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Sun 2nd Feb 2025 at 11:04am by HappyG(rrr)

Run > Race

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  • Min/mi
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  • WAVA
  • Stride(cm)
  • Cals
  • Cadence
  • BPM
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  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Hillscore
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

Well that was fun, but hard. Knew I wasn't going to be quick but wanted under 2 hours, so below 9 min per mile really. Started at around the right pace, some great chat with fellow runners, one lady doing ultras (which introduced two ladies doing same ultra to speak to each other, so I went forward after they started chatting!) Saw Lesley R, Neil McR, Donna P all from various ultras. When I thought I was moving better, I looked at my watch and saw that I was on 8.55 sort of pace and realised this was going to be a hard effort but not a good time. Oh well, all good training! Love all the different terrain, different challenges. The muddy farm tracks were hardest, and the soggy soft section round the landfill, but there's no big puddle any more. It as about 5C, so not too cold and no ice. Rain stayed away, and the rising wind was actually mostly at back after getting up the hill. Ran all the hill, when others around me were walking. Though I wasn't going much quicker than them, I prefer to run. It's why I'm rubbish at ultras! Obviously enjoyed the downhill and was overtaking people, but again, the flat last mile I couldn't really pick it up much, and was working pretty hard. Didn't feel much problem from right achilles and calf during the run. Felt it after though! Nice to get a massage, though again, not sure how much it helps. Great soup and sandwiches as always from Forfar Road Runners, nice to talk to a lady from Garioch Runners, and inspiring to watch prize giving. Nearly fell asleep on drive home. Very sore and tired. But I suppose good tired! Must have been very dehydrated as I had a headache most of the afternoon. Fell asleep by about 9pm! :-) G

1) 1mi - 8:52(8:52/mi) 149/164bpm [1322b/mi] 115cal
2) 1mi - 8:37(8:37/mi) 157/163bpm [1352b/mi] 119cal
3) 1mi - 9:21(9:21/mi) 154/167bpm [1439b/mi] 127cal
4) 1mi - 8:38(8:38/mi) 156/166bpm [1346b/mi] 118cal
5) 1mi - 9:03(9:03/mi) 158/164bpm [1430b/mi] 127cal
6) 1mi - 8:54(8:54/mi) 158/166bpm [1406b/mi] 125cal
7) 1mi - 8:13(8:13/mi) 162/167bpm [1332b/mi] 120cal
8) 1mi - 8:32(8:32/mi) 165/172bpm [1408b/mi] 130cal
9) 1mi - 8:59(8:59/mi) 164/173bpm [1474b/mi] 134cal
10) 1mi - 10:09(10:09/mi) 171/177bpm [1737b/mi] 161cal
11) 1mi - 7:51(7:51/mi) 166/176bpm [1302b/mi] 119cal
12) 1mi - 7:59(7:59/mi) 164/170bpm [1310b/mi] 118cal
13) 1mi - 7:46(7:46/mi) 172/179bpm [1335b/mi] 125cal
14) 0.12mi - 51(7:00/mi) 179/180bpm [1253b/mi] 13cal
8:52 8:37 9:21 8:38 9:03 8:54 8:13 8:32 8:59 10:09 7:51 7:59 7:46 51
Well done 👏
Well done 😀
Excellent pace, especially on stuff that's not tarmac! Look at those last 3 miles!! 🎉
Nice run, good pace at the end!


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mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Ascent mtrs Asc.
0.50 4:34 4:34 9:09 140 99-160 1280 173 162-184 6/2
1.00 8:52 4:18 8:35 157 149-164 1348 170 164-178 6/5
1.50 13:05 4:13 8:27 159 157-163 1343 174 168-186 3/2
2.00 17:28 4:22 8:45 154 148-159 1346 180 170-184 6/4
2.50 22:12 4:45 9:29 157 149-167 1489 176 162-182 16/8
3.00 26:49 4:37 9:14 151 146-157 1393 177 170-182 6/3
3.50 31:10 4:21 8:42 156 149-166 1356 171 162-186 5/10
4.00 35:27 4:17 8:34 156 149-158 1337 170 164-174 3/4
4.50 40:05 4:38 9:16 158 155-161 1463 170 164-178 7/1
5.00 44:30 4:25 8:51 158 151-164 1397 173 162-178 8/6
5.50 49:09 4:38 9:17 156 153-166 1448 172 162-178 7/8
6.00 53:24 4:15 8:31 160 157-164 1362 174 166-182 11/4
6.50 57:39 4:15 8:31 163 158-167 1388 172 166-178 2/13
7.00 1:01:37 3:58 7:56 162 158-166 1284 171 166-178 15/5
7.50 1:06:03 4:26 8:52 167 160-172 1482 170 162-178 6/11
8.00 1:10:09 4:06 8:12 163 155-171 1337 171 166-176 19/11
8.50 1:14:45 4:36 9:12 164 159-173 1508 167 156-176 11/6
9.00 1:19:09 4:24 8:47 164 159-172 1441 172 166-176 40/0
9.50 1:25:10 6:01 12:02 173 168-177 2082 168 160-174 42/1
10.00 1:29:19 4:09 8:18 167 161-176 1385 169 162-178 9/26
10.50 1:33:14 3:56 7:51 165 156-176 1296 168 162-174 3/35
11.00 1:37:08 3:54 7:48 167 163-171 1302 168 160-174 12/23
11.50 1:41:04 3:55 7:51 162 159-166 1270 169 166-174 0/37
12.00 1:45:08 4:04 8:08 166 162-169 1350 170 162-178 4/16
12.50 1:49:04 3:57 7:54 169 165-176 1334 175 170-182 5/11
13.00 1:52:53 3:48 7:37 175 169-179 1332 177 168-182 8/6
13.12 1:53:44 51 7:05 179 178-180 1269 182 178-186 1/3

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    162 avge / 180 max Delete HR Trace
  • Climb Gradient Min/mi
    97 6.6% 10:50
    19 2.7% 9:29
  • Cadence Distribution

    172 avge / 186 max Stride Length: 108cm
  • Run/Walk Breakdown

    % Cad Mi Time Min/mi
    Run 100.0 171 13.1 1:53:43 8:40
    Still 0.0 - - 1 -
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 1:45 7:03 48.71% More
    800m 3:36 7:15 56.09% More
    1km 4:35 7:23 58.01% More
    Mile 7:35 7:35 60.57% More
    5k 24:14 7:48 62.79% More
    5 miles 42:21 8:28 58.63% More
    10k 52:46 8:29 58.79% More
    10 miles 1:25:49 8:35 59.39% More
    Half 1:53:28 8:40 59.79% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 6:09 6:09 74.64
    5km 22:15 7:10 68.37
    5M 38:08 7:38 65.12
    10km 48:47 7:51 63.58
    10M 1:23:38 8:22 60.94
    Half 1:53:33 8:40 59.26
    20M 3:03:23 9:10 57.43
    Mara 4:09:01 9:30 56.57
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