can help with anything further in the meantime. "

So in a few weeks we might find out what the criteria are for the solo time trial effort that we need to run on 4th October is. :(
Aug 2020
10:02am, 18 Aug 2020
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Part of me feels a bit sorry for the organisers because this isn’t something they could have predicted. The flip side is that it was pretty clear a few months ago that the rescheduled event wasn’t going to happen (despite their delays in decision making) so they’ve had plenty of time to come up with a solution.
Aug 2020
10:03am, 18 Aug 2020
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Regarding GFA that is - I think the rest of what they are offering is actually pretty good.
Aug 2020
10:21am, 18 Aug 2020
17,259 posts
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While it is frustrating, I agree with PH in that this isn't easy and they have lots to sort out and arrange.
Aug 2020
10:30am, 18 Aug 2020
436 posts
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They could eliminate a lot of the complications by just giving the people who have already earned GFA places their GFA places. Any complications around this are only caused by them cancelling our places, and then trying to find some convoluted way for us to attempt to earn them back by running with an app doesn't yet exist and that is open to inaccuracies and cheating, or if you do attempt the run legitimately then you are putting yourself at risk by trying to run a PB in a solo time trial.
Aug 2020
10:32am, 18 Aug 2020
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They're cancelling the places I think to free up space for charities; not to make money for VLM themselves, but to recognise the impact on the charities themselves. Frustrating for runners, I appreciate, but perhaps overall the correct, socially responsible thing to do?

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Maintained by larkim
Endless discussion about will it happen, won't it happen for VMLM 2020
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