Nov 2010
9:47pm, 4 Nov 2010
50 posts
thanks himaldweller - ive entered for the 50 miler, first part of training is to get my speed down and the mileage up- i will try to run 100+ a month for next couple of months and then increase again in new year.... i was thinking that my knee was my weak point but having read some of the blogs on the forum it sounds like negative thoughts should be my biggest concern.
Nov 2010
5:53pm, 9 Nov 2010
7,922 posts
Fenland Runner
Why from the comfort of a warm home does the 100 seem such a good idea? Glad I've already entered the 50 as temptation strong!
Nov 2010
7:26pm, 9 Nov 2010
7,928 posts
Fenland Runner
Just a gentle reminder if you're interested in this event, already 300 of the 800 places have been taken. Sign up so not disappointed.
Nov 2010
10:01pm, 9 Nov 2010
1,548 posts
done alreday FR, have a proper go at the 100 this time
Nov 2010
10:12am, 10 Nov 2010
7,936 posts
Fenland Runner
I did notice your name on the list, as well as a certain couple in the mixed category
Nov 2010
10:37am, 10 Nov 2010
283 posts
My transfer from the 2010 Lakeland 50 has now gone through so I am officially in the 50 next year :-). Also signed up for the reccie weekend on the 25th/26th June; hopefully I'll get to meet some more Fetchies out there then. I really can't wait for this race...I need to calm down a bit, it's a long way away yet!
Nov 2010
7:20am, 19 Nov 2010
8,058 posts
Fenland Runner
Appropriate training? After reading the latest newsletter and #2 training advice I'm really wondering how I got round as my training was completely inappropriate. Perhaps its time to devise a training plan?
Nov 2010
9:55am, 23 Nov 2010
294 posts
Hmmm. Might have to think about including some hills in the training. This doesn't sound very's probably not a PB course.
Nov 2010
12:51pm, 24 Nov 2010
8,135 posts
Fenland Runner
Looking for some Raidlight poles, anybody know a good place on t'net to buy them? Cheapest so far is between £79.99 and £85.
Nov 2010
1:10pm, 24 Nov 2010
1,563 posts
FR I would not worry about poles as you were pretty quick last time without them and the fastest ppl did not use them.
There are so many differing training methods, what works for each of us is the right one.