In Case of Emergency (I.C.E.) Card - contents

5 watchers
Apr 2017
9:22pm, 24 Apr 2017
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Oh & before I forget, after my accident someone linked to a garmin IQ app that can be installed on compatible watches like the 235

It stores ICE info and can't hurt to have it however discovering it requires someone knowing where to look in the garmin menus - so perhaps only good during a race where a small percent might know how to use a Garmin.

That said though, I used to keep details on my phone lock screen and in my recent accident both garmin and phone survived but took cosmetic damage so probably another vote for a durable ICE card tag
Apr 2017
9:26pm, 24 Apr 2017
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@daisyjess Thanks. I have heard from a few people that blood group is not important as they always test before transfusing (safety check if you will). Thats not to discount it though - all information is useful

The suggestion on heart conditions is very good in my (non medical) opinion. I have althletes heart which I am sure a large percent of runners cyclists also have. Sometimes my low heart rate causes alarm when I am in normal range
Apr 2017
10:00pm, 24 Apr 2017
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I have the low HR on my ID Kieran my neurologist told me if could be important.

And yes I'm still recovering a year on. It's hard going sometimes but you adapt in time.

Hope things goes well for you.
Apr 2017
7:57am, 26 Apr 2017
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Another vote for Tagnix, mentioned by Mandymoo a while ago. UK based, independent, reasonable prices, personal service I've got my name, DOB, emergency contact, allergies, major medical conditions and blood group on my tags

Another one to consider is a charity Medicalert

That requires an annual subscription but they have access to your up-to-date medical records which is useful if your medical information sometimes changes (e.f., medication, condition alters etc).
Apr 2017
8:04am, 26 Apr 2017
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I take it you know about medical ID through the emergency screen on iPhone? You can enter basic details on it - I have the fact I have an implantable defibrillator beneath my left collar bone and what drugs I take.

I do need to look at getting road Id or something as I'm back to running on my own. I take a phone but if I was to have an arrhythmia again or was to receive a shock it would be bugger all use to me!
Apr 2017
8:11am, 26 Apr 2017
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I tend to carry my parkrun barcode with me as it has my name and ICE details on it, I think you can put medical details on it too. I have the small plastic ones.
Apr 2017
8:42am, 26 Apr 2017
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I've had a Road id for a few years.

Kieran the QR reader is just an app that uses the camera on the phone you can get the app of the google play store.
Apr 2017
10:34am, 26 Apr 2017
3,298 posts
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I wear my parkrun wristband when I go out running by myself. Apart from my name it has ICE name and number and my drug allergies on it.
Apr 2017
10:55am, 26 Apr 2017
25,845 posts
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macca 53
I wear my Parkrun wristband too, ICE, medical conditions are on there

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About This Thread

Maintained by Kieren
I don't carry an ICE card which is something I intend to do in the future.

I was wondering what ...

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