Apr 2008
11:11pm, 17 Apr 2008
147 posts
thanks for the cigarete lighter info. Thinking i could also try one of those solar chargers.....then again anyone seen the sun anywhere?!!
Apr 2008
9:01pm, 18 Apr 2008
1,765 posts
seen the WHAT? I no unnerstan you speakie
May 2008
10:30pm, 13 May 2008
178 posts
how do people use their garmins at training sessions? ive just joined a running club and am wondering how to use it to record the interval sessions, esp as i wont ness know exactly what we are doing week to week so cant plan the session on the garmin.
Do i just run an interval, then click stop and clear it before the next one? ending up with lots of 'runs' at the end of the session? is this the best way?
May 2008
10:32pm, 13 May 2008
17,180 posts
Use the lap function island?
Depending on what we're doing I will do that, or if we're stopping after each rep, I press stop, then lap, then start when we're off again.
May 2008
10:45pm, 13 May 2008
179 posts
We stopped between each rep so just pressiong lap will leave the time going and going wont it? so i can just press stop as we cross the line, then lap while its stopped then just start again for beginning of next rep? is that right?
May 2008
10:46pm, 13 May 2008
17,182 posts
Yep, that's exactly what I do! Take a bit of getting used to, but it all makes sense after a couple of reps
May 2008
11:46pm, 13 May 2008
8,243 posts
island, might want to lap it as well as stopping it otherwise you'll not be able distinguish between the intervals.
Or set auto-lap on stop feature one.
May 2008
3:59pm, 14 May 2008
182 posts
can you set auto lap to add a lap every time you press stop/start?
May 2008
5:16pm, 14 May 2008
8,256 posts
I was sure you could .... but now having had a look, I can't find it anywhere! Hmmm....
May 2008
8:26pm, 14 May 2008
187 posts