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Sat 25th Mar 2023 at 9:31am by HappyG(rrr)

Run > parkrun

  • Time
  • Miles
  • Min/mi
  • Pacing
  • WAVA
  • Stride(cm)
  • Cals
  • Cadence
  • BPM
  • %MHR
  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Hillscore
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

Kirkcaldy parkrun. Well, that went quite well. Was trying for sub 20. I remember trying for 20 here for Dr K cup a few years ago and only managing 20:09, so thought this was my first sub 20 attempt here. Obviously got supershoes now. But also got 5 years older! Anyhoo, cool morning (7C, bit of drizzle, slight east wind?), but after a 1.5 mile warm up ditched the fleece, running in a t-shirt is always faster! ;-) Set off about 15th but picked up to first 10 initially, then about 7th or 8th by first lap. Was surprised. Anyway, kept it going as best as poss. Overtaken up the hill by a youngster, but trying to keep older guy ahead in sight. He was overtaking loads, so think he was doing a progressive (confirmed after, by a quick enquiry!) Second lap past duck pond went past one. Then on straight another one, including young guy again. Though he came past me up the hill again. Took another youngish guy, and older guy was still ahead. Young guy went past me up the hill again and stayed ahead on the downhill, but I kept pace with him, past one more, then into finish. I had seen 6:30 at one point and 6:13 at another, so hoped it averaged out to 6:20 for under 20. Stopped just after the line and watch said 19:59.99! Well, that's sub 20! That'll do. Pig!

Nice chat with volunteers. Andrew A was RD / ED for day, thought I'd join them for coffee (and someone said cake! ;-) ) Cool down lap cheering on many runners. I think this is OK, all seemed to be happy. Got changed into clean tshirt and fleece and walked back and cheered final finishers and tail walkers in. The wee drive to golf club (could have walked it transpired, was just behind the park!) Got a coffee, and a brownie. Nice location. Felt a bit underdressed and muddy shoes (tried to scrape worst off before entering). Then rest of runners came in (noticed after that some took their trainers off at entrance!) Great to chat to Lawrence and Irene Pitreavie AC and parkrun tourists and Andrew and wife Caron and generally, nice to have a bit of social. Was told 19.55. Ah, the benefits of being in the in crowd! ;-) Back home, some brunch and off to mum's for the pm.

Turned out it wasn't the first sub 20 in Fife that I had thought, as I had done 19.40 here as a progressive, speeding up back in 2017 (reasonably well trained for that Chester marathon, the last sub 3:15). Oh well, still got what I want. No point comparing with old me. And RD said course is now 70m longer (and right enough it came up 3.13 and old one was 3.08). It's a decent marker of where I am, even with super shoes! (Oh, ad 75.x % WAVA, better than Mr 4th who was 1st MV50-54 but must have been younger!)

Then for the latest first - planted some spuds in the raised bed. 30 mins turning over soil and pulling out weeds. Found half dozen spuds in there from 1 or 2 years ago. Can you eat them? Well I just did. Who knows if it will do me a mischief?!

Long run tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Sort of! :-) G

Split Summary
1) 1mi - 6:40(6:40/mi) 165/181bpm [1101b/mi] 104cal
2) 1mi - 6:14(6:14/mi) 175/179bpm [1091b/mi] 106cal
3) 1mi - 6:24(6:24/mi) 180/185bpm [1153b/mi] 109cal
4) 0.13mi - 41(5:08/mi) 178/181bpm [914b/mi] 11cal
6:40 6:14 6:24 41
Thanks M! Gave it my best! Marathon time in 4 weeks, eh? :-) G
Nice one!


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mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Ascent mtrs Asc.
0.13 51 51 6:45 132 117-150 891 177 116-182 2/0
0.25 1:38 48 6:21 157 151-164 997 181 178-184 1/1
0.38 2:27 49 6:30 165 164-167 1071 181 178-184 2/0
0.50 3:17 50 6:37 165 164-168 1091 179 176-182 4/0
0.63 4:08 52 6:53 171 168-173 1178 180 176-182 2/0
0.75 5:02 54 7:12 172 169-176 1238 181 178-184 9/0
0.88 5:54 52 6:58 179 177-181 1247 180 176-184 7/1
1.00 6:39 45 6:00 179 176-181 1075 176 170-180 0/11
1.13 7:24 44 5:53 175 171-177 1030 178 176-182 0/7
1.25 8:10 47 6:12 172 170-173 1068 180 176-182 1/3
1.38 8:57 47 6:15 173 171-176 1082 180 178-182 0/3
1.50 9:47 50 6:42 176 172-178 1179 180 176-182 3/3
1.63 10:34 47 6:13 176 174-179 1095 183 178-184 3/0
1.75 11:21 47 6:18 176 174-179 1109 181 178-184 1/2
1.88 12:09 47 6:19 176 173-178 1112 181 178-184 3/1
2.00 12:54 45 6:00 176 172-178 1055 180 176-182 0/3
2.13 13:40 47 6:14 176 174-178 1098 181 178-186 2/1
2.25 14:31 50 6:43 176 173-178 1182 180 176-184 3/0
2.38 15:20 49 6:32 182 177-185 1190 180 176-184 4/0
2.50 16:10 50 6:40 182 179-184 1214 180 178-182 2/0
2.63 17:03 53 7:07 180 178-182 1282 180 174-182 12/0
2.75 17:56 53 7:01 181 179-184 1270 180 176-184 3/3
2.88 18:39 43 5:47 181 179-182 1045 175 168-180 0/11
3.00 19:18 39 5:09 178 176-181 917 180 176-188 0/6
3.13 19:55 38 5:02 178 175-181 895 192 186-200 0/3
3.13 20:00 5 7:48 179 178-179 1398 152 152-152 0/0

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    173 avge / 185 max Delete HR Trace
  • Climb Gradient Min/mi
    26 2.2% 6:46
    24 2.2% 6:48
  • Cadence Distribution

    180 avge / 200 max Stride Length: 140cm
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 1:15 5:03 67.11% More
    800m 2:50 5:43 70.02% More
    1km 3:44 6:01 70.02% More
    Mile 6:11 6:11 72.88% More
    5k 19:46 6:22 75.73% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 5:29 5:29 82.15
    5km 19:50 6:23 75.45
    5M 34:00 6:48 71.79
    10km 43:30 7:00 70.07
    10M 1:14:34 7:27 67.14
    Half 1:41:15 7:44 65.26
    20M 2:43:31 8:11 63.22
    Mara 3:42:02 8:28 62.25
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