Sep 2007
10:02pm, 6 Sep 2007
9,905 posts
Well done everyone.
My session was 2 repetitions of:
4x400 metres with 1 minutes jog recovery.
2x 800 metres with 2 minutes jog recovery.
Off road on grass/trail. I didn't wear the HRM but I was close to puking at the end of each rep which I reckon is definitely over 85%WHR.
Sep 2007
10:18pm, 6 Sep 2007
92 posts
Ouch. I hate those kinds of sessions. We had minute reps at club on Tuesday and I'm still aching!
Well done though! 8¬)
Sep 2007
10:21pm, 6 Sep 2007
9,907 posts
Cheers, my calves have tightened up somewhat. I'll be sleeping in flight socks tonight.
Sep 2007
2:22pm, 7 Sep 2007
1,562 posts
6 mile recovery run from work so was flatter than runs from home.
Av HR was 70% ooops, found it hard to keep HR down because it was really warm, av pace 10.04/mile
Sep 2007
2:43pm, 7 Sep 2007
2,231 posts
4.5 M recovery run to:
a) see how iill I am (not too bad it seems), b) try out new shoes (jury still out) c) get rid of hangover once and for all
AHR = 64% /143bpm , Avg pace 10:48, nice and slow. Couldn't have gone any faster.
Sep 2007
12:30pm, 8 Sep 2007
1,566 posts
WGT, def and 85% run cos you were doing 85% on the hard bits. If you were doing intervals then the bits that matter are the fast bits, they are the bits that need to get up to 85% , the WU , CD and bits inbetween dont need to be above 85%. so it looks like a interval session to me.
make sure tommorrow is either rest or less than 70%
Sep 2007
12:38pm, 8 Sep 2007
1,567 posts
this week is my cutback week so once again having a dilemma about how much to cutback on my LR tommorrow and what pace to go at. Last 3 weeks have been 18.6, 20, 20 so thinking somewhere between 10 and 15. Am thinking of doing some of it or maybe all at MP although I dont know what MP is so that could be trickly!!!
Sep 2007
1:36pm, 8 Sep 2007
1,031 posts
Back from longest LSR to date 18 miles.
lap one 10 miles avg HR 143bpm(66%) Pace 11:31/mi Lap Two 8 miles Avg hr 152(72%) Pace 11:54/mi
Did drift upwards during last mile or 2 as usual, so not too bothered, the overall avg was 146(68%) although not a true sub 70% very happy with that as I did try to keep below 75% for the second lap, which got very hard towards the end. Right ankle and top of foot started complaining at 16 miles and got quite painful as I came in.
Hopefully I will feel better after the distance next week when I try it again.
Hellen, I would experiment with different paces,for me, my MP is around 10:30-11:30/mi( I hope!) so thats the pace I use for MP runs.
WGT, sounds like a good interval session to me.
Sep 2007
2:55pm, 8 Sep 2007
1,570 posts
well done girlie, you must be really chuffed to have done 18 miles. I remember how happy I was after I hit new territory!!! I seem to beable to do fast (for me) in intervals, 7.30/mile ish I can also do brisk as in a tempo run 8.30/mile ish LSR and recovery run 10-10.30/mile however, I have difficulty with anything inbetween 8.30 and 10!!! when I did my run on thur I decided I woudl do a tempo run, not done one for a while so jsut ran at what felt comfortably hard. I had thought that I would prob do around 9/mile, I remember the same happening a while back I set off with it in my mind that I would go at around 9/mile (which used to be the pace I trained at all the time!!) but it ended up being faster then I had to slow right down because I coudlnt keep it up!!! I think I have some gears missing inbetween but they are my MP gears so I need to sort them out!!! At the mo I think my MP is going to be about 9.40-10/mile.
Sep 2007
3:00pm, 8 Sep 2007
1,032 posts
Doesn't the gospel according to Parker say do Marathons at around 75%? if so, then that might be a good place to start? or to run at the 9:40-10:00/mi and see what HR that comes out at. I'm going to try 75% for my next one, I think I know where it will end up, but want to see for myself.
I'm well chuffed to have run such a long way and even happier to know it is only 8 more miles to full distance, so it seems more achieveable!