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ZSL Whipsnade 10K

Sun June 1 2008
Listed by Ruggy
Entrants (24)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
38:51 40:42 40:42 66.41
aspiring hippo
48:02 49:54 49:58 57.99
Ben B Hoping to break 37 mins.UPDATE=one of the best races I've ever done, well done all involved in setting it up,I'll be back next year for sure.
Newmarket Joggers
36:37 37:00 36:59 37:00 72.01
Beware Of The Fish
Datchet Dashers
39:13 40:55 41:29 68.72
BigChiefRunningBore Report (just for you). Zebras, Rhinos and Club Runners were on display here. A 3 lapper on a gently undulating road. Top organisation, top venue. A race of two halfs. First 5 km in 20.04 second in a poxy 22.05, after an attack of CBA after team mate (and IanM) started skipping off as my glutes screamed that they had done enough and that they wanted to look at the Lemurs. Actually was a stronger run than expected. Would have been a better time too if I hadn't jogged to the line - Mr CBA having made a great case for not sprinting. Best moment of the day was turning around to see Poppysox smash her PB having been paced around by WJ's top blonde Speed Bump ( Bump by name Bumping by nature)  sooo pleased :-) :-) hope to return next year and get a coaster.
Watford Joggers, Fitstuff Run Club
39:52 41:09 42:25 42:09 65.00
Daz M
Bedford Harriers AC
41:55 51:14 52:04 52.25
39:47 45:32 46:00 45:32 58.32
GrahH Hopefully its flatter (and hence faster?) than my last 10k so maybe a smidge quicker than my last outing..Phew I'm in - number 646 out of an entry of 650. AFTER. Well its not REALLY flat is it! Better time than predicted but no PB this time!
Harpenden Arrows
44:50 47:02 49:30 49:13 60.88
58:49 59:54 1:00:00 59:54 48.03
100 Marathon Club
45:43 49:18 52:48 50.46
North Derbyshire RC
48:46 48:46 55:30 53.01
jangles Garmin time PB by 1 second - Met a few Fetchies pre-race :) Went off a bit quick and suffered for it in the last 2k.  Pulled something in my thigh but managed to limp round the zoo and see a couple of Rhinos and Elephants before heading home.  Next year I think I'll enter the bratling in the fun run.
Redway Runners
51:32 51:32 51:32 58.77
poppysox Hoping to set a PB at this race.  Heard it is a flat course, which is not going to suit me, but I will give that PB a go anyway! UPDATE:  A new PB thanks to some brilliant pacing from speed bump.  V pleased!  Great course too and very welll organised.  Managed to miss most of the animals though!
Watford Joggers
42:48 42:48 43:59 42:48 67.45
Road Runner 1
Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers RC
36:11 39:29 40:00 39:29 72.20
Runner Martin Great event
Redway Runners
44:17 48:44 49:59 49:15 60.32
Dunstable RRC
45:19 46:17 46:17 63.57
sleepylion Not done a 10K race for a year - been focussed on half-maras. After my first marathon last month (Shakespeare), I want a shorter challenge. Excellent race from all angles - organisation, flat course, lovely scenery, very nice medal at the end.
47:41 47:41 48:00 47:41 57.46
sparky76 Enjoyed the race & well organised.  I was pleased with my time & to knock 14 minutes of my previous year's 10K was a good feeling.
Dunstable Lions RC
39:26 51:36 1:00:00 51:36 51.24
Dunstable RRC, Boxfit Tri Club
42:31 45:45 45:45 62.82
starfleet1985 Hopng to bea ast year

3x laps of the main road going round the park. Lovely view of Dunstable downs and wih animals around. Well organised and well marshalled. Good attendance. Ideal weather for running, grey overcast and a tad cold. Fast and steady pace all the way.
48:57 48:57 53:57 48:57
Watford Joggers
46:50 46:50 46:50 58.08
43:03 43:03 46:00 43:30 61.79
Tuff Fitty Triathlon Club
42:12 43:13 48:00 44:27 63.62
Will Crash Just got the go ahead to race with my sons in their double buggy......marvellous !!

Absolutely fabulous great event and great support. TOP NOTCH.
41:36 41:36 51:00 49:59 53.52

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