Silly Games

34 watchers
Dec 2019
2:26pm, 16 Dec 2019
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Cutlery snap. Put cutlery into bags and then each player pumps a piece out in turn. Normal, card-based "snap" rules apply from this point on.
Dec 2019
3:59pm, 16 Dec 2019
15,309 posts
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Dec 2019
4:10pm, 16 Dec 2019
First-time poster!!
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Sieveball Shootout: Basically, use a sieve to propel ping-pong balls into a spare cardboard box (or bin). Either first to 5 or 5 turns each with sudden death afterwards. Can use a wooden spoon instead of a sieve, and scrunched up paper instead of ping pong balls.
Mar 2020
7:49pm, 4 Mar 2020
22,370 posts
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Lizzie W
Bubble pop: each person has a foot square ish of bubble wrap and must pop all the bubbles - without using hands or feet.
Mar 2020
10:50pm, 9 Mar 2020
1,926 posts
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Smelly bags:

Choose about 10 smelly kitchen ingredients - thyme, desiccated coconut, cinnamon, chamomile, gravy granules, what ever. Make up at least 2 identical sets of smelly bags with a teaspoon of the ingredient (3 set if there are a lot of you and you want 3 teams). Cut squares of old material or j-cloth, number them and seal the teaspoon on smelliness into the bags with string or elastic bands. Keep a list of what is in each numbered bag.

Each team has a full set of bags and has to guess what is in them. People are not allowed to fondle the bags. They are placed on the table and should not be touched.

A challenge the first time you play, but it becomes fiendishly more difficult each time you play it if you keep all the bags together and they all take on each other's smells. We played this at Christmas 3 years in a row. Sometimes non food items like lavender can be included if you want to play dirty.
Mar 2020
10:55am, 20 Mar 2020
23,521 posts
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This might be a useful thread for self-isolators :-)
Mar 2020
1:00pm, 20 Mar 2020
5,371 posts
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
Maybe stick to the less risky ones though...

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Maintained by fetcheveryone
Share a game that you can play with common household objects. PLEASE PROVIDE RULES WHERE APPROPRIATE:-)

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