Jun 2020
10:25am, 22 Jun 2020
13,829 posts
Jun 2020
10:27am, 22 Jun 2020
34,524 posts
♪♫ Synge ♪♫
Is that on a pre-defined course, Doc?
Jun 2020
11:08am, 22 Jun 2020
16,706 posts
on the MK marathon curse Synge - you have 2 weeks to turn up and run it whenever you want. I wonder what will happen when "everyone" turns up when the event was supposed to be held?
Jun 2020
11:13am, 22 Jun 2020
34,527 posts
♪♫ Synge ♪♫
I imagine there will be groups eg club members or friends who will decide to turn up and run it together. I don’t know how many entrants there are, or entrants who would be interested in doing this, but there will some gaggles of runners out there for sure.
Is it all off public roads?
Jun 2020
11:59am, 22 Jun 2020
1,693 posts
I can't see London doing that, if the actual race can't happen they won't want people coming in via public transport to do the course and it's not the safest of courses to run when closed...some narrow bits of footpath which would be congested under normal conditions (Tower Bridge...maybe less so with no tourism)
I also think there'd be a debate to be had about risk appetite extending to encouraging people to run with no support, medics etc. London attracts so many first timers. I reckon there'll be some sort of virtual event but on reflection not sure that they'd go as far as encouraging people for a full virtual marathon.
Jun 2020
12:01pm, 22 Jun 2020
16,708 posts
It looks like a different route to the usual marathon route - just had a look out of interest as MK is less than an hour from here. Mainly around the lakes and on the traffic-free "redways".
Jun 2020
1:10pm, 22 Jun 2020
2,815 posts
Little Miss Happy
That's not a race.
Jun 2020
1:46pm, 22 Jun 2020
16,710 posts
It's not a race - but you are using their timing system not your Garmin and a group could race it together if they wanted - I assume. But a normal marathon it is not.
Jun 2020
1:49pm, 22 Jun 2020
7,659 posts
Since it's all on GPS if they thought there was a risk of big groups they could threaten to disqualify people running together.
Jun 2020
2:06pm, 22 Jun 2020
11,321 posts
I bet they're looking forward to all the calls from people whose phones lost signal / missed checkpoints / died part way through / app crashed etc etc.
It's a variation on the virtual theme, something worth a try I suppose. But it isn't a race, as LMH says, it's a participation thing.