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Sun 24th Feb 2019 at 10:00am by lildude

Run > Race

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Notes & Comments

Wokingham Half (70th, 14th MV40)

Woke up to a perfect day for running. Switched back to my usual breakfast for today's run of bulletproof coffee and a plain omelette about 2 hours before the start.

Started the race with the goal of going sub-78 and attempted to pace it as such but I felt so good and soon found I was running quicker without much effort. Tried to holdback at least to half way and was sort-of successful. Passed halfway approximately how 20s ahead of pace.

Knowing I had a good amount of time in the bank, decided to push things a little to see what would happen. Nothing happened. I still felt pretty good and ticked over the k's at a good pace. Some at planned pace, many faster. Got to the top of the hill on the way back and saw sub-78 was easily on the card and a little push could see it getting close to 77mins.

Pushed those last few kilometers and was in the finishing straight with a few seconds to go. I pushed and watched the clock tick over 1:17:00 and backed off a bit. I didn't even think to keep pushing an aim for a PB.

As it turns out, I came thiiiiiis👌 close to a PB today: official chip time was 1:17:04, TWO seconds slower than my PB 😭

On the plus side, sub-77 should be on the cards at Fleet next month.
3:35 3:39 3:41 3:39 3:38 3:42 3:38 3:39 3:39 3:42 3:37 3:41 3:38 3:40 3:40 3:40 3:48 3:46 3:35 3:35 3:35 22


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mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Ascent mtrs Asc.
0.50 2:52 2:52 5:43 154 94-164 881 199 192-210 3/10
1.00 5:45 2:54 5:48 166 162-170 962 197 194-200 10/6
1.50 8:44 2:59 5:58 168 163-172 1001 196 192-200 7/6
2.00 11:45 3:01 6:01 168 165-172 1012 195 190-200 11/9
2.50 14:38 2:53 5:46 169 162-172 973 195 194-198 8/9
3.00 17:32 2:54 5:49 167 164-172 971 194 190-198 7/18
3.50 20:27 2:55 5:49 168 163-173 978 194 190-198 6/11
4.00 23:29 3:02 6:04 171 168-173 1038 195 192-196 14/5
4.50 26:25 2:56 5:52 171 167-173 1004 195 194-198 2/9
5.00 29:19 2:54 5:49 171 168-174 993 194 192-206 4/5
5.50 32:14 2:55 5:49 171 168-173 995 193 190-196 6/8
6.00 35:14 3:00 6:01 172 166-174 1035 192 192-194 8/3
6.50 38:09 2:55 5:50 171 168-173 998 192 190-196 2/7
7.00 41:06 2:56 5:53 171 168-174 1006 194 192-196 5/5
7.50 44:03 2:57 5:55 172 170-175 1017 194 190-196 11/7
8.00 46:58 2:55 5:49 172 169-175 1002 193 190-194 3/6
8.50 49:56 2:58 5:57 174 171-176 1035 194 190-196 6/4
9.00 52:53 2:57 5:53 174 172-176 1024 194 190-196 3/4
9.50 55:50 2:57 5:54 174 169-176 1027 192 190-194 4/6
10.00 58:48 2:58 5:56 174 173-176 1033 191 188-192 7/5
10.50 1:01:52 3:04 6:07 174 171-177 1065 190 186-194 12/7
11.00 1:04:56 3:04 6:08 176 170-177 1080 190 186-192 13/10
11.50 1:07:47 2:51 5:42 176 172-179 1004 191 190-194 10/9
12.00 1:10:43 2:56 5:53 177 174-179 1041 191 188-194 13/9
12.50 1:13:33 2:49 5:39 178 176-180 1006 191 188-194 6/8
13.00 1:16:27 2:54 5:48 178 174-183 1033 191 190-194 6/10
13.13 1:17:08 41 5:12 181 179-185 942 195 190-204 1/1

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    172 avge / 185 max Delete HR Trace
  • Climb Gradient Min/mi
    17 2.9% 6:16
  • Cadence Distribution

    193 avge / 210 max Stride Length: 142cm
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 1:20 5:20 58.07% More
    800m 2:47 5:36 63.76% More
    1km 3:28 5:35 66.83% More
    Mile 5:38 5:38 70.59% More
    5k 18:07 5:50 74.66% More
    5 miles 29:16 5:51 75.07% More
    10k 36:27 5:52 75.18% More
    10 miles 58:45 5:52 76.98% More
    Half 1:16:54 5:52 77.75% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 5:12 5:12 76.56
    5km 17:02 5:29 79.44
    5M 28:02 5:36 78.36
    10km 35:12 5:40 77.83
    10M 57:56 5:48 78.06
    Half 1:16:53 5:52 77.18
    20M 1:59:46 5:59 78.50
    Mara 2:38:55 6:04 78.89
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