Advanced Marathoning by P&D Any tried the schedules?
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86 watchers
Nov 2008
1:35pm, 6 Nov 2008
15,630 posts
BRubble, you talk of two longs in a week as if it's a bad thing ![]() My times are starting to get near to how they should compare to each other now I think. Just need to get quicker on marathon. |
Nov 2008
1:45pm, 6 Nov 2008
10,339 posts
P&D is *based* on the idea of a long run and two medium long runs in a week! You can jiggle the sessions and start days of weeks etc to allow for a race easily enough. |
Nov 2008
3:30pm, 6 Nov 2008
960 posts
I've used a half in place of one of the 15k races, and did a bit of shuffling due to race being on Sunday. It works out fine. So far I've done zero running in week 1 of my 24 week schedule! Not so good. Life seems to have taken over at the minute. I'm hoping to get back on it by next week. Maybe the week off will do my good ![]() |
Nov 2008
4:00pm, 6 Nov 2008
626 posts
Only just seen this thread, too much to read back through. I followed the RW 16 week schedule with success for the New York marathon, does anyone know how this differs from that? I was thinking of following the RW one again for my next attempt, but if this is seen to be better I might give it a whirl.
Nov 2008
4:21pm, 6 Nov 2008
630 posts
Also, according to Waterstones there's a new edition out early January, would I be better off waiting for that?
Nov 2008
4:31pm, 6 Nov 2008
252 posts
Moscow > The two are different, but this book isn't just a schedule. It provides much more context with the schedules so you actually know why you're training the way you are. RW schedules are good as a base, but don't offer much in terms of flexibility. By understanding the different physiological requirements of training, you'll be much better equipped to tailor your schedule for your own needs. Schedules are not ideal for everyone, P&D actually say that the intention is that schedules are tailored to the individual. I'd suggest you wait for the new edition. |
Nov 2008
4:37pm, 6 Nov 2008
631 posts
Thanks. It's not actually out until 31st Jan and I'm still debating whether to run London, so I may as well buy the current one in case london's a goer. I can always then update it. The RW one was definitely not flexible and was fairly difficult to fit in at times, so this will hopefully give me the flexibility I need with a young family. Cheers |
Nov 2008
7:45am, 7 Nov 2008
569 posts
B Rubble
Ian, 2 long runs (17 mile+) in a week is not so good for me. I'm OK with 2 med/long runs (11-15 miles) and a long one but get very tired if I push the mileage too much. I have decided to increase the quality of my long runs rather than banging out more miles as this seems to suit me better. Hence as Stephen & Davie very wisely say, tailor the running to your own abilities and requirements. MF, I'm sure you won't go too badly wrong with buying the first edition but if, in the meantime you just want the "basics", see the following article: http://runningtimes.com/Article.aspx?ArticleID=4432&PageNum=&CategoryID= |
Nov 2008
8:42am, 7 Nov 2008
4,552 posts
I would also only do 1 long run in a week. However, I did recenlty do 2 in a calender week. I did a 19 mile off road event on a sunday then a 30 mile ultra (my first ultra) on the following Saturday. So although only one a week in my diary, if me week started on a sunday then that would be 2! I had no ill effects from it but then I did take both runs very steadily
Nov 2008
8:59am, 7 Nov 2008
10,345 posts
If you do enough volume, the need for long runs is not quite as pressing - you still need to do them but your body will be better at glycogen management through the high volume and the long runs won't be quite as important. Take a look at this bunnhill.com It's the training log of George Malley, who holds a number of US records and ran 2:12 in the 1985. If you look at his training he is doing 100+MPW with fewer long 20+ mile runs than many people doing far less per week run! This doesn't prove anything alone but it does suggest that thinking about what works for you is the way to go, plus long runs *shouldn't* get over emphasized if it leads to the detriment of other sessions. |
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