London Marathon 2020
1 lurker |
60 watchers
Aug 2020
10:20am, 16 Aug 2020
11,692 posts
Eh? If you ran a time in VMLM 2019 you’re guaranteed a 2021 place aren’t you?
Aug 2020
11:07am, 16 Aug 2020
423 posts
Not if you entered using a 2018 time because it was a few minutes quicker than your 2019 time.
Aug 2020
11:12am, 16 Aug 2020
9,617 posts
Still working out if I want to run the virtual event, what are others doing? Blogged my pros and cons here fetcheveryone.com/blog/69441/2020/08#409777 but I just can’t decide. Cut off is Monday at 5pm.
Aug 2020
11:44am, 16 Aug 2020
86 posts
I find it curious that the London Marathon people who in the past have been super strict on closing dates, qualifying times, certified courses etc - are now suggesting a virtual run as a qualifying possibility!
Aug 2020
11:53am, 16 Aug 2020
424 posts
Has anyone run a track marathon of 105 laps whilst wearing a GPS? How far did it measure?
Aug 2020
12:08pm, 16 Aug 2020
705 posts
It’s so unfair. I half thought of entering the virtual one & biking it to prove a point to them but then I’m not inclined to give another £20 to an organisation that has already seems to be cheating me out of my GFA place! For those of you saying you may get in a 2022/23 race quite frankly that’s not acceptable m. For those of us in the older age groups another 2/3 years to stay at marathon fitness is quite an ask. Why should I have to do a virtual event when I have already got a qualifying time post Jan 2019! As most know I’m the worlds biggest cynic so my thought is they’ll take our £20 then announce that they’ve decided to accept VLM19 as a qualifier after people have paid their £20 for the virtual race. |
Aug 2020
12:19pm, 16 Aug 2020
3,129 posts
Little Miss Happy
Can you apply for one of the GFA places for next year using your later qualifying time? Haven't read your blog yet chunky but I have decided to do the virtual run purely because I want a 40th anniversary medal and t-shirt. |
Aug 2020
12:31pm, 16 Aug 2020
17,228 posts
I keep changing my mind on the virtual event and still dont know. I did 19 miles this morning just in case. I do think those of you with pre 1/1/19 GFA and also a post 1/1/19 time will be OK but I can understand the angst while you wait. I also feel for VLM who need to come up with a solution which is bound to have some people who feel its not the best for them |
Aug 2020
12:43pm, 16 Aug 2020
3,131 posts
Little Miss Happy
Have read your blog now chunky. Unless I'm running in a race that day anyway I don't intend to race on the 4th October. I shall make it more of a social event in some way - getting my OH and a friend to do an aid station on a looped course or spend some time riding on a bike with me or getting in touch with some other local runners intending to do it and seeing if I can get them and their families/friends involved somehow.
Aug 2020
1:44pm, 16 Aug 2020
3,696 posts
CW I have just entered the virtual, as a birthday present to myself (48 today and yes, I know I don't look it). 2 running club mates who also had places are doing it too and we'll run/walk it together. None of us have run more than 13 miles since March. What fun!
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