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Sun 11th Oct 2009 at 8:00am by Odeon1085

Run > Race

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Notes & Comments

Cut and paste from rw thread.
Ready for today. Had done a shit load more training for this one than FLM, still didn't put in much quality but was happy as PB'd at all distance all the way up.

Anyway, On the start line I chat to the other 2 coppers, One aiming at 2.38 (again), the other first timer 76min hm. He was going to go off anywhere between 6 and 6.15;s so thought I'd let him go.

First mile, cavalry charge downhill. I'm trotting along at 5.50 pace thinking this is easy as everyone charges past me. Another scottish bobby goes past so I'm 4th on the road but settle into my rhythm and slow down to my pace. 1st 5 miles with the half mara runners nice and steady.
1) 6.14 (Slowed down enough)
Perfect. Certainly noticed I was working harder than FLM this year and not has comfortable, but breathing still wellin control. The field splits at this point and we are on our own. Guy comes past me looking really strong. Think, "I don't want to run on my own for the next 20 miles. Do I latch on or let him go through. Fuck it, I'm going with him. Uphill mile at 8 and then mile 9 he is running 5.55 pace so... I let him go and steady down. Hit 10m in 62.35
10- 6.13

So about this time, other runners appear on the road up ahead. Not working together and I put in a bit of effort in the last mile to catch up strong man and the other guys. I then notice strong man is breathing a bit hard and slowing so not so strong and move to share the work and up it back up. He drops back, as do the others and I continue on alone. I can see one guy up ahead in the distance. Hit hw in 1.21.45 against a 1.22 tergat and still feeling ok. The wind was a headwind at this point and I have a rough patch between 13 + 15> Go to the mental bank and make a withdrawal. STart thinking about the fred, the early morning turbo's, coro's gutsy performance and up till mile 15 I start feeling better. Bit early for this but what the hell.
11- 6.09
12- 6.10
13- 6.15
14- 6.31 (Longish mile I think, but just forget about it as garmin was saying 6.15;s)
15- 6.06

Just at the end of mile 15, I caught the runner in front. Someone shouted top 10 and I thought if we can work together then great. As I reach his shoulder, he stops with cramp and I think F*ck! Can't imagine what he was thinking. Still, quickest mile so far and know that I've been running. As I round the next bend, I see about a mile in front of me along a straight road. Not a soul in sight This is going to be an 11m time trial then. Work hard over the next few miles, knowing my gf and friends are at 18 ish. keep watching the pace and sticking to target. Pick up another luco at 19, and go through 20 in 2.04.45. Happy as I know I'm still on track, but it is hurting a bit..

17- 6.10
18- 6.12
19- 6.13
20- 6.13

Next mile and re-join the hm course. I know DO2 is somewhere up the road, and he has a luco. At this point having taken water on at most points and 1 1/2 luco's I couldn't think off anything worse. Mile 21 hurt, hurt a lot.

21- 6.22
Slowest off the race and I'm not feeling too good. Re-visit the bank but I just want the legs to turn over. Keep it in the 6.20's as I know I have a bit of time there and then I meet DO2. He trots up beside me. I decline the luco and offers to run with me which I accept. We continue on but I know i;m slowing. We run a couple of miles together
22- 6.30
23- 6.36
At this point I'm still on course so I try and speed up and drop it to 6.20's. This lasts until over one of the switchback bridges and I'm on my own.

24- 6.33
FAirplay to DO2. He must have run 20 today supporting Gf and I, just abo will be ok. Think of it as progressive

Then, I get a stitch ffs during mile 25. I slow down and end up dropping to over 7's. Thought about walking but carried on as best I could. Knowing that the last uphill mile was coming
25- 7.09
Knew it was slipping and I was toast and had been for a while. The last uphill mile was difficult as you were running where people were walking but I just got on with it.

26- 7.00

Turned the corner at the top of the rise and ran along and down the finisihing straight. Was nice to be on my own and picked it back up to 6.12 pace for the end. Looking at the clock I knew it was going to say 2.46.

Final scores 2.46.25, pb by over 2 mins. Was a bit numb when I finished. NOt distressed at all and as I walked along one of the job girls shouted did you do it? No, 2.46. Nevermind. Yep.

And that's about it really. On reflection, I gave everything I could, and had some great texts/emails from many on here so thank you. I am pleased that at 21 or even 23, I'd given it a shout and was still there. I'm chuffed with the end result and now, the ironman beckons...
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