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For the bored - Amir’s Marathons

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Jul 2020
6:48am, 9 Jul 2020
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Some on Twitter has a theory!


Thread by @DullRunning: Coffee table runner saga. Yesterday i ran an ultra on my 25th day without food or water as it is Ramadan. Today i am a "little tired" so its…

Coffee table runner saga.

Yesterday i ran an ultra on my 25th day without food or water as it is Ramadan. Today i am a "little tired" so its just a half

Gets up.....tepidly walk jogs at about 13-14 min mile pace

Day 1-43 he suggests he runs 1/2 marathons. With the odd ultra in it.

Clips do look like someone good at tech is looping it.

Day 43 halfs in a row would floor a good athlete. Not Asif, he's just slightly tired

Day 44 titles on youtube change to 100 marathons in 100 days.....

erm 43 of them have been halfs....its on your youtube.

Even they are iffy as hell.

Day 44 is when marathons start......

His pace on camera would take much longer again

Camera keeps blurring out....very odd

Basic running.

If he carried a phone in that position for a marathon his arm would kill. Day 2 he wouldnt carry it

He is wearing cargo pants and a t shirt that would tear him apart. No mention of any cuts. Running in work socks, no blisters

Rug in perfect condition

He has blocked anybody who comments about his manual times

strava removed him from leaderboards.....as its manual bullshit

He wears about 4 watches yet as a clear non runner doesnt get that sports watches arent meant for indoors

Whilst claiming the Garmin he has started using has an indoor use he fails to realise that you need to run outside to calibrate it to you first. Its on his right hand which is doing smaller circles.

strava claims 90cm strides its 40 if generous.

In 70 marathons and ultras he has not lost weight, despite a large amount of these being fasted during ramadan

The rug remains in good condition

Despite running ultras daily.......he has maintained a social media presence that would take hours.....yammer, insta, twitter, facebook x 90 groups,.....made an error of posting in a marathon des sables group.....got told he was a fraud....

Strava....billions of groups

Facebook error 987453c letting Salford city fc big him up....he cant delete that one......he is deleting every other comment unless its pro bullshit. He is outed as a fraud on that one. Using basic maths. Very basic maths.

Despite having twins.......not a peep in the supposed non looped vids.....not even a your dinners ready shout from wifey.......its like its a 5 min loop.

have it on in the background the noise of his footprints and one floorboard creak.....its like there is a consistent pattern

So white t shirt day. Cotton shirt, we all know thats destroyed bleeding nips.....oh not for our looped hero. Not even sweating, he must have that Prince Andrew issue. In fact he never sweats....the joys of a looped clip.

Update.....so whilst working in fraud i was told to work on suspicions. 1 neing weak, 2 being theres probably something there, 3 its fraud.....this guy just explained about 6 things. His strava has 9 pages of typing excuses. All elaborate and bullshitty

Most runners have witnessed someone do 10 marathons in 10 days. Its very tough on the body.. yet here comes an unfit guy looking all Disney.

No groans or even day 50 "you got this" from wifey

No good luck cards just loops

The clever stuff is here......but there is so much more.

Claiming 100 miles in 100 days.....big lie

Claiming to have run any distance above say 5-20km per day still a bit of a push.....edpecially at that pace

Claiming to work whilst doing it.......

What type of work can you do that requires a thumb tap on a screen every lap?

The guy must write one email a day

That email would be garbage as he'd be dizzy as hell

He is good at writing emails as he never needs to delete one which needs a finger

When i first saw it i popped onto strava

First comment congratulating him was this fella........God i remember this one....at least it had some truth

Then on Strava........no runs recorded at all......all manual screenshots.

Nothing the year before.....this guy is a techie....he'd be using it

2018 Strava....he doesnt get on that his Bike in october saw him averaging over 60mph.........even when told....he doesnt get it

We have a lucozade bottle now.....its shadow remains in the same position for the duration of the clip......oh look blurry camera again......oh the sound of a drill outside is very similar times its like its looped

To be fair well done to the techie.

Day 57.....he looks fed up that he has to perpetuate a lie today. Looks like a heavy rugby top, he is asking for nipple blood! Nope seems fine.

New day, lucozade bottle not moved neither has its shadow.


Claiming 4-5 hr marathons. Anybody who runs who watches any clip can see that pace would be more a 7 plus if i was very nice to him.

His claimed manual times have sections that would get him in team GB
As he would for his 60mph cycling in 2018
Jul 2020
6:49am, 9 Jul 2020
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Jul 2020
8:52pm, 9 Jul 2020
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I've seen ths discussed on a few facebook pages now and followed him on strava for info (if you make any sort of negative comment you get blocked, can't even ask a question, so I haven't ) he's now posting Garmin "indoor running" as "proof " of his succession of marathons. He has a fan base who believe the bull too.
Jul 2020
6:30am, 10 Jul 2020
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Windsor Wool
As if, Asif.
Jul 2020
6:41am, 10 Jul 2020
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🐄 💩
Jul 2020
7:26am, 10 Jul 2020
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To be fair to the man, he is live streaming with the TV on in the background and a clock in the picture whilst he does his laps of the coffee table. No way his stride length is covering far enough for it to be marathons, but it does look reasonably like he is racking up the steps.
Jul 2020
7:59am, 10 Jul 2020
483 posts
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Yes he’s doing something but it’s funny how people have got angry at it. Hope the money goes to the right place.
Jul 2020
8:19am, 10 Jul 2020
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Paul N
I want to know how he's keeping twins quiet! There's money to be made if he sells that secret!
Jul 2020
4:48pm, 11 Jul 2020
13,293 posts
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How very odd!!!
Jul 2020
12:19pm, 13 Jul 2020
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Windsor Wool
I saw that he ran his last marathon outside in order to prove the doubters wrong. The issue was that he didn't just let the activity sync with strava he copied in some screen shots from Garmin Connect and added a manual entry along with some other pictures.

I think he was a bit disappointed that the marathon took a long time (6 hours) but apparently there were a lot of roads to cross. He found it easy though, thanks to all the training he's been doing.

Anyway, in most most polite way I suggested that next time he ran an outdoor marathon that he simply let the activity sync straight on to strava and that if he really wanted to prove the doubters wrong he could still do it for this outdoor marathon.

It took him less than 1 minute to block me. Maybe that's what he does on his phone when he's running round the lounge - blocks despicable trolls like me?

About This Thread

Maintained by 2triornot2tri
Some on Twitter has a theory!


Thread by @DullRunning: Coffee tab...

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