May 2008
10:47am, 8 May 2008
1,073 posts
Sounds like a good plan Gordon - I'm sure there'll be enough for a race.
anne/Diva - I'm doing the Three Chimneys as well if I can get out of work - at least the 1 mile and the 3k as I missed those last year.
May 2008
10:59am, 8 May 2008
3,113 posts
DIY Diva
Ooh, it is rapidly turning into a fetchhugmeet. Steve X will no doubt be there and hopefully Mrs.BooLaBoy
May 2008
11:50am, 8 May 2008
12,403 posts
Mrs Who??
May 2008
3:59pm, 8 May 2008
3,084 posts
What time is the booking for at ladywell? Anne said a few posts ago that its from 12-2pm. But the info on the thread description says 11am. Which one please?
May 2008
4:06pm, 8 May 2008
1,075 posts
It's from 12-2 oceanspirit, although their diary page was blank so I'm sure you could go in if you're early. Blister will be warming up from 9am anyway
Mikuro - are you threadmistress? Could you update the info in the description pls ta
May 2008
4:21pm, 8 May 2008
3,191 posts
Ther will be a challenge on that day ... me against blister for a sub 5 mile!!! unless he is already scared???
May 2008
4:24pm, 8 May 2008
3,089 posts
thank you abdou
May 2008
4:26pm, 8 May 2008
6,106 posts
Mrs BooBoo LaBoy
Er Diva - are you planning my races now?!
May 2008
4:29pm, 8 May 2008
1,076 posts
Nice one contro RWC's giving it a crack as well, maybe BB too. And *coughs* me. Any other takers?
May 2008
4:30pm, 8 May 2008
592 posts
Watch out BooBoo, she'll be planning your finish times too soon.