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Advanced Marathoning by P&D Any tried the schedules?

86 watchers
Apr 2008
10:54am, 15 Apr 2008
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have you fallen out with hal homer?
Apr 2008
11:06am, 15 Apr 2008
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I think so. I would still reccomend Hal but I need to move on. Hal emphasises the long steady runs and I think the variety of P&D looks good.

Next spring for my next marathon though....HM and 10k attack in the mean time
Apr 2008
5:19pm, 15 Apr 2008
191 posts
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Well done Stephen. Thats a very good time and a new pb!

Do you think you will use P&D again? Is there anything you would change?

My training seems to be going well, got this week and next week before the taper.
Apr 2008
5:26pm, 15 Apr 2008
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I like the P&D programmes, I'm using them alongside a programme that Mic has put together for me. There is still lots of steady running but it is in the first mesocycle and then the rest of the programme is about upping the lactic threshold and speed.

What I like about the P&D is the variety I find I can get to the end of a 60 mile week and not feel absolutely shot at.
Apr 2008
5:28pm, 15 Apr 2008
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Has anyone who is a bit slow used P&D? I'm wondering whether to use the up to 55 miles a week 24 week schedule for Abingdon. Whilst the mileage is absolutely fine (I can run 15 miles on a long run pretty comfortably already), I'm pretty slow - 10mm is fastish for me. I can't see any reason why it wouldn't work assuming I ran at the right paces, but just wondered if anyone else had tried it?
Apr 2008
5:39pm, 15 Apr 2008
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There's definitely alot of variety in P&D. This week I've got a recovery run, intervals, medium long run, a10k race or time trial and a 17 miler!

Treacle I cant see any reason not to using the P&D schedule. I use a heart rate monitor to make sure I run at the correct pace etc. I feel thats helps me alot. P&D does have alot more longer runs during the week, so it tends to be fitting them thats the biggest problem. But then Marathon training takes up alot of time whatever schedule you follow.

I've really enjoyed following it so I'd definitely recommend it.
Apr 2008
6:24pm, 15 Apr 2008
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Ian, yes I'll definitely use P&D again, although I'm not planning on running another marathon for a couple of years - I'm planning on developing my speed over half marathon.

I don't think there's much I would change. I might be tempted to actually throw in a bit more speedwork (2 sessions a week as oppose to 1). I would also change some of the long runs so that the pace progressively increased.
Apr 2008
6:28pm, 15 Apr 2008
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treacle, I am quite slow. I think using the schedules is fine but I found I didnt have time to do all the medium runs in the week, if I was fast I could have fitted them in. So if a midweek run was 12 miles I would prob do 10. When the midweek run was 10 or less that was OK usually depending on other things going on. The other thing I altered a bit was the LSRs, that was partly to fit in races but partly cos I think there were 3 x 17 miles on the trot with a 20 either side. I need to cut back a bit so every third week did something like 12. I more or less did the weekly milage suggested though because I snuck in an extra session of hills on the TM most weeks of a couple of miles. Will make you a buddy so you can see what I did
Apr 2008
6:37pm, 15 Apr 2008
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I ran a 7 minute PB in 3:04. Missed my sub-3 goal due to cramping in the last few miles. Probably brought on by being pretty ill for the 5 days before the marathon (laid up in bed the day before) - check my blog for more sordid details). I'll definitely use the schedule again. Better structured than the RW plans. I will change some things though. Add in more progressive long runs and more hill work. I need to strengthen my legs a bit more I think. The speedwork in there is more than ample for marathon work I think.
Apr 2008
9:00pm, 15 Apr 2008
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Well done Matt! Another good pb!

Interesting to hear your old coach used Warrior Princess it must be more popular than I realised.

Anyone following his after marathon schedule? Im planning on using it myself as I've got a few races in June so I think this will work well with it.

Is anyone planning on using his schedules over the shorter distances or got his other book?

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